【Azure Event Hub】Event Hub的Process Data页面无法通过JSON格式预览数据

Hub,Event ,Data,Process · 浏览次数 : 83


## Problem Solution The issue arises because the JSON format is not recognized by the Event Hub Process Data page due to a mismatch between the format specified in the input and the format expected by the page. Here's a breakdown of the problem and solutions: **Problem:** * When using JSON preview (View in JSON), the page displays an error message. * The error message indicates that no data was found for preview, and the input format is not supported. **Solutions:** 1. **Check the data source:** * Ensure that the input source is configured with the correct serialization format for JSON data. * Verify if there are any encoding issues in the input data. * Check the data format being sent to the Event Hub from the source system. 2. **Inspect the input:** * Use alternative methods like CSV export or Service Bus Explorer to obtain the JSON data. * Verify that the obtained JSON format is identical to the one used for sending. * Analyze the JSON string to ensure it matches the expected format. 3. **Modify data content:** * If the format is consistent, modify the data content to match the expected JSON format. * This may involve encoding specific fields or removing any invalid characters. 4. **Use appropriate SDK:** * For the process data page, ensure that the SDK is configured to handle JSON data correctly. * If using an SDK, verify that it is parsing the JSON data according to the expected format. 5. **Refer to documentation:** * Consult the Azure Event Hub documentation for specific guidance on handling JSON data with different SDKs. * Refer to the Service Bus Explorer documentation for troubleshooting JSON parsing issues. **Additional tips:** * Ensure that the JSON data is clean and free of errors. * Use a tool like a JSON formatter to visually inspect the JSON data. * Check the Event Hub logs for any related errors or warnings. By following these steps and analyzing the error message and data source configuration, you should be able to identify and resolve the JSON format issue affecting the preview functionality.



在Event Hub的门户页面中,可以通过Process Data页面查看Event Hub中的数据,但是当使用JSON格式预览时(View in JSON),却出现错误。

消息一: No data was found for preview from 'test01'. Make sure the input has recently received data and the correct format of those events has been selected. [SessionID: 6b15d63464bf41f9b6e6c758f58a26ef 

消息二:Source '<unknown_location>' had 1 occurrences of kind 'InputDeserializerError.InvalidData' between processing times '2023-07-24T06:24:42.5057556Z' and '2023-07-24T06:24:42.5057556Z'. Could not deserialize the input event(s) from resource 'Partition: [0], Offset: [0], SequenceNumber: [0]' as Json. Some possible reasons: 1) Malformed events 2) Input source configured with incorrect serialization format


只是,在Event Hub中是存有数据的。如下图左边的Incoming Message中,有98条数据,但是在右边的Query页面中,却无法正确显示。



在错误消息二中,出现了“ Input source configured with incorrect serialization format ”指明了数据解析为JSON过程中出现了不正确的序列化格式。这里就很明确的说明了无数据显示的原因是数据格式错误引起。 为了进一步调查这个问题,就需要通过其他方式获取出消息的内容,然后检查为什么它不是一个正确的JSON格式。

方式一:在Process Data页面中,选择 View by CSV - comma(,) 可以看见内容,但是发现格式很不一致,无法准确判断。

方式二:为了准确的获取到Event Hub中的数据,可以使用Azure Event Hub官方推荐的一个工具 Service Bus Explorer(下载地址:https://sourceforge.net/projects/service-bus-explorer.mirror/)来获取Event Hub中的数据。


在上图的工具中,直接查看到JSON的格式中,存在两个 Test/test, 虽然它们的首字母分别为大小写。

但是从测试的结果证明: Event Hub Process Data页面不识别大小写。所以在进行格式转换的时候抛出了 “InputDeserializerError.InvalidData : Input source configured with incorrect serialization format ”



由于Event Hub的Process Data页面使用的是Azure中另一个服务ASA(流分析)来处理数据,在处理时识别不了有大小写不敏感的JSON字符串。由于ASA是大小写不敏感的流处理工具,所以在转换JSON时会忽略大小写,如果有相同的字段会解析失败。

所以,如果要查看数据,可以修改发送到Event Hub中的数据内容,或者通过Service Bus Explorer工具,及其他使用SDK自行编写的消费端代码。



Service  Bus Explorer : https://sourceforge.net/projects/service-bus-explorer.mirror/

Use Service Bus Explorer to run data operations on Service Bus : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/service-bus-messaging/explorer









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