【Azure K8S | AKS】在中国区AKS上遇见ImagePullBackOff时的替代方案

Failed to pull image "k8s.gcr.io/cluster-proportional-autoscaler-amd64:1.1.2-r2": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get https://k8s.gcr.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled wh

Doris failed to initialize storage reader. tablet=106408, res=[NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR]to be implemented

Apache Doris 2.3 以下的版本会存在一个 bug,导致数据在合并时存在异常,在后续查询该字段数据时会提示 [1105] [HY000]: errCode = 2, detailMessage = ([CANCELLED]failed to initiali

connect() failed (113: No route to host) while connecting to upstream

转载请注明出处: 用docker 搭建的服务,今天重启了一个容器之后,请求这个服务的接口都变成了 502, 但通过docker 查看日志,发现没有异常,端口也都是正常,在nginx的日志中看到了这段错误信息 在nginx 的日志中看到:connect() failed (113: No route

升级到 MySQL 8.4,MySQL 启动报错:io_setup() failed with EAGAIN

问题 最近碰到一个 case,一台主机上,部署了多个实例。之前使用的是 MySQL 8.0,启动时没有任何问题。但升级到 MySQL 8.4 后,部分实例在启动时出现了以下错误。 [Warning] [MY-012582] [InnoDB] io_setup() failed with EAGAIN

【Azure 环境】使用az login登录遇见OSError: [WinError -2146893813] : '' 错误

az login | Decryption failed:[WinError -2146893813] Key not vaid for use in specified state | msal_extensions.persistence: DPAPI error likely caused by file content not previously encrypted. App dev

【Azure App Service】通过Visual Studio部署Azure App Service 遇见 401 'Unauthorized'错误

Error : Web deployment task failed. (Connected to the remote computer ("javatest02.scm.chinacloudsites.cn") using the Web Management Service, but could not authorize. Make sure that you are using the

[转帖]yum提示Error: rpmdb open failed 报错处理

Linux 下,在使用yum 安装时,可能会报以下错误: [root@localhost tmp]# yum --di sab1 erepo=* erase 1ibX11 rpmdb: Program version 4.7 doesn't match environment version 720

[转帖]在yum安装本地rpm文件时遇到public key不正确问题

yum错误:public.gpg.key: import read failed(2). 在yum安装本地rpm文件时遇到public key不正确问题 Downloading Packages: warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature

Rancher 系列文章-K3s Traefik MiddleWare 报错-Failed to create middleware keys

概述 书接上回:《Rancher 系列文章-K3S 集群升级》, 我们提到:通过一键脚本升级 K3S 集群有报错。 接下来开始进行 Traefik 报错的分析和修复, 问题是: 所有 Traefik 的 IngressRoute 访问报错 404 问题描述 报错如下: time="2022-05-0

Navicat 连接Oracle ORA-28547: connection to server failed, probable Oracle Net admin error

Navicat 连接 Oracle 报 ORA-03135: connection lost contact ORA-28547: connection to server failed, probable Oracle Net admin error oci.dll 版本太低,需要重新下载并指定

【Azure 应用服务】使用Python Azure SDK 来获取 App Service的访问限制信息(Access Restrictions)

azure.core.exceptions.ClientAuthenticationError: Authentication failed: AADSTS70011: The provided request must include a 'scope' input parameter. The provided value for the input parameter 'scope' is

【Azure 媒体服务】Media Service的编码示例 -- 创建缩略图子画面的.NET代码调试问题

Azure.Identity.AuthenticationFailedException: 'ClientSecretCredential authentication failed: AADSTS90002: Tenant '********-****-****-****-************' not found. Check to make sure you have the corre

【Azure Developer】use @azure/arm-monitor sdk 遇见 ManagedIdentityCredential authentication failed.(status code 500)

@azure/arm-monitor ManagedIdentityCredential authentication failed.(status code 500) CredentialUnavailableError: ERROR: AADSTS500011: The resource principal name https://management.azure.com was not

request to https://registry.npm.taobao.org/cnpm failed, reason: certificate has expired

换华为的,否则会出问题:cnpm confg set registry https://mirrors.huaweicloud.com/repository/npm/ npm ERR! code CERT_HAS_EXPIRED npm ERR! errno CERT_HAS_EXPIRED npm

第141篇:微信小程序wx.request接口报错(errno: 600001, errMsg: "request:fail -2:net::ERR_FAILED")

好家伙, 来看看报错 报错如下: 请求发送部分,代码如下: uni.request({ url: self.serverUrl + "/getRealName", method: 'GET', data: { "code": self.info.code, }, header: { "Authori

解决aspnetcore-browser-refresh.js:234 WebSocket connection to 'wss://localhost:62356/Admin/' failed问题

前言 前段时间升级了Visual Studio到v17.1.1最新版本,然后今天来运行之前的一个.net5项目一直提示:aspnetcore-browser-refresh.js:234 WebSocket connection to 'wss://localhost:62356/Admin/' f

【Azure 应用服务】使用Docker Compose创建App Service遇见"Linux Version is too long. It cannot be more than 4000 characters"错误

{ "code":"DeploymentFailed", "message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-deployment-operations for usag

【Azure 环境】ARM部署模板大于4MB的解决方案及Linked Template遇见存储账号防火墙无法访问

问题一:在ADF Pipeline部署ARM Template报错“Deployment failed -- the request content size exceeds the maximum size of 4MB” 【解答】 4MB是一个固定限制,不可以修改其大小。 如果Template文

Jenkins 基础配置

博客地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zylyehuo/ 参考链接 解决:Jenkins: signature verification failed in update site ‘default‘ (show details) jenkins 下一切皆文件 虚拟机基本配置 J

pbjs 无法编码 bytes 类型数据问题的解决方案

一段包含 bytes 类型的 protobuf 二进制数据,经过 pbjs 解码生成的 json 文件,再传递给 pbjs 编码后生成的二进制数据和原始数据差异巨大,经过一番探究,发现居然是 pbjs 的一个 bug,快来看看你是否踩过这个坑吧~