boom lab分析

boom,lab · 浏览次数 : 0


The disassembled assembly dump describes a function that checks and handles a string input for the purpose of bomb detection. **Key Jump Codes:** * `0x40139b `: This jump instruction compares the result of an AND operation with `0x1` and jumps to the address specified by `0x401396` if the result is 0. * `0x401388 `: This jump instruction compares the result of an AND operation with `0x0` and jumps to the address specified by `0x40138a` if the result is 0. * `0x40136a `: This jump instruction compares the result of an AND operation with the address of the string literal `0x402400` and jumps to the address specified by `0x401396` if the result is 0. **Function Flow:** 1. The function takes an address `%rdi` as input, which likely holds the address of a string literal. 2. It performs an AND operation with `0x1` and sets a ZF flag if the result is 0. 3. If ZF is set, it performs an `je` instruction, which jumps to a specific address (`0x401396`). 4. Otherwise, it continues with the next instructions. 5. The function then checks the result of the AND operation with `0x0` and jumps to the address specified by `0x40138a` if it's 0. 6. If the second AND operation result is not 0, it compares it with the address of the string literal `0x402400` and jumps to the address specified by `0x401396` if they match. 7. If the strings match and are of the correct length, the function performs a jump to another address (`0x40139b`) and returns a value. 8. Otherwise, it returns a value of 0. **Overall, the function seems to be checking a string input to determine if it matches a specific pattern and, if so, returns a result based on the match.**



(gdb) bt
#1  0x0000000000401347 in strings_not_equal ()
#2  0x0000000000400eee in phase_1 ()
#3  0x0000000000400e3f in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at bomb.c:74


    /* Hmm...  Six phases must be more secure than one phase! */
    input = read_line();             /* Get input                   */
    phase_1(input);                  /* Run the phase               */
    phase_defused();                 /* Drat!  They figured it out!
				      * Let me know how they did it. */
    printf("Phase 1 defused. How about the next one?\n");



(gdb) disassemble phase_1
Dump of assembler code for function phase_1:
   0x0000000000400ee0 <+0>:     sub    $0x8,%rsp
   0x0000000000400ee4 <+4>:     mov    $0x402400,%esi               #0x402400 --> %esi
   0x0000000000400ee9 <+9>:     call   0x401338 <strings_not_equal> #调用strings_not_equal函数
   0x0000000000400eee <+14>:    test   %eax,%eax                    
   0x0000000000400ef0 <+16>:    je     0x400ef7 <phase_1+23>		#如果%eax值为0,则正常返回
   0x0000000000400ef2 <+18>:    call   0x40143a <explode_bomb>		#如果%eax值不为0,则触发炸弹
   0x0000000000400ef7 <+23>:    add    $0x8,%rsp
   0x0000000000400efb <+27>:    ret

test 指令将 %eax 寄存器的值与自身进行逻辑与操作,并设置标志位,但不修改 %eax 的值。如果 %eax 的值为零,则标志位会被置为零;如果 %eax 的值不为零,则标志位会被置为非零。



(gdb) disassemble strings_not_equal 
Dump of assembler code for function strings_not_equal:
   0x0000000000401338 <+0>:     push   %r12
   0x000000000040133a <+2>:     push   %rbp
   0x000000000040133b <+3>:     push   %rbx
   0x000000000040133c <+4>:     mov    %rdi,%rbx						
   0x000000000040133f <+7>:     mov    %rsi,%rbp
   0x0000000000401342 <+10>:    call   0x40131b <string_length>			# 将%rbx和 %rbp传入函数string_length
   0x0000000000401347 <+15>:    mov    %eax,%r12d						# 第一次返回值%eax赋给 %r12d
   0x000000000040134a <+18>:    mov    %rbp,%rdi						# %rbp —> %rdi
   0x000000000040134d <+21>:    call   0x40131b <string_length>			# %rdi的值作为入参	
   0x0000000000401352 <+26>:    mov    $0x1,%edx
   0x0000000000401357 <+31>:    cmp    %eax,%r12d 						# 对比两次函数长度调用的结果
   0x000000000040135a <+34>:    jne    0x40139b <strings_not_equal+99>  # 若长度不同,返回1
   # 以上代码均为判断两个字符串的长度是否相同,现在的%r12d、%eax分别保存了第一次和第二次的函数调用结果,即两个字符串的长度
   # 寄存器rbx 和 rbp 分别保存着函数的两个参数
   # 35c-41:若函数第一个参数低8位为0,则返回0
   0x000000000040135c <+36>:    movzbl (%rbx),%eax						# 参数1的低1位字节赋值给eax
   0x000000000040135f <+39>:    test   %al,%al							# %al & %al
   0x0000000000401361 <+41>:    je     0x401388 <strings_not_equal+80>  # Jump condition:ZF---(Equal / zero)
   # 35c-37f:对比参数1和参数2的每个字节,均相同的话遍
   0x0000000000401363 <+43>:    cmp    0x0(%rbp),%al					# 参数2的低1位字节与数1的低1位字节对比
   0x0000000000401366 <+46>:    je     0x401372 <strings_not_equal+58>	# 如果相等,则对比更高1位的字节
   0x0000000000401368 <+48>:    jmp    0x40138f <strings_not_equal+87>  # 不相等,返回错误1
   0x000000000040136a <+50>:    cmp    0x0(%rbp),%al					
   0x000000000040136d <+53>:    nopl   (%rax)
   0x0000000000401370 <+56>:    jne    0x401396 <strings_not_equal+94> #若参数1、2的第2个字节不同,则返回错误1
   0x0000000000401372 <+58>:    add    $0x1,%rbx
   0x0000000000401376 <+62>:    add    $0x1,%rbp
   0x000000000040137a <+66>:    movzbl (%rbx),%eax
   0x000000000040137d <+69>:    test   %al,%al
   0x000000000040137f <+71>:    jne    0x40136a <strings_not_equal+50>
   0x0000000000401381 <+73>:    mov    $0x0,%edx
   0x0000000000401386 <+78>:    jmp    0x40139b <strings_not_equal+99>
   0x0000000000401388 <+80>:    mov    $0x0,%edx
   0x000000000040138d <+85>:    jmp    0x40139b <strings_not_equal+99>
   0x000000000040138f <+87>:    mov    $0x1,%edx
   0x0000000000401394 <+92>:    jmp    0x40139b <strings_not_equal+99>
   0x0000000000401396 <+94>:    mov    $0x1,%edx
   0x000000000040139b <+99>:    mov    %edx,%eax
   0x000000000040139d <+101>:   pop    %rbx
   0x000000000040139e <+102>:   pop    %rbp
   0x000000000040139f <+103>:   pop    %r12
   0x00000000004013a1 <+105>:   ret    
End of assembler dump.


0x40139b <strings_not_equal+99>:函数将以%edx作为返回值返回。

0x401388 <strings_not_equal+80>:返回0。

0x40136a <strings_not_equal+50>:比较 %al 寄存器中的值与 %rbp 寄存器偏移 0 的内存地址处的值,如果不相等,则跳转到地址 0x401396 处执行相应的代码(函数会返回1),否则继续执行后续指令。


  • test S1, S2:相当于S1&S2,若结果为0,则设置ZF为1
  • jmp的所有指令。重点有je,jump condition为ZF = 1
  • movzbl:0拓展数据。Move zero-extended byte to double word(movz S,R: R ← ZeroExtend(S))


  1. 查看phase_1函数的汇编代码,发现入参%rdi需要跟另一个参数0x402400 --> %rsi进入函数strings_not_equal 进行计算,若结果为0,则可以拆除炸弹,否则爆炸。
  2. 查看strings_not_equal 函数的汇编代码,可以分析出此函数是将入参寄存器(%rdi%rsi)所指地址处的字符串进行比对,如果长度相同并且每个字都相同(按照字节对比),则返回0


那这样,通过gdb的命令x/30s 0x402400,以 ASCII 格式打印出从地址 0x402400 开始的 10 个字节的数据(假设这些数据是以 0 结尾的字符串),并且找出第一个字符串即可,这里打印的值为:

(gdb) x/30s 0x402400                                                                                                                                           
0x402400:       "Border relations with Canada have never been better."

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