使用 Visual Studio 2022 调试Dapr 应用程序

使用,visual,studio,调试,dapr,应用程序 · 浏览次数 : 1351


## Using Dapr to create a multi-process program with Visual Studio debugging This document provides guidance on debugging a multi-process program created with Dapr and Orleans 7.0. **Prerequisites:** * Visual Studio 2022 with the Microsoft Child Process Debugging Power Tool plugin installed. * PowerShell 7/Core installed globally. * Dapr .NET SDK and associated projects. * A working example project: * **lab-dapr-with-famous-actors** (on GitHub) * **Dapr Orleans 7.0 Demo** (on GitHub) **Steps:** 1. **Configure project properties:** * Open the project in Visual Studio. * Right-click on the project in the Solution Explorer. * Go to Properties. * Select the "Build" tab. * Under "Advanced," click "Add" and select "New Item". * Select "Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json.ConfigurationBuilder" and click "OK". * In the "appsettings.json" file, add the following configuration: ```json { "Dapr-PWSH": { "commandName": "Executable", "executablePath": "pwsh", "commandLineArgs": "-Command \\\"dapr run --app-id modDaprWithFamousActors --app-port 5000 --app-protocol grpc --log-level debug -- dotnet run --no-build\\\""", "workingDirectory": ".", "environmentVariables": { "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development" }, "nativeDebugging": true, "dotnetRunMessages": "true", "applicationUrl": "http://localhost:5000;https://localhost:5001" } } ``` 2. **Start debugging:** * Build and run the application. * The program will start in a new child window. * Visual Studio will automatically enable debugging for the child process. **Note:** * You cannot modify code in the running program while it is paused. * Using Dapr sidekick provides a more robust and flexible approach for managing child processes. **Additional resources:** * Github project examples: * **lab-dapr-with-famous-actors** * **Dapr Orleans 7.0 Demo** * Visual Studio debugging documentation: * Visual Studio Debug and Performance Tools By following these steps and referring to the provided resources, you should be able to effectively debug your multi-process program using Dapr and Visual Studio.


使用Dapr 编写的是一个多进程的程序, 两个进程之间依赖于启动顺序来组成父子进程,使用Visual Studio 调试起来可能会比较困难,因为 Visual Studio 默认只会把你当前设置的启动项目的启动调试。 好在有Visual Studio 扩展(Microsoft Child Process Debugging Power Tool 插件)可以支持。这个思路来自 https://github.com/dapr/dotnet-sdk/issues/401#issuecomment-747563695


1、需要安装  PowerShell 7 / Core  (可使用命令行:dotnet tool install --global PowerShell)

2、需要安装 Visual Studio 扩展 Microsoft Child Process Debugging Power Tool 2022

安装插件后启动 Visual Studio,可以在 Debug -> Other Debugging Targets 中找到 Child Process Debugging Settings。




我这里用的一个示例程序是 https://github.com/geffzhang/lab-dapr-with-famous-actors ,结合Dapr 和 Orleans 7.0 的一个Demo程序。



保存后会自动生成文件 launchSettings.json


launchSettings.json 内容也可以通过文件直接修改,效果等同,文件如下:

"Dapr-PWSH": {
   "commandName": "Executable",
   "executablePath": "pwsh",
   "commandLineArgs": "-Command \"dapr run --app-id modDaprWithFamousActors --app-port 5000 --app-protocol grpc --log-level debug -- dotnet run --no-build\"",
   "workingDirectory": ".",
   "environmentVariables": {
     "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development"
   "nativeDebugging": true,
   "dotnetRunMessages": "true",
   "applicationUrl": "http://localhost:5000;https://localhost:5001"





还有一个方案是采用Dapr sidekick,具体参考文章:  在非k8s 环境下 的应用 使用 Dapr Sidekick for .NET

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