算法金 | 机器学习模型评价、模型与算法选择(综述)

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**Efron's Bootstrap Method** Efron's bootstrap method is a resampling technique used to estimate the error rate of a prediction rule. It involves repeatedly sampling with replacement from the original data set, training a model on each sample, and then averaging the error rates to obtain a robust estimate. **Steps of Bootstrap Method:** 1. **Draw a sample with replacement from the original data set.** This can be done using random sampling or systematic sampling. 2. **Train a model on the sample.** This can be done using any appropriate machine learning algorithm. 3. **Calculate the error rate for the model on the sample.** This can be done using the same metric as used in the original data set. 4. **Repeat steps 1-3** for a specified number of resampling. 5. **Average the error rates from the resampling steps to obtain the final error rate.** **Advantages of Bootstrap Method:** * Robust to outliers and data missingness. * Provides a conservative estimate of the error rate. * Relatively easy to implement. **Disadvantages of Bootstrap Method:** * Can be computationally expensive for large datasets. * May not be suitable for all types of data. * Can be biased if the original data is skewed. **Variations of Bootstrap Method:** * **.632+ bootstrap:** Uses a different resampling scheme to improve the accuracy of the error rate estimate. * **Adaptive bootstrapping:** Starts with a small number of resampling steps and then increases the number of steps based on the error rate. * **Stratified bootstrap:** Uses a stratified sampling scheme to ensure that the resampled data is representative of the original data. **Conclusion:** Efron's bootstrap method is a powerful technique for estimating the error rate of a prediction rule. However, it can be computationally expensive and may not be suitable for all types of data. Variations of the bootstrap method can be used to address these limitations.


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[Sebastian Raschka 2018] Model Evaluation, Model Selection, and Algorithm Selection in Machine Learning, https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.12808


1. 引言:关于模型评价的基本术语和技术

1.1 性能估计:泛化性能与模型选择



1.2 假设和术语


1.3 重复验证和保留方法




2. 自举和不确定性

2.1 概述


2.2 重采样


2.3 重复保留验证


2.4 自举方法和经验置信区间


3. 交叉验证和超参数优化

3.1 概述


3.2 关于超参数和模型选择


3.3 三路保留方法用于超参数调优


3.4 k-折交叉验证简介


3.5 特殊情况:2-折和留一法交叉验证


3.6 k-折交叉验证和偏差-方差权衡


3.7 通过k-折交叉验证进行模型选择


4. 算法比较

4.1 概述


4.2 测试比例的差异


4.3 使用McNemar测试比较两个模型



[Sebastian Raschka 2018] Model Evaluation, Model Selection, and Algorithm Selection in Machine Learning https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.12808

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算法金 | 机器学习模型评价、模型与算法选择(综述)

大侠幸会,在下全网同名[算法金] 0 基础转 AI 上岸,多个算法赛 Top [日更万日,让更多人享受智能乐趣] [Sebastian Raschka 2018] Model Evaluation, Model Selection, and Algorithm Selection in Machin

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