【Azure Redis】Redis客户端出现15分钟的超时异常

Azure,客户端,异常 · 浏览次数 : 15


**问题:** 使用 Lettuce.io 连接 Azure Redis 时,出现长达15分钟的Timeout异常。 **解决方案:** * 修改 Linux tcp_retries 参数,降低连接超时时间。 * 设置 keepalive 设置,减少连接关闭的等待时间。 * 使用 ForceReconnect 模式进行连接重连。 * 监控服务器日志,检测可能出现故障转移或其他异常。 **其他建议:** * 使用负载均衡来降低服务器负载。 * 使用连接池来管理连接数量。 * 优化 Redis 服务器配置,例如设置连接池大小。



客户端使用 Lettuce.io 连接 Azure Redis,出现了长达15分钟的Timeout异常。



Azure Redis作为PaaS服务,由于一些平台的升级操作而引发的故障转移(Failover)。 如Redis的客户端时部署在Linux服务器上,则可能导致长达15分钟无法重新连接的问题。

某些 Linux 版本中的默认 TCP 设置可能会导致 Redis 服务器连接失败 13 分钟或更长时间。 默认设置可以防止客户端应用程序检测关闭的连接,并在连接未正常关闭的情况下防止自动还原这些关闭的连接。

如果网络连接中断或 Redis 服务器脱机进行计划外维护,重新建立连接可能会失败。


目前已知有效的方式是修改linux tcp_retries参数,https://docs.azure.cn/zh-cn/azure-cache-for-redis/cache-best-practices-connection#tcp-settings-for-linux-hosted-client-applications



附录: Connection does not re-establish for 15 minutes when running on Linux

Connection stalls lasting for 15 minutes like this are often caused by very optimistic default TCP settings in some Linux distros (confirmed on CentOS so far). When a server stops responding without gracefully closing the connection, the client TCP stack will continue retransmitting packets for 15 minutes before declaring the connection dead and allowing the StackExchange.Redis reconnect logic to kick in.

With Azure Cache for Redis, it's fairly easy to reproduce this by rebooting nodes as mentioned above. In this case, the machine goes down abruptly and the Redis server isn't able to transmit a FIN packet to the client. The client TCP stack continues retransmitting on the same socket hoping the server will come back up. Even when the node has rebooted and come back, it has no record of that connection so it continues ignoring the client. If the client gave up and created a NEW connection, it would be able to resume communication with the server much sooner than 15 minutes.

As you found, there are TCP settings you can change on the client machine to force it to timeout the connection sooner and allow for reconnect. In addition to tcp_retries2, you can try tuning the keepalive settings as discussed here: lettuce-io/lettuce-core#1428 (comment). It should be safe to reduce these timeouts to more realistic durations machine-wide unless you have systems that actually depend on the unusually long retransmits.

An additional approach is using the ForceReconnect pattern recommended in the Azure best practices. If you're seeing issues like this, it's perfectly appropriate to trigger reconnect on RedisTimeoutExceptions in addition to RedisConnectionExceptions. Just don't be too aggressive with it because an overloaded server can also result in persistent RedisTimeoutExceptions. Recreating connections in that situation can cause additional server load and a cascade failure.

Unfortunately there's not much the StackExchange.Redis library can do about this situation, because the Linux TCP stack is hiding the lost connection. Detecting the stall at the library level would require making assumptions that would almost certainly lead to false positives in some scenarios. Instead, it's better for the client application to implement some detection/reconnection logic based on what it knows about its load and latency patterns.


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