[转帖]Why Feelings of Guilt May Signal Leadership Potential

https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/why-feelings-guilt-may-signal-leadership-potential When we think of a typical leader, most of us picture a perso

[转帖]CPU Utilization is Wrong

Brendan Gregg's Blog home CPU Utilization is Wrong 09 May 2017 The metric we all use for CPU utilization is deeply misleading, and getting worse every

.Net8 AddKeyedScoped键值key注册服务异常

异常描述:This service descriptor is keyed. Your service provider may not support keyed services. 场景:.Net8 WebAPI应用程序中使用AutoFac替代了默认的DI容器 当使用键值注册服务后: build


Build Requirements Windows As of sysbench 1.0 support for native Windows builds was dropped. It may be re-introduced in later versions. Currently, the

[转帖]MySQL 8.0: When to use utf8mb3 over utf8mb4?

https://dev.mysql.com/blog-archive/mysql-8-0-when-to-use-utf8mb3-over-utf8mb4/ MySQL 8.0: When to use utf8mb3 over utf8mb4? Posted on May 19, 2017 by 


http://www.nndssk.com/xtwt/169617hFPRvq.html shell中获取时间戳的方式为:date -d “$currentTime” +%s $ date -d @1337743485671 "+%c"Sun 28 May 44361 12:41:11 PM CST


一.数据集描述 1.数据集摘要 该数据集包含与心理健康相关的问题和答案的对话对,以单一文本形式呈现。数据集是从流行的医疗博客(如WebMD、Mayo Clinic和HealthLine)、在线常见问题等来源精选而来的。所有问题和答案都经过匿名化处理,以删除任何个人身份信息(PII),并经过预处理以删

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