【Azure 环境】AAD 注册应用获取AAD Group权限接口遇 403 : Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation 错误

AAD ,perform ,to ,operation · 浏览次数 : 5


**问题分析:** 在访问 AAD Groups 时,由于权限不足,导致获取 Token 时出现 `UnauthorizedAccessException` 错误。 **解决方案:** 1. **检查权限:** - 使用门户查看应用程序的权限列表,以确定其可以访问的资源。 - 确保应用程序拥有 necessary 的权限以访问 AAD Groups。 2. **获取 AAD 组列表:** - 使用 `list_aad_groups()` 函数获取所有 AAD 组的 ID 和信息。 - 您可以通过查看 AAD 组的活动日志来进一步了解其权限。 3. **下载活动日志:** - 使用 `download_pim_audit_log()` 函数下载每个 AAD 组的活动日志。 - 确保使用正确的凭据和日期范围。 4. **检查日志文件:** - 验证日志文件是否包含您想要访问的活动的信息。 - 如果日志文件无法访问,请确保权限问题或日志文件损坏。 5. **重试获取 Token:** - 确保您拥有正确的信息,例如客户端 ID 和客户端凭据。 - 尝试再次获取 Token,可能需要重新授权。



通过Azure AD的注册应用获取到Token后,访问AAD Group并查看日志信息时候,遇见了 {"error":{"code":"UnauthorizedAccessException","message":"Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation."}}

Python 代码 -- 使用AAD 注册应用获取Token

import requests
import json

def get_bearer_token():
    tenant_id = "your azure tenant id"
    client_id = "your AAD registrations application id "
    client_secret = "***********************************"

    # The resource (URI) that the bearer token will grant access to
    scope = 'https://api.azrbac.azurepim.identitygovernance.azure.cn/.default'
    # Azure AD authentication endpoint
    AUTHORITY = f'https://login.chinacloudapi.cn/{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/token'
    # Request an access token from Azure AD
    response = requests.post(
            'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
            'client_id': client_id,
            'client_secret': client_secret,
            'scope': scope

    if response.status_code == 200:
        access_token = response.json().get('access_token')
        print("Error occurred while retrieving token:", response.text)
    return access_token

但是,在调用 https://api.azrbac.azurepim.identitygovernance.azure.cn/api/v2/privilegedAccess/aadGroups/activities 接口时候,遇见错误,提示权限不够。

  {"error":{"code":"UnauthorizedAccessException","message":"Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation."}}



因错误消息提示当前 Access Token无权查看AAD Groups的Activities日志,所以需要进入具体的AAD Groups查看,当前AAD注册应用是否由权限进行任何操作。 如无,加入权限后就可以解决问题(PS: 赋予Member 或 Owner权限都可以)





url = "https://api.azrbac.azurepim.identitygovernance.azure.cn/api/v2/privilegedAccess/aadGroups/resources/"+str(aad_groups_list[index]['id'])+"/permissions"

将应用程序加入active assignment后即可获得权限

{'accessLevel': 'AdminRead', 'isActive': True, 'isEligible': False}, {'accessLevel': 'ActivityRead', 'isActive': True, 'isEligible': False}


附录:根据AAD Token获取AAD Group列表和每一个AAD Group的Activity Logs

import requests
import json

def get_bearer_token():
tenant_id = "your azure tenant id"

client_id = "your AAD registrations application id "

client_secret = "***********************************"

# The resource (URI) that the bearer token will grant access to
scope = 'https://api.azrbac.azurepim.identitygovernance.azure.cn/.default'

# Azure AD authentication endpoint
AUTHORITY = f'https://login.chinacloudapi.cn/{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/token'

# Request an access token from Azure AD
response = requests.post(
'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
'client_id': client_id,
'client_secret': client_secret,
'scope': scope

if response.status_code == 200:
access_token = response.json().get('access_token')
print("Error occurred while retrieving token:", response.text)

return access_token

def list_aad_groups(bearer_token):
url = https://api.azrbac.azurepim.identitygovernance.azure.cn/api/v2/privilegedAccess/aadGroups/resources?$select=id,displayName,type,externalId&$expand=parent

headers = {
'Authorization': bearer_token

response = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers)

data = json.loads(response.text)

aad_groups_count = data["value"].__len__()

aad_groups_list = []

for aad_groups_index in range(0,aad_groups_count):
aad_groups = {}
aad_groups["id"] = data["value"][aad_groups_index]["id"]
aad_groups["name"] = data["value"][aad_groups_index]["displayName"]

return aad_groups_list

def download_pim_audit_log(date, group_id, group_name, bearer_token):

start_time = str(date) + "T00:00:00.000Z"
end_time = str(date) + "T23:59:59.999Z"

url = https://api.azrbac.azurepim.identitygovernance.azure.cn/api/v2/privilegedAccess/aadGroups/activities?$filter=createdDateTime+ge+ + str(start_time) + "+and+createdDateTime+le+" + str(end_time) + "+and+resource/id+eq+%27" + str(group_id) + "%27&$orderby=createdDateTime+desc&$expand=requestor,originalRequestor,subject,target,resource($expand=parent),scopedResource"

headers = {
'Authorization': bearer_token

response = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers)

if response.status_code == 200:
raw_data = json.loads(response.text)

data = raw_data["value"]

records_count = data.__len__()

dst_path = "\\" + str(date) + " " + str(group_name) + ".json"
file_debug = open(dst_path, "a+")

for record_index in range(0, records_count):
record = str(data[record_index]).replace("None","'None'")

return True

print("Failed to Download log : " + response.text)

if __name__ == '__main__':

token = "Bearer " + str(get_bearer_token())


date = "2023-07-26"

aad_groups_list = list_aad_groups(token)

for index in range(0,aad_groups_list.__len__()):

group_id = aad_groups_list[index]['id']
group_name = aad_groups_list[index]['name']

download_pim_audit_log(date, group_id, group_name, token)




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