[转帖]Linux tracing/profiling 基础:符号表、调用栈、perf/bpftrace 示例等(2022)

http://arthurchiao.art/blog/linux-tracing-basis-zh/ 1 引言 1.1 热点与调用栈分析(perf record/report/script) 1.2 符号(symbols) 1.3 小结 2 极简程序 hello-world:探究符号 2.1 C


https://github.com/jvm-profiling-tools/perf-map-agent A java agent to generate /tmp/perf-.map files for just-in-time(JIT)-compiled methods for us


https://github.com/jvm-profiling-tools/async-profiler This project is a low overhead sampling profiler for Java that does not suffer from Safepoint bi

[转帖]SystemTap Beginners Guide -profiling

Next ⁠5.3. Profiling The following sections showcase scripts that profile kernel activity by monitoring function calls. ⁠5.3.1. Counting Function Call

[转帖]Redis CPU profiling

https://redis.io/docs/management/optimization/cpu-profiling/ Performance engineering guide for on-CPU profiling and tracing Filling the performance ch


https://github.com/landon30/Bulls/wiki/java-profiling-tools landon 网络游戏资深服务器架构师 2018-06-14 线上遇到了问题? 服务上线出问题,想增加打印日志怎么办? 线上怀疑某个接口慢,想打印接口耗时怎么办? 线上某个接口报错


https://www.jianshu.com/p/344f8141b63e Java Profiling Practice landon资深网络游戏服务器架构师 系统性能定义 Throughput 吞吐量,也就是每秒钟可以处理的请求数,任务数 Latency 系统延迟,也就是系统在处理一个请求或一

[转帖]【技术剖析】11. 使用jemalloc解决JVM内存泄露问题

https://bbs.huaweicloud.com/forum/thread-169523-1-1.html 作者:王坤 > 编者按:JVM 发生内存泄漏,如何能快速定位到内存泄漏点并不容易。笔者通过使用 jemalloc(可以替换默认的 glibc 库)中的 profiling 机制(通过对程

[转帖] SystemTap Beginners Guide -network

SystemTap Beginners Guide Next ⁠Chapter 5. Useful SystemTap Scripts 5.1. Network5.1.1. Network Profiling5.1.2. Tracing Functions Called in Network Soc

[转帖]systemtap - perf - 火焰图

https://www.cnblogs.com/hixiaowei/p/15580662.html 0. 火焰图生成框架 1. Capture stacks 2. Fold stacks 3. flamegraph.pl 1. perf (13条消息) 性能分析之profiling及火焰图_巷中人的

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