[转帖]acme How to issue a cert

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## Generating a Certificate with Acme.sh This document provides instructions on how to use the `acme.sh` command-line tool to generate a certificate for a single domain or multiple domains. ### Prerequisites * Install `acme.sh` from the official repository: `git clone -r acme.sh` * Make sure you have basic command-line knowledge. ### Single Domain Mode 1. Point the domain name and its subdomain to the same web root folder: ``` acme.sh --issue -d example.com -w /home/wwwroot/example.com ``` 2. This mode requires write access only to the web root folder. ### Standalone Mode 1. Run the command with the `--standalone` flag: ``` acme.sh --issue -d example.com --standalone ``` 2. This mode allows you to issue the certificate without needing a web server. ### TLS Alpn Mode 1. Ensure your web server supports TLS/SSL by setting the `--tlsport` flag. 2. Use the `--alpn` flag to specify the desired port for TLS/SSL. 3. Example: ``` acme.sh --issue -d example.com --alpn --tlsport 84434 ``` ### DNS API Mode 1. Set the `--dns` flag followed by the subdomain names. 2. Use the `--dns_cf` or `--dns_ns` flag for CloudFlare and Namecheap respectively. 3. Example: ``` acme.sh --issue -d example.com --dns dns_cf ``` ### DNS Manual Mode 1. Use the `--dns` flag followed by the subdomain name. 2. Use the `--nginx` flag to specify the nginx configuration file path. 3. Example: ``` acme.sh --issue -d example.com --dns dns_manual ``` ### Apache Mode 1. Use the `--issue` flag followed by the domain name. 2. Use the `--nginx` flag to specify the nginx configuration file path. 3. Example: ``` acme.sh --issue -d example.com --nginx /etc/nginx/conf.d/example.com.conf ``` ### Nginx Mode 1. Use the `--issue` flag followed by the domain name. 2. Use the `--nginx` flag to specify the nginx configuration file path. 3. Example: ``` acme.sh --issue -d example.com --nginx /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ```




1. Single domain:

1) Webroot mode:

If you already have a web server running, you should use webroot mode. you only need write access to the web root folder.

acme.sh  --issue  -d example.com  -w /home/wwwroot/example.com

2) Standalone mode:

If you don't have a web server, maybe you are on a smtp or ftp server, the 80 port is free. you can use standalone mode. acme.sh has a builtin standalone webserver, it can listen at 80 port to issue the cert.

acme.sh  --issue  -d example.com  --standalone

If you are using a non-standard 80 port behind a reverse proxy or load balancer , you can use --httpport to specify your port:

acme.sh  --issue  -d example.com  --standalone --httpport 88

3) Standalone tls alpn mode:

If you don't have a web server, maybe you are on a smtp or ftp server, the 443 port is free. you can use standalone tls alpn mode. acme.sh has a builtin standalone tls webserver, it can listen at 443 port to issue the cert.

acme.sh  --issue  -d example.com  --alpn

If you are using a non-standard 443 port behind a reverse proxy or load balancer , you can use --tlsport to specify your port:

acme.sh  --issue  -d example.com  --alpn --tlsport 8443

4) DNS API mode:

Yes, if your nameservice provider has an api, we can use the api to automatically add the txt record for you. your cert will be automatically issued and renewed.

Cloudflare api:

export CF_Key="sdfsdfsdfljlbjkljlkjsdfoiwje"

export CF_Email="xxxx@sss.com"

acme.sh  --issue  -d example.com  --dns dns_cf

How to use dns api: https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/dnsapi

5) DNS manual mode:

See: https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/DNS-manual-mode

6) DNS alias mode:

See: https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/DNS-alias-mode

7) Apache mode:

If your website is running apache server, acme.sh can use apache server to issue cert. And acme.sh will restore your apache conf after the cert is issued, don't worry.

acme.sh  --issue  -d example.com  --apache

8) Nginx mode:

If your website is running nginx server, acme.sh can use nginx server to issue cert. And acme.sh will restore your nginx conf after the cert is issued, don't worry.

acme.sh  --issue  -d example.com  --nginx

Sometimes, nginx conf file can not be found automatically, you can specify one:

acme.sh  --issue  -d example.com  --nginx /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

You can also specify the website conf:

acme.sh  --issue  -d example.com  --nginx /etc/nginx/conf.d/example.com.conf

2. Multiple domains, SAN mode

Issue a single cert including multiple domains. All the domains use the same validation method:

1) Webroot mode:

You must point example.com and www.example.com to the same web root folder /home/wwwroot/example.com

acme.sh  --issue  -d example.com  -w /home/wwwroot/example.com   -d www.example.com

2) Standalone mode:

acme.sh  --issue  -d example.com  --standalone  -d www.example.com 

3) Dns api mode:

Cloud flare api:

export CF_Key="sdfsdfsdfljlbjkljlkjsdfoiwje"

export CF_Email="xxxx@example.com"

acme.sh  --issue  -d example.com  --dns dns_cf  -d www.example.com

4) Dns manual mode:

acme.sh  --issue  -d example.com  --dns  -d www.example.com

3. Multiple domains, SAN mode, Hybrid mode

Issue a single cert including multiple domains. Each domain uses a different validation method.

acme.sh  --issue  \
-d aa.com  -w /home/wwwroot/aa.com \
-d bb.com  --dns dns_cf \
-d cc.com  --apache \
-d dd.com  -w /home/wwwroot/dd.com
acme.sh  --issue  \
-d aa.com  --dns dns_dp \
-d bb.com  --dns dns_cf \
-d cc.com  --dns dns_ns 

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[转帖]acme How to issue a cert

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