【转帖】You can now run a GPT-3-level AI model on your laptop, phone, and Raspberry Pi

https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/03/you-can-now-run-a-gpt-3-level-ai-model-on-your-laptop-phone-and-raspberry-pi/ Things are moving

github-keydb 知识

https://github.com/Snapchat/KeyDB KeyDB is now a part of Snap Inc! Check out the announcement here Release v6.3.0 is here with major improvements as w

[转帖]ORA-00054:resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired

一、故障描述: 早晨接到个开发人员的问题,truncat table T_USER_LABEL表时,报错: ORA-00054:resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired,如下图。按照字面意思,是资源忙,被占用

[转帖]linux awk数据列, 存入shell数组

awk 赋值给 shell 变量的方法 result='week(now(),-1) 49';var=`echo $result|awk '{print substr($result,16,3)}'`;echo $var;SYSFILE_NAME=`echo "$CONTROL_FILE" | aw


#!/usr/bin/env bash # 常量初始化 set_runtime_vars(){ # 日期时间 Now_Date=`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` # 服务状态 Service_Status=( "服务已开启" "服务已停止" ) # 动作状态 Action_St

[转帖]Using NGINX and NGINX Plus as a Web Server

https://www.nginx.com/blog/more-fun-with-nginx-plus-health-checks-and-docker-containers/ 2019 update: NGINX has now passed Apache to become the most p

Operational Property Graphs到底是个啥?

Operational Property Graphs,中文通常译为“操作属性图”。 作为23ai中被官方highlight出的新特性之一,我们先看下官方的原文描述: Operational Property Graphs in SQL Developers can now build real-t

[转帖]Code brushes for GitHub Copilot

https://christianheilmann.com/2022/12/13/code-brushes-for-github-copilot/ Tuesday, December 13th, 2022 at 4:45 pm Github Next now showed a new feature


实时查看日志tail -f cdx-api-1.0.log 随机查询三条数据ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 3 查询创建字段时间大于30分钟的数据TIMESTAMPDIFF( MINUTE, create_time, NOW( ) ) > 30 nginx配置ssl证书http://t.


机器人到达指定位置的方法数问题 作者:Grey 原文地址: 博客园:机器人到达指定位置的方法数问题 CSDN:机器人到达指定位置的方法数问题 题目描述 链接:https://www.nowcoder.com/questionTerminal/54679e44604f44d48d1bcadb1fe6e



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