Understand Abstraction and Interface

Foreword 抽象和接口是Java中的两个关键字,也是两种最基本的优化软件项目手段。为什么说它们是一种优化项目的手段? 人分三六九等,不同等级的人,所接触的事和处理的事是不一样的。同理,项目也分大项目和中项目和小项目,大、中、小项目所承载的目标也是不一样的。 先说小项目,如果你使用Java只是写

机器学习策略篇:详解理解人的表现(Understanding human-level performance)

理解人的表现 人类水平表现这个词在论文里经常随意使用,但现在告诉这个词更准确的定义,特别是使用人类水平表现这个词的定义,可以帮助推动机器学习项目的进展。还记得上个博客中,用过这个词“人类水平错误率”用来估计贝叶斯误差,那就是理论最低的错误率,任何函数不管是现在还是将来,能够到达的最低值。先记住这点,

[转帖]Cheat sheet: understanding the pmap(1) output

https://www.labcorner.de/cheat-sheet-understanding-the-pmap1-output/ pmap(1) can be used to list the individual address areas which are mapped into a

[转帖]【翻译】理解 TCP/IP 网络栈

https://cizixs.com/2017/07/27/understand-tcp-ip-network-stack/ TL;DR [TOC] 译者注:很久没有翻译文章了,最近在网络看到这篇介绍网络栈的文章非常详细,正好最近在看这方面的内容,索性翻译过来。因为很多文章比较长,而且很多内容比较专

[转帖]Diagnosing latency issues

Finding the causes of slow responses This document will help you understand what the problem could be if you are experiencing latency problems with Re

[转帖]Latent Sector Errors, Disk Failure, and RAID Failure (part 1)

本文来自三篇关于磁盘错误的论文: Understanding Latent Sector Errors and How to Protect Against Them, FAST 2010 Disk failures in the real world: What does an MTTF of 1

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人们害怕他们不理解的东西。 People are afraid of what they don't understand.

【Azure Cloud Service】Cloud Service(Classic) 迁移失败,找不到解决方案怎么办?

… The Cloud Service, is not in a virtual network, and thus, it cannot be migrated, it is important to understand that if there is no VNET on the current Cloud Service, it is not possible to migrate it

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