基于el-cascader级联选择器实现只有最后一级可以多选(已发布到npm & github)

基于,el,cascader,级联,选择器,实现,只有,最后,一级,可以,发布,npm,github · 浏览次数 : 440


## El Cascader Optimization for Multiple Backgrounds This document describes an optimization of the Element UI multiple background select component to allow selection of the last level and preserve the original functionality. **Overview:** * Multiple background selection is commonly used, but Element UI's multi-select component only allows selection of the last level. * This project aims to address this limitation by optimizing the component to support multiple backgrounds while maintaining the component's core functionality. **Key Points:** * The component will support multi-background selection. * The original selection behavior will be preserved. * The optimization focuses on achieving this while maintaining maintainability and preserving the component's core functionality. **Implementation:** * The component will be updated to use a custom `render` method. * The `render` method will handle the background selection logic and render the components accordingly. * The component will maintain its original props and functionality. **Optimization Goals:** * Allow multi-background selection. * Preserve the ability to select only the last item. * Maintain the component's core functionality and maintainability. **Additional Notes:** * The component currently supports the following props: * `visibleData` (array): Selected data for the component. * `expandTrigger` (string): Event that triggers sub-menu expansion. * `popperClass` (string): CSS class for the popover. * `props` (object): Configuration object for the component. * These props are the only supported props at the moment. * Some Element UI methods may require further optimization or testing. **Future Improvements:** * Consider implementing a custom `multiple` component that extends the base component. * Explore adding a toggle or checkbox for additional control over selection. * Address any known issues with other Element UI methods. **Conclusion:** By implementing these optimizations, we aim to create a more flexible and efficient multiple background select component that meets the requirements of modern web design and development.




我们经常级联合选择器多选的需求,但是element UI提供的级联选择器并不能只多选最后一级,所以我考虑基于element UI的级联选择器优化一下,实现可以多选最后一级,并且尽量可以保留级联选择器原有功能。


https://heyu3913.github.io/el-cascader-onlylast-mutiple/dist/index.html (开梯子访问)


  npm i el-cascader-onlylast-mutiple -S
  import Cascader from  'el-cascader-onlylast-mutiple'
  使用依赖 具体可看本项目中App.vue


参数 说明 类型 可选值 默认值
visibleData 选中项绑定值 array - -
options 可选项数据源,键名可通过 Props 属性配置 array
size 尺寸 string medium / small / mini
placeholder 输入框占位文本 string - 请选择
disabled 是否禁用 boolean - false
clearable 是否支持清空选项 boolean - false
showAllLevels 输入框中是否显示选中值的完整路径 boolean - false
collapseTags 多选模式下是否折叠Tag boolean - false
popperClass 自定义浮层类名 string - -
props 配置选项,具体见下表 object - -


参数 说明 类型 可选值 默认值
expandTrigger 次级菜单的展开方式 string click / hover 'click'
value 指定选项的值为选项对象的某个属性值 string 'value'
label 指定选项标签为选项对象的某个属性值 string 'label'
children 指定选项的子选项为选项对象的某个属性值 string 'children'
disabled 指定选项的禁用为选项对象的某个属性值 string 'disabled'


事件名称 说明 回调参数
change 当选中节点变化时触发 选中节点的值


目前只兼容了以上属性与方法,别的element中原有的方法并没有测试过,可能会出现意想不到的错误。如果有需求可以联系我 vx: iverson96i



与基于el-cascader级联选择器实现只有最后一级可以多选(已发布到npm & github)相似的内容:

基于el-cascader级联选择器实现只有最后一级可以多选(已发布到npm & github)

#### github地址:[https://github.com/heyu3913/el-cascader-onlylast-mutiple](https://github.com/heyu3913/el-cascader-onlylast-mutiple) ## 背景: ### 我们经常级联合选


## 1、介绍 本项目是基于element-ui@2.15.14的基础上,二次修改源码,封装的ui组件,在此特别感谢[elemen-ui组件库](https://github.com/ElemeFE/element) ## 2、更新功能 ### 2.1在el-cascader组件的基础上,添加了只多


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