【Azure K8S】AKS升级 Kubernetes version 失败问题的分析与解决

AKS,问题,分析,升级 · 浏览次数 : 103


## Solution to Upgrade AKS Cluster Kubernetes Version This document outlines the steps to resolve the "Failed to save Kubernetes service" error while upgrading the Kubernetes version on your AKS cluster. **Root Cause:** The upgrade failed because the PDB (Pod Disruption Budget) strategy is blocking the update due to insufficient available pods. **Solutions:** **1. Modify PDB Settings:** * Use `kubectl get pdb` to retrieve the current PDB configuration. * Update the `MIN AVAILABLE` and `ALLOWED DISRUPTION` values to a higher value, such as 100 or 200. * This will allow the upgrade to proceed, but it's important to understand the implications and potential impact on your cluster. **2. Remove PDB and Re-create:** * Save the current PDB configuration to a file named `pdb.yaml` using `kubectl get pdb -A`. * Remove the PDB object using `kubectl delete pdb --namespace `. * Execute the upgrade with the new PDB settings using `kubectl apply -f pdb.yaml --namespace `. **3. Use NodePool Upgrade:** * Stop any running pods on the cluster. * Use `az aks nodepool upgrade` to upgrade the node pool. * Provide the following parameters: * `group name`: The name of the cluster group. * `cluster name`: The name of the cluster. * `node name`: The name of the node. * `kubernetes version`: The desired Kubernetes version to upgrade to. * `no-wait`: Disables the wait for the upgrade to finish. **4. Restore PDB:** * After the upgrade, restore the saved PDB configuration using `kubectl apply -f pdb.yaml --namespace `. **Additional Resources:** * **Specifying a Disruption Budget for your Application:** * Kubernetes documentation: `kubectl docs tasks run application configure pdb` * **PodDrainFailure error code:** * Learn how to troubleshoot the `PodDrainFailure` error: * Kubernetes documentation: `kubectl docs troubleshoot poddrainfailure` * **Recovering PDB:** * Kubernetes documentation: `kubectl docs apply -f pdb.yaml --namespace `



创建Azure Kubernetes Service服务后,需要升级AKS集群的 kubernetes version。在AKS页面的 Cluster configuration 页面中,选择新的版本 1.25.5,确认升级。等待50分钟左右,却等到了升级失败的消息:

Failed to save Kubernetes service 'xxxx-aks3'. Error: Drain of aks-agentpool-xxxxxxxx-vmss00000j did not complete: Too many req pod aks-helloworld-one-9df87f7df-zxnbq on node aks-agentpool-xxxxxxxx-vmss00000j: ingress-basic/aks-helloworld-one-9df87f7df-zxnbq blocked by pdb pdbforhelloworldone with unready pods []. See  http://aka.ms/aks/debugdrainfailures



查看错误消息,其中提到 “... blocked by pdb pdbforhelloworldone with unready pods ... ” ,所以需要检查AKS集群中PDB(Pod Disruption Budget:Pod中断预算 --  https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/configure-pdb/#create-the-pdb-object). 



使用指令:kubectl get event , 得到错误信息 :Eviction blocked by too many Requests ( usually a pdb)



使用指令  kubectl get pdb -A , 查看到其中一个配置为 MIN AVAILABLE : 100%, ALLOWED DISRUPTIONS: 0

MIN AVAILABLE 为 100%, 说明POD都需要处于活跃状态,不能中断。

ALLOWED DISRUPTIONS为0,也表明POD可以中断的数量为0,即全部的POD都不能中断。






第一种方式很简单,修改POD YAML中的配置即可。而本文中主要使用的是第二种方式:



使用命令:kubectl get pdb <the block pdb name> -o yaml --namespace <the pdb namespace> 

然后把输出的内容复制到文件 pdb.yaml 中



使用命令删除pdb:kubectl delete pdb <your pdb name> --namespace <right namespace>




因为在门户上,先前的升级操作报错,锁定了页面上的升级操作(即无法继续在页面中执行升级), 并且ASK 控制层面(Control panel)的版本升级已经完成,只是Node的升级是失败的。所以可以通过az aks nodepool upgrade 指令,执行对NodePool的升级。

az aks nodepool upgrade -g <group name> --cluster-name <name> --name <node name> --kubernetes-version 1.25.5 --no-wait


升级过程中,节点由2个 变为 3个,然后节点的kubernetes Version也在改变中


升级完成后, 节点数恢复为2,kubernetes Version都变为新的 1.25.5 




kubectl apply -f pdb.yaml --namespace <the pdb namespace>

kubectl get pdb -A




Specifying a Disruption Budget for your Application :  https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/configure-pdb/#create-the-pdb-object

排查“PodDrainFailure”错误代码 :  https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/troubleshoot/azure/azure-kubernetes/error-code-poddrainfailure


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