
第一个: 过滤guid相关的信息 egrep ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-[a-zA-Z0-9]{12}$ 第二个: 反编译代码 time for i in `find . \( -path ./var -



[转帖]tcpdump: An Incomplete Guide

tcpdump: An Incomplete Guide Published at 2018-11-28 | Last Update 2021-01-11 1 Basic options 1.1 Capture options 1.2 Output options Verbosity IP, Pro

[转帖]Quick Start Guide

Before we begin be sure to download and install confd. Select a backend confd supports the following backends: etcd consul vault environment variables

[转帖] SystemTap Beginners Guide -network

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SystemTap Beginners Guide Next ⁠5.2. Disk The following sections showcase scripts that monitor disk and I/O activity. ⁠5.2.1. Summarizing Disk Read/Wr

[转帖]SystemTap Beginners Guide -profiling

Next ⁠5.3. Profiling The following sections showcase scripts that profile kernel activity by monitoring function calls. ⁠5.3.1. Counting Function Call

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oswbba THE OSWATCHER ANALYZER USER'S GUIDE Carl DavisMay 7, 2019 To see how to use this tool and it's different features you can view a series of shor


https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/create-enrollment-token.html The elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token command creates

OPPO 后端开发 一、二面面经

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[转帖][译] Linux 系统调用权威指南(2016)

http://arthurchiao.art/blog/system-call-definitive-guide-zh/ 译者序 本文翻译自 2016 年的一篇英文博客 The Definitive Guide to Linux System Calls 。如果能看懂英文,我建议你阅读原文,或者和本

[转帖]Monitoring with Prometheus & Grafana

https://www.rabbitmq.com/prometheus.html This guide covers RabbitMQ monitoring with two popular tools: Prometheus, a monitoring toolkit; and Grafana,

[转帖][译] 简明 x86 汇编指南

http://arthurchiao.art/blog/x86-asm-guide-zh/ 译者序 Translated from CS216, University of Virginia. 一份非常好的 x86 汇编教程,国外 CS 课程所用资料,篇幅简短,逻辑清晰,合适作为入 门参考。以原理为

[转帖]HTTP Load Balancing

https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/load-balancer/http-load-balancer/ Load balance HTTP traffic across web or application server groups, with sev


https://nacos.io/zh-cn/docs/v2/guide/user/auth.html 注意 Nacos是一个内部微服务组件,需要在可信的内部网络中运行,不可暴露在公网环境,防止带来安全风险。 Nacos提供简单的鉴权实现,为防止业务错用的弱鉴权体系,不是防止恶意攻击的强鉴权体系。


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参考 https://docs.api7.ai/apisix/how-to-guide/custom-plugins/create-plugin-in-lua https://apisix.apache.org/docs/apisix/next/plugin-develop/ https://api

[转帖]Redis CPU profiling

https://redis.io/docs/management/optimization/cpu-profiling/ Performance engineering guide for on-CPU profiling and tracing Filling the performance ch


你可以在https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/sysctl/index.html 官方去看也有文档 性能调优有两个原则:遵从由上之下,木板补板的原则。 性能调优遵循由上至下的原则。 业务逻辑->缓存服务器->调度器->网络容器->中间件