[转帖]How long does it take to make a context switch?

https://blog.tsunanet.net/2010/11/how-long-does-it-take-to-make-context.html That's a interesting question I'm willing to spend some of my time on. So

Spring Security 报:Encoded password does not look like BCrypt

SpringBoot 集成 Security 时,报 Encoded password does not look like BCrypt 原因:SecurityConfig 必须 Bean 的形式实例化 /** * 配置用户身份的configure()方法 * * @param auth * @t

【Azure 存储服务】访问Azure Blob File遇见400-Condition Headers not support错误的解决之路

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

[转帖][译] strace 是如何工作的(2016)

http://arthurchiao.art/blog/how-does-strace-work-zh/ 译者序 本文翻译自 2016 年的一篇英文博客 How Does strace Work 。如果能看懂英文,我建议你阅读原文,或者和本文对照看。 阅读本文之前,强烈建议先阅读这篇之前的文章: (

[转帖][译] ltrace 是如何工作的(2016)

http://arthurchiao.art/blog/how-does-ltrace-work-zh/ 译者序 本文翻译自 2016 年的一篇英文博客 How Does ltrace Work 。如果能看懂英文,我建议你阅读原文,或者和本文对照看。 阅读本文之前,强烈建议先阅读下面几篇之前的文章:

[转帖]Netflix 如何在 7 分钟内完成故障转移

https://www.oschina.net/translate/how-netflix-does-failovers-7-minutes-flat?print 在冬季2012年,Netflix公司遭受了 长时间断电 持续了七个小时,由于在美东地区的AWS弹性负载均衡服务的问题。(Netflix的


原文: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/231767/what-does-the-yield-keyword-do 译文: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/23276711?refer=passer 英文ok的同学可以原文译文都读一下

x509: cannot validate certificate for xxx because it doesn't contain any IP SANs

项目中有时候需要访问https网站,但如果该网站使用的是自建证书,那client端验证server端证书时,有时候会报错: > x509: cannot validate certificate for xxx because it doesn't contain any IP SANs 碰到这种情

正则表达式中 “$” 并不是表示 “字符串结束

作者:Seth Larson 译者:豌豆花下猫@Python猫 英文:Regex character “$” doesn't mean “end-of-string” 转载请保留作者及译者信息! 这篇文章写一写我最近在用 Python 的正则表达式模块(re)开发 CPython 的 SBOM 工具

[转帖][译] 星巴克不使用两阶段提交(2004)

http://arthurchiao.art/blog/starbucks-do-not-use-two-phase-commit-zh/ 译者序 本文翻译自 2004 年的一篇文章: Starbucks Does Not Use Two-Phase Commit. 由于译者水平有限,本文不免存在遗


https://github.com/jvm-profiling-tools/async-profiler This project is a low overhead sampling profiler for Java that does not suffer from Safepoint bi

[BUUCTF][WEB][极客大挑战 2019]Http 1

打开靶机提供的url 右键查看网页源代码 发现一个链接 (Secret.php),访问看看 返回: It doesn't come from 'https://Sycsecret.buuoj.cn' 这是个题眼 通过burpsuite拦截请求,请求头新增修改 Referer: https://Syc

[转帖]Latent Sector Errors, Disk Failure, and RAID Failure (part 1)

本文来自三篇关于磁盘错误的论文: Understanding Latent Sector Errors and How to Protect Against Them, FAST 2010 Disk failures in the real world: What does an MTTF of 1

[转帖]Unix is dead. Long live Unix!

https://www.theregister.com/2023/01/17/unix_is_dead/ Don't expect to see any more big AIX news. What does that leave us with? Liam Proven Tue 17 Jan 2

[转帖]Use TiFlash

https://docs.pingcap.com/tidb/v5.0/use-tiflash 8 Contributors After TiFlash is deployed, data replication does not automatically begin. You need to ma

[转帖]yum提示Error: rpmdb open failed 报错处理

Linux 下,在使用yum 安装时,可能会报以下错误: [root@localhost tmp]# yum --di sab1 erepo=* erase 1ibX11 rpmdb: Program version 4.7 doesn't match environment version 720

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