[转帖]Batch mode

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**Memory Analyzer Batch Mode Guide** **Overview** Memory Analyzer allows batch mode processing of heap dumps to analyze memory usage on multiple systems. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the batch mode workflow, including command-line options, report generation, and other settings. **Command-Line Options** * **-keep_unreachable_objects**: Keep only reachable objects in the heap dump index. * **-remove_unreachable_objects**: Remove all unreachable objects from the index. * **-test_overview**: Test the "Heap Dump Overview" section of the results report. * **-test_problem_suspects**: Perform tests on suspicious objects in the results report. * **-generate_report**: Generate a comprehensive HTML report with detailed analysis. * **-output_directory**: Specify the output directory for the report. * **-results_file**: Specify the output file name for the results report. **Report Generation** The results are generated in an HTML report file named "myheapdump_Leak_Suspects.zip". The report includes the following sections: * **Heap Dump Overview** * **Problem Suspect Analysis** * **All Accumulated Objects by Class** **Additional Settings** * **-depth**: Specify the depth of the dominator tree for testing. * **-threshold**: Set a memory threshold for identifying suspect objects. **Example Command** ``` memory_analyzer --keep_unreachable_objects --test_problem_suspects --generate_report --output_directory=results --results_file=myheapdump_Leak_Suspects.zip ``` **Tips for Best Results** * Use a clean and isolated test environment. * Ensure that the heap dumps are valid and contain representative objects. * Select appropriate threshold values for detecting suspicious objects. * Run multiple test cases to validate the results. **Conclusion** Batch mode in Memory Analyzer provides a powerful tool for comprehensive memory analysis and troubleshooting. By understanding the command-line options and report generation settings, you can customize the analysis to meet your specific requirements.




Memory Analyzer can be operated in batch mode to process heap dumps without user input.

  1. Note: On Windows, use .\mat\ParseHeapDump.bat instead of ./mat/ParseHeapDump.sh
    Run ./mat/ParseHeapDump.sh myheapdump.hprof org.eclipse.mat.api:suspects
    • For a simple suspects report use org.eclipse.mat.api:suspects See running leak suspect report for more details.
    • For an overview report use org.eclipse.mat.api:overview This report is included at the beginning of the leak suspects report and shows:
      • Heap Dump Overview
      • System Properties
      • Thread Overview
      • Top Consumers
      • Class Histogram
    • For a report on memory usage by component use org.eclipse.mat.api:top_components See Component report for more details of the report run on each of the top components by memory usage.
    • To compare two heap dumps use ./mat/ParseHeapDump.sh myheapdump.hprof -snapshot2=myheapdump2.hprof org.eclipse.mat.api:compare
    • To compare two heap dumps for memory leaks with a leak suspects report use ./mat/ParseHeapDump.sh myheapdump.hprof -baseline=myheapdump2.hprof org.eclipse.mat.api:suspects2 See running leak suspect report by snapshot comparison for more details.
    • To export a new copy of the heap dump with redactions use a command like
      See export heap dump for more details.
    • To run a single query on a heap dump and produce an HTML report use ./mat/ParseHeapDump.sh myheapdump.hprof -command=histogram org.eclipse.mat.api:query See Query Report for more details.
  2. Choose additional options to control the parse and report generation.
    Command line options controlling the parse.
    1. -keep_unreachable_objects means that all objects are retained in the snapshot, even if they are not reachable from an ordinary GC root.
    2. -snapshot_identifier=identifier Selects one snapshot when there is the choice of several in the heap dump file. For HPROF files this might be of the form #1 or #2. For DTFJ system dump files this might be of the form Address space ID.Process ID.Runtime ID. If there are multiple snapshots in a heap dump file and a specific snapshot is not selected then the parse will fail with a org.eclipse.mat.snapshot.MultipleSnapshotsException which will list appropriate possible snapshot identifiers to use with this option.
    3. Note: Experimental
      -discard_ratio=percentage. Option to discard a fraction of the objects from huge dumps.
      See discard configuration for an explanation of these discard options.
    4. Note: Experimental
      -discard_pattern=regex. A regular expression matching the class names of objects to be discarded.
    5. Note: Experimental
      -discard_offset=offset value. Controls which particular objects are discarded.
    6. Note: Experimental
      -discard_seed=random number generator seed. Controls which particular objects are discarded.
    7. Other report options

      Other parameters controlling output include the following:

      -limit=number of entries Controls the number of entries generated in an output table. See org.eclipse.mat.report.Params.Rendering.LIMIT
      -format=type of output Controls the type of the output (HTML, CSV, or TXT). See org.eclipse.mat.report.Params.FORMAT
      -html.show_table_headings Controls whether table headings should be shown for tables. See org.eclipse.mat.report.Params.Html.SHOW_TABLE_HEADER
      -html.show_totals Controls whether totals should be shown for tables. See org.eclipse.mat.report.Params.Html.SHOW_TOTALS
    Task: Parsing myheapdump.hprof
    [Task: Parsing .\Downloads\myheapdump.hprof
    Subtask: Scanning .\Downloads\myheapdump.hprof
    [INFO] Detected compressed references, because with uncompressed 64-bit references the array at 0x5c4bd4258 would overlap the array at 0x5c4bd4230
    [INFO] Wrote threads call stacks to .\Downloads\myheapdump.threads
    [INFO] Heap .\Downloads\myheapdump.hprof contains 116,716 objects
    Subtask: Extracting objects from .\Downloads\myheapdump.hprof
    [...................................................................................Task: Removing unreachable objects
    Subtask: Searching for unreachable objects
    Subtask: Marking reachable objects
    Subtask: Re-indexing objects
    Subtask: Re-indexing classes
    Subtask: Writing .\Downloads\myheapdump.idx.index
    Subtask: Writing .\Downloads\myheapdump.o2c.index
    Subtask: Writing .\Downloads\myheapdump.a2s.index
    Subtask: Re-indexing outbound index
    Subtask: Writing .\Downloads\myheapdump.inbound.index
    Subtask: Writing .\Downloads\myheapdump.outbound.index
    Subtask: Writing .\Downloads\myheapdump.o2hprof.index
    [.........Task: Calculating Dominator Tree
    Subtask: Dominator Tree calculation
    Subtask: Depth-first search
    Subtask: Computing dominators
    Subtask: Calculate retained sizes
    Subtask: Create dominators index file
    Subtask: Test 'Heap Dump Overview' of section 'System Overview'
    Subtask: Test 'System Properties' of section 'System Overview'
    Subtask: Extracting Key Value Pairs...
    Subtask: Test 'Thread Overview' of section 'System Overview'
    Subtask: Searching Threads...
    Subtask: Test 'Top Consumers' of section 'System Overview'
    Subtask: Creating histogram
    Subtask: Grouping by package
    Subtask: Test 'Biggest Objects (Overview)' of section 'Top Consumers'
    Subtask: Test 'Biggest Objects' of section 'Top Consumers'
    Subtask: Test 'Biggest Top-Level Dominator Classes (Overview)' of section 'Top Consumers'
    Subtask: Test 'Biggest Top-Level Dominator Classes' of section 'Top Consumers'
    Subtask: Test 'Biggest Top-Level Dominator Class Loaders (Overview)' of section 'Top Consumers'
    Subtask: Test 'Biggest Top-Level Dominator Class Loaders' of section 'Top Consumers'
    Subtask: Test 'Biggest Top-Level Dominator Packages' of section 'Top Consumers'
    Subtask: Test 'Class Histogram' of section 'System Overview'
    Subtask: Test 'Leaks' of section 'Leak Suspects'
    Subtask: Finding problem suspects
    Subtask: Searching suspicious single objects ...
    Subtask: Searching suspicious groups of objects ...
    Subtask: building histogram
    Subtask: Preparing results
    Subtask: building histogram
    Subtask: building histogram
    Subtask: Finding paths
    Subtask: Test 'Overview' of section 'Leaks'
    Subtask: Test 'Problem Suspect 1' of section 'Leaks'
    Subtask: Test 'Description' of section 'Problem Suspect 1'
    Subtask: Test 'Shortest Paths To the Accumulation Point' of section 'Problem Suspect 1'
    Subtask: Test 'Shortest Paths To the Accumulation Point' of section 'Problem Suspect 1'
    Subtask: Test 'Accumulated Objects in Dominator Tree' of section 'Problem Suspect 1'
    Subtask: Test 'Accumulated Objects in Dominator Tree' of section 'Problem Suspect 1'
    Subtask: Test 'Accumulated Objects by Class in Dominator Tree' of section 'Problem Suspect 1'
    Subtask: Test 'Accumulated Objects by Class in Dominator Tree' of section 'Problem Suspect 1'
    Subtask: Test 'All Accumulated Objects by Class' of section 'Problem Suspect 1'
    Subtask: Test 'All Accumulated Objects by Class' of section 'Problem Suspect 1'
  3. Unzip the report myheapdump_Leak_Suspects.zip
  4. View the index.html

The result is a HTML report.

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