摘要:编写一个Ascend C的sqrt算子,并通过内核调用方式在cpu和npu模式下进行验证。
本文分享自华为云社区《【2023 · CANN训练营第一季】——Ascend C sqrt算子实战》,作者:dayao。
编写一个Ascend C的sqrt算子,并通过内核调用方式在cpu和npu模式下进行验证。在训练营沙箱环境下,cpu模式工作正常结果正确。
先简单回顾下TIK C++算子矢量编程的流程和实现。
2、算子类的实现:实现init()和process()。init()完成内存初始化,实质上体现的是多核运行,和单核数据切分以及是否开启double buffer优化;Process()实现的是CopyIn,Compute、CopyOut三个流水任务。
查询TIK C++的API可知,可以使用(TIK C++ API/矢量计算/单目/Sqrt,采用2级接口)完成运算,得到最终结果。
extern "C" __global__ __aicore__ void sqrt_tik2(__gm__ uint8_t* x, __gm__ uint8_t* z) { KernelSqrt op; op.Init(x, z); op.Process(); }
实现方式与add例程类似。init()函数里初始化内存:x,y的Global Memory ;流水线任务通讯内存;Process()实现流水线任务;按范式编写CopyIn、Compute、CopyOut。与add例程最大差异是,在compute函数中,调用sqrt的2类接口API实现计算。
class KernelSqrt { public: __aicore__ inline KernelSqrt() {} __aicore__ inline void Init(__gm__ uint8_t* x, __gm__ uint8_t* z) { // get start index for current core, core parallel xGm.SetGlobalBuffer((__gm__ half*)x + block_idx * BLOCK_LENGTH, BLOCK_LENGTH); zGm.SetGlobalBuffer((__gm__ half*)z + block_idx * BLOCK_LENGTH, BLOCK_LENGTH); // pipe alloc memory to queue, the unit is Bytes pipe.InitBuffer(inQueueX, BUFFER_NUM, TILE_LENGTH * sizeof(half)); pipe.InitBuffer(outQueueZ, BUFFER_NUM, TILE_LENGTH * sizeof(half)); } __aicore__ inline void Process() { // loop count need to be doubled, due to double buffer constexpr int32_t loopCount = TILE_NUM * BUFFER_NUM; // tiling strategy, pipeline parallel for (int32_t i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) { CopyIn(i); Compute(i); CopyOut(i); } } private: __aicore__ inline void CopyIn(int32_t progress) { // alloc tensor from queue memory LocalTensor<half> xLocal = inQueueX.AllocTensor<half>(); // copy progress_th tile from global tensor to local tensor DataCopy(xLocal, xGm[progress * TILE_LENGTH], TILE_LENGTH); // enque input tensors to VECIN queue inQueueX.EnQue(xLocal); } __aicore__ inline void Compute(int32_t progress) { // deque input tensors from VECIN queue LocalTensor<half> xLocal = inQueueX.DeQue<half>(); LocalTensor<half> zLocal = outQueueZ.AllocTensor<half>(); // call Sqrt instr for computation Sqrt(zLocal, xLocal, TILE_LENGTH); // enque the output tensor to VECOUT queue outQueueZ.EnQue<half>(zLocal); // free input tensors for reuse inQueueX.FreeTensor(xLocal); } __aicore__ inline void CopyOut(int32_t progress) { // deque output tensor from VECOUT queue LocalTensor<half> zLocal = outQueueZ.DeQue<half>(); // copy progress_th tile from local tensor to global tensor DataCopy(zGm[progress * TILE_LENGTH], zLocal, TILE_LENGTH); // free output tensor for reuse outQueueZ.FreeTensor(zLocal); } private: TPipe pipe; // create queues for input, in this case depth is equal to buffer num TQue<QuePosition::VECIN, BUFFER_NUM> inQueueX; // create queue for output, in this case depth is equal to buffer num TQue<QuePosition::VECOUT, BUFFER_NUM> outQueueZ; GlobalTensor<half> xGm, zGm; };
ICPU_RUN_KF(sqrt_tik2, blockDim, x, z); // use this macro for cpu debug
#ifndef __CCE_KT_TEST__ // call of kernel function void sqrt_tik2_do(uint32_t blockDim, void* l2ctrl, void* stream, uint8_t* x, uint8_t* z) { sqrt_tik2<<<blockDim, l2ctrl, stream>>>(x, z); } #endif
int32_t main(int32_t argc, char* argv[]) { size_t inputByteSize = 8 * 2048 * sizeof(uint16_t); // uint16_t represent half size_t outputByteSize = 8 * 2048 * sizeof(uint16_t); // uint16_t represent half uint32_t blockDim = 8; #ifdef __CCE_KT_TEST__ uint8_t* x = (uint8_t*)tik2::GmAlloc(inputByteSize); uint8_t* z = (uint8_t*)tik2::GmAlloc(outputByteSize); ReadFile("./input/input_x.bin", inputByteSize, x, inputByteSize); // PrintData(x, 16, printDataType::HALF); ICPU_RUN_KF(sqrt_tik2, blockDim, x, z); // use this macro for cpu debug // PrintData(z, 16, printDataType::HALF); WriteFile("./output/output_z.bin", z, outputByteSize); tik2::GmFree((void *)x); tik2::GmFree((void *)z); #else aclInit(nullptr); aclrtContext context; aclError error; int32_t deviceId = 0; aclrtCreateContext(&context, deviceId); aclrtStream stream = nullptr; aclrtCreateStream(&stream); uint8_t *xHost, *zHost; uint8_t *xDevice, *zDevice; aclrtMallocHost((void**)(&xHost), inputByteSize); aclrtMallocHost((void**)(&zHost), outputByteSize); aclrtMalloc((void**)&xDevice, inputByteSize, ACL_MEM_MALLOC_HUGE_FIRST); aclrtMalloc((void**)&zDevice, outputByteSize, ACL_MEM_MALLOC_HUGE_FIRST); ReadFile("./input/input_x.bin", inputByteSize, xHost, inputByteSize); // PrintData(xHost, 16, printDataType::HALF); aclrtMemcpy(xDevice, inputByteSize, xHost, inputByteSize, ACL_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE); sqrt_tik2_do(blockDim, nullptr, stream, xDevice, zDevice); // call kernel in this function aclrtSynchronizeStream(stream); aclrtMemcpy(zHost, outputByteSize, zDevice, outputByteSize, ACL_MEMCPY_DEVICE_TO_HOST); // PrintData(zHost, 16, printDataType::HALF); WriteFile("./output/output_z.bin", zHost, outputByteSize); aclrtFree(xDevice); aclrtFree(zDevice); aclrtFreeHost(xHost); aclrtFreeHost(zHost); aclrtDestroyStream(stream); aclrtResetDevice(deviceId); aclFinalize(); #endif return 0; }
import numpy as np def gen_golden_data_simple(): input_x = np.random.uniform(0, 100, [8, 2048]).astype(np.float16) golden = np.sqrt(input_x).astype(np.float16) input_x.tofile("./input/input_x.bin") golden.tofile("./output/golden.bin") if __name__ == "__main__": gen_golden_data_simple()
Ascend C是华为昇腾面向算子开发场景的编程语言,想省时省力快速入门可以看这篇文章,为你系统化梳理AscendC编程最重要的知识点,3天快速上手不迷路。
编程范式是算子实现的固定流程,基于Ascend C编程范式,可以快速搭建算子实现的代码框架。本文以一个实例为大家介绍如何基于Ascend C编程范式快速开发算子。
一文get昇腾Ascend C编程入门全部知识点,只需要了解C++编程、理解对列通信与内存申请释放机制、通过调用相应的计算接口与搬运接口,就可以高效写出运行在昇腾AI处理器上的高性能算子。