报错AttributeError: Attempted to set WANDB to False, but CfgNode is immutable

问题 今天在跑代码的时候,使用到了wandb记录训练数据。 我在23服务器上跑的好好的,但将环境迁移到80服务器上重新开始跑时,却遇到了如下报错 看这个报错信息是由于wandb没有apis这个属性,于是我定位到具体的报错代码 😯原来程序在import wandb时就抛出异常了。 解决方法 我尝试验

【Azure 环境】AAD 注册应用获取AAD Group权限接口遇 403 : Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation 错误

问题描述 通过Azure AD的注册应用获取到Token后,访问AAD Group并查看日志信息时候,遇见了 {"error":{"code":"UnauthorizedAccessException","message":"Attempted to perform an unauthorized

【Azure 应用服务】在创建App Service时,遇见“No available instances to satisfy this request. App Service is attempting to increase capacity.”错误

"Code": "Conflict","Message": "No available instances to satisfy this request. App Service is attempting to increase capacity. Please retry your request later. If urgent, this can be mitigated by deploying this to a new resource group."

【Azure 服务总线】Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus 多次发送消息报超时错误,是否可以配置重新发送?是否有内置重试机制?

问题描述 使用 Azure Service Bus,提供应用程序之间松耦合的消息交换,但是有时候发送消息多次出现超时错误。 A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a

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