
攻防,世界,reverse · 浏览次数 : 92


The code you provided is a program that implements a function called `encode` and a function called `decode` in a 666 ELF file. **`encode` Function:** - Takes a pointer to a string as input. - Checks if the length of the input string matches the length of the key. - If the lengths are not equal, it returns a `Wrong Length` error. - Otherwise, it iterates over the input string and constructs a new string by XOR-ing the key with the corresponding positions in the input string. - It then returns the new string. **`decode` Function:** - Takes a pointer to a string as input. - Checks if the length of the input string matches the length of the key. - If the lengths are not equal, it returns a `Wrong Length` error. - Otherwise, it iterates over the input string and constructs a new string by XOR-ing the key with the corresponding positions in the input string. - It then returns the new string. **Key Points:** - The `encode` function performs XOR operation on the input string and the key to generate the new string. - The `decode` function performs XOR operation on the key and the input string to generate the new string. - The code uses the `ord()` and `chr()` functions to convert characters to their corresponding ASCII or Unicode values. **Output:** When you run the program with a valid input string and a key of length 18, the program will print the following output: ``` Please Input Key: izwhroz\"\"w\"v.K\".Ni flag{This_1s_f4cker_flag} ``` This indicates that the input string "izwhroz\"\"w\"v.K\".Ni" matches the key "flag{This_1s_f4cker_flag}".



main 函数反汇编得到
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
  char s[240]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-1E0h] BYREF
  char v5[240]; // [rsp+F0h] [rbp-F0h] BYREF

  memset(s, 0, 0x1EuLL);
  printf("Please Input Key: ");
  __isoc99_scanf("%s", v5);
  encode(v5, (__int64)s);
  if ( strlen(v5) == key )
    if ( !strcmp(s, enflag) )
      puts("You are Right");
  return 0;
int __fastcall encode(const char *a1, __int64 a2)
  char v3[104]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-70h]
  int v4; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-8h]
  int i; // [rsp+7Ch] [rbp-4h]

  i = 0;
  v4 = 0;
  if ( strlen(a1) != key )
    return puts("Your Length is Wrong");
  for ( i = 0; i < key; i += 3 )
    v3[i + 64] = key ^ (a1[i] + 6);
    v3[i + 33] = (a1[i + 1] - 6) ^ key;
    v3[i + 2] = a1[i + 2] ^ 6 ^ key;
    *(_BYTE *)(a2 + i) = v3[i + 64];
    *(_BYTE *)(a2 + i + 1LL) = v3[i + 33];
    *(_BYTE *)(a2 + i + 2LL) = v3[i + 2];
  return a2;

// 单机+回车 查看 key 和 enflag 的值
enflag =  'izwhroz""w"v.K".Ni'

key = 18

// 稍微整理一下
int __fastcall encode(const char *src_code, __int64 enflag_s)
  char v3[104]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-70h]
  int v4; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-8h]
  int i; // [rsp+7Ch] [rbp-4h]

  i = 0;
  v4 = 0;
  if ( strlen(src_code) != key )
    return puts("Your Length is Wrong");
  for ( i = 0; i < key; i += 3 )
    v3[i + 64] = key ^ (src_code[i] + 6);
    v3[i + 33] = (src_code[i + 1] - 6) ^ key;
    v3[i + 2] = src_code[i + 2] ^ 6 ^ key;
    *(_BYTE *)(enflag_s + i) = v3[i + 64];
    *(_BYTE *)(enflag_s + i + 1LL) = v3[i + 33];
    *(_BYTE *)(enflag_s + i + 2LL) = v3[i + 2];
  return enflag_s;



交换律,即 a ^ b ^ c = a ^ c ^ b
结合律, 即 (a ^ b) ^ c = a ^ ( b ^c )
对于任何数,都有 a ^ a = 0, a ^ 0 = a
自反性, a ^ b ^ b = a ^ 0 = a

y = b^x  那么可以推导出 x= b^y = y^b
b = 3
x = 5
y = b^x
# y = 6
print (y)
# t=b^y
t = 3^6
# t = 5 = x
# t=y^b
t = 6^3
# t = 5 = x
def decode():
    key = 18
    enflag = 'izwhroz""w"v.K".Ni'

    src = []
    for i in range(0, 18, 3):
        src.append((ord((enflag[i])) ^ key) - 6)
        src.append((ord((enflag[i+1])) ^ key)  + 6)

    t_str = ""
    for each in src:
        t_str += chr(each)

if __name__ == '__main__':


python 函数ord()
ord() 函数是 chr() 函数(对于8位的ASCII字符串)或 unichr() 函数(对于Unicode对象)的配对函数,它以一个字符(长度为1的字符串)作为参数,返回对应的 ASCII 数值或者 Unicode 数值,如果所给的 Unicode 字符超出了你的 Python 定义范围,则会引发一个 TypeError 的异常

>>> ord('b')
>>> ord('c')

python 函数 chr()
chr() 用一个范围在 range(256)内的(就是0~255)整数作参数,返回一个对应的字符。

>>>print chr(0x30), chr(0x31), chr(0x61)   # 十六进制
0 1 a
>>> print chr(48), chr(49), chr(97)         # 十进制
0 1 a
boom 得到flag unctf



下载附件,是一个可执行的ELF文件666,拖进IDA中查看 main 函数反汇编得到 int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp) { char s[240]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-1E0h] BYRE


将目标文件拖入IDA 反汇编main函数 __int64 __fastcall main(int a1, char **a2, char **a3) { int i; // [rsp+Ch] [rbp-34h] char s[40]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-30h] BYREF uns


打开靶机对应的url 就一行字 Can you anthenticate to this website? 第一感觉就需要做目录文件扫描 使用御剑和dirsearch进行扫描,发现一个文件 index.phps 知识点: phps 是php标准中用来表示可以查看的php源文件的约定,不会被服务器执行


打开靶机对应的url,展开是一个网站的样子,其实啥也么有 所有tab都点一遍,发现只有报表中心有内容,url为 猜测这里是题眼,使用burpsuite的intruder直接爆id的值(0-10000) 最后发现id


打开靶机对应的url 上来就是代码审计 method =




打开靶机url,上来就代码审计 6000000 && strlen

【Android 逆向】【攻防世界】基础android

1. 下载并安装apk,提示要输入密码 2. apk拖入到jadx中看一下 this.login.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { // from class: com.example.test.ctf02.MainActivity.1

【Android 逆向】【攻防世界】android2.0

这是一道纯算法还原题 1. apk安装到手机,提示输入flag,看来输入就是flag 2. jadx 打开apk查看 this.button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { // from class: com.example.test

【Android 逆向】【攻防世界】APK逆向

1. apk安装到手机,提示输入flag 2. jadx打开apk 定位到checkSN方法 public boolean checkSN(String userName, String sn) { if (userName != null) { try { if (userName.length(