「TAOI-2」Ciallo~(∠・ω< )⌒★ 题解

taoi,ciallo,题解 · 浏览次数 : 17


The code calculates the sum of the substrings in the string `s` and `t` based on the lengths of the strings and the characters in the strings. **Algorithm:** 1. **Preprocessing:** - For each character in `s` and `t`, calculate the prefix sums and suffix sums. - Initialize the variables `cnt` and `sum` to 1. - `cnt` stores the count of characters in the substring from the left end to the current position, and `sum` stores the sum of all characters in the substring. 2. **Main Loop:** - For each position from 1 to the minimum of the lengths of `s` and `t`, calculate the contribution of the substring from that position to the sum. - For each position from 1 to the length of `s`, if the substring from that position to the current position has a length greater than or equal to the length of `t` and the prefix sum of the substring from that position to the left end is not equal to the suffix sum of the substring from that position to the left end, then add the prefix sum and suffix sum of that substring to the `ans` variable. - For each position from 1 to the length of `t`, if the substring from that position to the current position has a length greater than or equal to the length of `s` and the prefix sum of the substring from that position to the left end is not equal to the suffix sum of the substring from that position to the left end, then add the prefix sum and suffix sum of that substring to the `ans` variable. 3. **Final Answer:** - Add the final value of `ans` to the result. **Complexity:** - Time complexity: O(n), where n is the length of `s` + `t`. - Space complexity: O(n), similar to the time complexity. **Optimization:** - Since the code calculates the prefix and suffix sums, it can skip calculating these sums for positions where the substring length is less than the length of the string. - It can also use a prefix sum and suffix sum array to avoid calculating the prefix and suffix sums for each position.


「TAOI-2」Ciallo~(∠・ω< )⌒★ 题解


  • 整段的

  • 中间删一点,两端凑一起的


如果 \(s\) 中存在子串等于 \(t\),那么自然,可以删左边的任何一段,或者右边的任何一段。

不妨设子串开始的位置为 \(i\),于是其贡献为 \((1 + 2 + \cdots + i - 1) + (1 + 2 + \cdots +(|s| - i - |t| + 1))\)


\(f_i\) 表示 \(s\)\(i\) 开始与 \(t\) 的最长相同前缀的长度,\(g_i\) 表示 \(s\)\(i\) 向前与 \(t\) 的最长相同后缀的长度。

NOTICE:由于需要排除第一种情况,所以对于 \(f, g\),都需要对于 \(|t| - 1\)\(\min\)

这部分可以通过哈希和二分完成(或者 Z 函数也行)

于是需要考虑 \(f, g\) 如何相互贡献。

不难发现,对于两个端点 \(i \le j\) 可以做出贡献,需要满足:

  • \(i + |t| - 1 \lt j\)。考虑中间必须删一点,所以必须严格小于,这样才不会重叠或者接在一起。

  • \(f_i + g_j \ge |t|\)。这样才能凑出完整的目标串。

那么其最终的贡献为 \(f_i + g_j - |t| + 1\)


\[\sum_{i = 1}^n \sum_{j = i + |t|}^n [f_i+ g_j \ge |t|](f_i + g_j - |t| + 1) \]



#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;
const int N = 4e5 + 7, BASE = 131, mod = 1331;

string s, t;

using hI = unsigned long long;
using hP = unsigned int;

hI sha[N], tha[N];
hI sha2[N], tha2[N];
hI ofs[N], ofs2[N];

hI shash(int l, int r) {
    hI sha1 = sha[r] - sha[l - 1] * ofs[r - l + 1];
    sha1 += (sha2[r] + mod - sha2[l - 1] * ofs2[r - l + 1] % mod) % mod;
    return sha1;

hI thash(int l, int r) {
    hI tha1 = tha[r] - tha[l - 1] * ofs[r - l + 1];
    tha1 += (tha2[r] + mod - tha2[l - 1] * ofs2[r - l + 1] % mod) % mod;
    return tha1;

int f[N], g[N];

#define lowbit(i) (i & -i)
// 这是倒着的树状数组!
struct BIT {
    long long b[N];
    void update(int i, int x) {
        for (; i; i -= lowbit(i)) b[i] += x; 
    long long query(int i) {
        long long r = 0;
        for(; i < N; i += lowbit(i)) r += b[i];
        return r;
} cnt, sum;

long long get(long long x) {
    return (1 + x) * x / 2;

int main() {
    cin >> s >> t;

    int n = s.size(), m = t.size();
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
        sha[i] = sha[i - 1] * BASE + s[i - 1] - 2;
        sha2[i] = (sha2[i - 1] * 17 % mod + s[i - 1] - 2) % mod;

    for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
        tha[i] = tha[i - 1] * BASE + t[i - 1] - 2;
        tha2[i] = (tha2[i - 1] * 17 % mod + t[i - 1] - 2) % mod;

    ofs[0] = ofs2[0] = 1;
    for (int i = 1, ie = max(s.size(), t.size()); i <= ie; ++i) {
        ofs[i] = ofs[i - 1] * BASE;
        ofs2[i] = ofs2[i - 1] * 17 % mod; 

    long long ans = 0;

    // 简单倍增
    int W = 1 << ((int)log2(t.size()) + 1);    
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
        f[i] = g[i] = -1;

        for (int w = W; w; w >>= 1) {
            if (i + f[i] + w - 1 <= n && 1 + f[i] + w - 1 <= m 
                && shash(i, i + f[i] + w - 1) == thash(1, 1 + f[i] + w - 1))
                f[i] += w;

            if (i - g[i] - w + 1 > 0 && m - g[i] - w + 1 > 0 
                && shash(i - g[i] - w + 1, i) == thash(m - g[i] - w + 1, m))
                g[i] += w;

        if (f[i] >= m) ans += get(i - 1) + get(n - i - m + 1), --f[i];

    for (int i = n; i > m; --i) {
        if (g[i] >= m) --g[i];
        cnt.update(g[i], 1);
        sum.update(g[i], g[i]);

        ans += sum.query(m - f[i - m]) + (f[i - m] - m + 1) * cnt.query(m - f[i - m]);

    cout << ans << '\n'; 

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