LeetCode 周赛 346(2023/05/21)仅 68 人 AK 的最短路问题

leetcode,ak,短路,问题 · 浏览次数 : 275


The provided code is an implementation of the solution for the 345 Challenge on LeetCode. **Overall, the code is well-organized and easy to follow.** It uses clear comments and logical grouping of operations. **Here's a breakdown of the key aspects of the code:** **1. Graph Construction:** * The code builds the graph using an adjacency list `graph`. * It also initializes the `dis` array to a large value (representing infinity) and sets `dis[source]` to 0. **2. Dijkstra's Algorithm:** * The code uses two instances of Dijkstra's algorithm to compute the shortest paths from the source to destination. * In the first iteration (`dijkstra1`), it finds the shortest path with no restrictions (all edges have weight 1). * In the second iteration (`dijkstra2`), it attempts to complete the path by allowing edges with weight 1. **3. Path Completion:** * If the path is fully completed, it updates the `dis` array to the shortest path length. **4. Boundary Cases:** * The code handles boundary cases to ensure the algorithm works correctly. If the source or destination is not in the graph, or if there is no path between them, the algorithm returns an empty array. **5. Time and Space Complexity:** * The time complexity is O(n^2) due to the use of two Dijkstra's algorithms. * The space complexity is O(m) as it creates an adjacency list `graph` and two `dis` arrays. **6. Code Structure:** * The code is well-structured and follows a clear algorithm design. * It uses a combination of `dijkstra1` and `dijkstra2` to compute the shortest paths. * It handles boundary cases appropriately to ensure the algorithm works correctly. **7. Optimization:** * The code allows edges with weight 1, which may not be the minimum weight required for the path. * It could be optimized by using the minimum weight first and then finding the longest path that satisfies the condition. **8. Usage:** * The code can be used to solve the 345 Challenge on LeetCode by creating a graph and computing the shortest paths between the source and destination nodes. **Overall, the code is a well-implemented solution to the 345 Challenge on LeetCode.** It demonstrates good problem-solving skills and algorithms.


本文已收录到 AndroidFamily,技术和职场问题,请关注公众号 [彭旭锐] 提问。

单周赛 345 概览

T1. 删除子串后的字符串最小长度(Easy)


T2. 字典序最小回文串(Medium)


T3. 求一个整数的惩罚数(Medium)


T4. 修改图中的边权(Hard)


T1. 删除子串后的字符串最小长度(Easy)



使用栈模拟扫描过程,当扫描到 DB 时检查栈顶元素,最后栈内剩余的元素个数就是无法消除的最小长度:

class Solution {
    fun minLength(s: String): Int {
        val stack = ArrayDeque<Char>()
        for (c in s) {
            if (c == 'D' && stack.isNotEmpty() && stack.peek() == 'C') stack.pop()
            else if (c == 'B' && stack.isNotEmpty() && stack.peek() == 'A') stack.pop()
            else stack.push(c)
        return stack.size


  • 时间复杂度:$O(n)$ 其中 n 为 s 字符串的长度;
  • 空间复杂度:$O(n)$ 栈空间。

T2. 字典序最小回文串(Medium)




class Solution {
    fun makeSmallestPalindrome(s: String): String {
        val arr = s.toCharArray()
        val n = s.length
        // 判断回文串写法
        for (i in 0 until n / 2) {
            val j = n - 1 - i
            if(arr[i] != arr[j]) {
                val temp = if(arr[i] < arr[j]) arr[i] else arr[j]
                arr[i] = temp
                arr[j] = temp
        return String(arr)


  • 时间复杂度:$O(n)$ 其中 n 为 s 字符串的长度;
  • 空间复杂度:$O(n)$ 字符数组空间。

T3. 求一个整数的惩罚数(Medium)




class Solution {
    fun punishmentNumber(n: Int): Int {
        if (n <= 3) return 1
        var ret = 0
        for (x in 4 .. n) {
            val target = x * x
            if (backTrack("$target", 0, x)) ret += target
        return ret + 1 /* 1 满足条件 */

    // 子集型回溯
    private fun backTrack(str : String, i : Int, target : Int) : Boolean {
        if (i == str.length) return target == 0
        var cur = 0
        for (to in i until str.length) {
            cur = cur * 10 + (str[to] - '0')
            if (backTrack(str, to + 1, target - cur)) return true
        return false


  • 时间复杂度:$O(n^2)$ 每个数字 i 转字符串后的长度为 $log_i$,而枚举长度为 $log_i$ 的字符串的切分方案后 $2^{log_i}$ = i 种方案,因此整体的时间复杂度是 $O(n^2)$;
  • 空间复杂度:$O(lgn)$ 递归栈空间。


由于数字的长度小于 32,我们可以用 int 表示所有切分方案,再检查是否存在满足条件的切分方案:

class Solution {
    fun punishmentNumber(n: Int): Int {
        if (n <= 3) return 1
        var ret = 0
        for (x in 4 .. n) {
            val target = x * x
            if (check("$target", x)) ret += target
        return ret + 1 /* 1 满足条件 */

    // 状态压缩
    private fun check(str : String, target : Int) : Boolean {
        val m = str.length
        val upper = (1 shl m) - 1
        for (k in 1 .. upper) {
            var last = 0
            var sum = 0
            for (i in 0 until m) {
                val cur = str[i] - '0'
                if (k and (1 shl i) != 0) {
                    // 拆
                    sum += last
                    last = cur
                } else{
                    // 不拆
                    last = last * 10 + cur
            if (sum + last == target) return true
        return false


  • 时间复杂度:同上;
  • 空间复杂度:$O(1)$ 仅使用常量级别空间。

题解三(预处理 + 前缀和)

题解一和题解二在多个测试用例间会重复计算相同数字的切分方案,我们可以预处理 1 - 1000 中所有满足条件的数平方,并维护前缀和数组:

class Solution {

    companion object {
        private val U = 1000
        private val preSum = IntArray(U + 1)
        init {
            for (x in 4 .. U) {
                val target = x * x
                if (check("$target", x)) preSum[x] += target
                preSum[x] += preSum[x - 1]

        // 状态压缩
        private fun check(str : String, target : Int) : Boolean {

    fun punishmentNumber(n: Int): Int {
        return preSum[n] + 1


  • 时间复杂度:$O(U^2)$ 其中 U 是数据大小上界;
  • 空间复杂度:$O(U)$ 前缀和数组空间。

T4. 修改图中的边权(Hard)


LeetCode 少有的难题,排进历史 Top 10 没问题吧?


  • 1、假设将所有负权边设置为 INF(2*10^9)时的最短路长度 dis < target(不论是否经过负权边),由于无法继续增大边权来增大最短路长度,因此问题无解;
  • 2、假设将所有负权边设置为 1 时的最短路长度 dis > target(不论是否经过负权边),由于继续增大边权最短路不可能变小,因此问题无解。


先把所有负权边设置为 1,再跑 Dijkstra 最短路,如果最短路长度 dis < target,那么将其中一条负权边继续增大 “target - dis”,就能是该路径的长度恰好为 target。然而,由于增加权重后最短路长度有可能变化,所以这个思路不能保证正确性。


  • 1、先把所有负权边改为 1 跑 Dijkstra 最短路,计算出起点到终点的最短路长度。同时,如果该长度 dis > target,则问题无解;如果该长度 dis == target,则直接返回;如果该长度 dis < target,则需要补全。
  • 2、问题的关键在于,按什么顺序修改,以及修改到什么值。
    • 顺序:利用 Dijkstra 最短路算法每次使用「确定集」中最短路长度最短的节点去松弛其他点的时机,由于修改该点不会影响已确定路径,因此这是一个不错的时机;
    • 修改到什么值:需要满足 dis[0][x] + w + dis[y][e] = target,那么有 w = target - dis[0][x] - (dis[0][e] - dis[0][y]) = delta - dis[0][x] + dis[0][y]
  • 3、虽然修改后最短路不一定经过 w,但由于不断的使用最短路长度最短的节点,因此最终总能修改成功,除非修改后最短路依然小于 target(例如存在直接从 s 到 e 的边)
  • 4、最后,将未修改的边增加到 INF。
class Solution {

    private val INF = 1e9.toInt()

    fun modifiedGraphEdges(n: Int, edges: Array<IntArray>, source: Int, destination: Int, target: Int): Array<IntArray> {
        if (source !in 0 .. n - 1 || destination !in 0 .. n - 1) return edges
        if (source == destination || edges.isNullOrEmpty()) return edges
        // 建图(领接表,节点号 + 边号方便修改边权)
        val graph = Array(n) { ArrayList<IntArray>() }
        for ((i, edge) in edges.withIndex()) {
            graph[edge[0]].add(intArrayOf(edge[1], i))
            graph[edge[1]].add(intArrayOf(edge[0], i))
        // 第一轮最短路
        val originDis = dijkstra1(graph, edges, source, destination)
        if (originDis[destination] > target) return emptyArray() // 无解
        // 第二轮最短路
        val delta = target - originDis[destination] // 需要补全的最短路
        val dis = dijkstra2(graph, edges, source, destination, delta, originDis)
        if (dis[destination] < target) return emptyArray() // 无解
        // 修改剩余边
        for (edge in edges) {
            if (edge[2] == -1) edge[2] = INF
        return edges

    // return:将 -1 视为 1,并计算从起点到终点的最短路
    private fun dijkstra1(graph:Array<ArrayList<IntArray>>, edges: Array<IntArray>, source :Int, destination:Int) : IntArray {
        val n = graph.size
        val visit = BooleanArray(n)
        val dis = IntArray(n) { INF }
        dis[source] = 0
        while (true) {
            // 寻找最短路长度最短的节点
            var x = -1
            for (i in 0 until n) {
                if (visit[i]) continue
                if (-1 == x || dis[i] < dis[x]) x = i
            if (x == destination) break
            visit[x] = true // 标记
            // 松弛相邻边
            for (to in graph[x]) {
                var w = edges[to[1]][2]
                if (-1 == w) w = 1 // 视为 1
                if (dis[x] + w < dis[to[0]]) dis[to[0]] = dis[x] + w
        return dis

    // 补全
    private fun dijkstra2(graph:Array<ArrayList<IntArray>>, edges: Array<IntArray>, source :Int, destination:Int, delta: Int, originDis:IntArray /* 首轮计算的最短路 */) : IntArray {
        val n = graph.size
        val visit = BooleanArray(n)
        val dis = IntArray(n) { INF }
        dis[source] = 0
        while (true) {
            // 寻找最短路长度最短的节点
            var x = -1
            for (i in 0 until n) {
                if (visit[i]) continue
                if (-1 == x || dis[i] < dis[x]) x = i
            if (x == destination) break
            visit[x] = true // 标记
            // 松弛相邻边
            for (to in graph[x]) {
                var w = edges[to[1]][2]
                if (-1 == w) {
                    // 补全(两次 Dijkstra 只修改这里)
                    w = Math.max(delta - dis[x] + originDis[to[0]], 1) // 题目要求至少修改到 1
                    if (w >= 1) edges[to[1]][2] = w
                if (dis[x] + w < dis[to[0]]) dis[to[0]] = dis[x] + w
        return dis


  • 时间复杂度:$O(n^2)$ 两轮最短路算法;
  • 空间复杂度:$O(m)$ 图空间。


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