
dump2png · 浏览次数 : 0


Sure, here is the summary you requested: **Dump2PNG** is a program that visualizes file data as a PNG. It can be used to analyze memory or core dumps by converting each byte to a colored pixel and building an image from these lines. **Features:** * Works with both memory and core dumps. * Masks the least significant bit to avoid privacy leaks. * Offers various palette options. * Can be optimized using the -O3 flag. **Usage:** To use Dump2PNG, simply pass the path to the file you want to convert to a PNG image to the `file` argument. You can also specify various options such as the palette, output file name, and zoom factor. **Example:** ``` ./dump2png core.node.13562 ``` This command will create an image called `core.png` containing the memory dump data of a node named `core.node.13562`. **Additional Notes:** * The -M flag prevents masking the least significant bit. * The -k flag specifies the number of lines to skip horizontally. * The -s flag specifies the byte offset to begin reading from. * The -z flag specifies the zoom factor, which determines the number of bytes to average together as a single pixel.




Visualize file data as a png. Intended for memory or core dumps. This tool is an experiment, intended to characterize the memory usage of large process core dumps. It does by converting each byte to a colored pixel, and building an image from these line by line. For serious core dump analysis, look for other tools that read the metadata and structure from the dump. By default, the least significant bit is masked, so that the image can't be converted back to the input file, to avoid inadvertent privacy leaks. Use -M to avoid masking, or increase BYTE_MASK to mask more bits. 1. Build Using gcc: gcc -O3 -lm -lpng -o dump2png dump2png.c Requires libpng. This is a good candidate for optimization (-O3). 2. Usage $ ./dump2png --help USAGE: dump2png [-HM] [-w width] [-h height_max] [-p palette] [-o outfile.png] [-k skip_factor] [-s seek_bytes] [-z zoom_factor] file [--help] # for full help palette types: gray, gray16b, gray16l, gray32b, gray32l, hues, hues6, fhues, color, color16, color32, rgb, dvi, x86 (default). -H don't autoscale height -M don't mask least significant bit -k skip_factor skips horiz lines; eg, 3 means show 1 out of 3 -s seek_bytes the byte offset of the infile to begin reading -z zoom_factor averages multiple bytes; eg, 16 avgs 16 as 1 -z palette palette type for colorization: gray grayscale, per byte gray16b grayscale, per short (big-endian) gray16l grayscale, per short (little-endian) gray32b grayscale, per long (big-endian) gray32l grayscale, per long (little-endian) hues map to 3 hue ranges (rgb), per byte (zoom safe) hues6 map to 6 hue ranges (rgbcmy), per byte fhues map to 3 full hue ranges (rgb), per byte (zoom safe) color full colorized scale, per byte color16 full colorized scale, per short (16-bit) color32 full colorized scale, per long (32-bit) rgb treat 3 sequential bytes as RGB dvi use RGB to convey differential, value, integral x86 grayscale with some (9) color indicators: green = common english chars: 'e', 't', 'a' red = common x86 instructions: movl, call, testl blue = binary values: 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 3. Examples $ ./dump2png core.node.13562 # by default uses "x86" palette $ ./dump2png -w 2048 core # output image 2048 pixels wide $ ./dump2png -o out.png core # write to "out.png" $ ./dump2png -p gray core # grayscale palette $ ./dump2png -p color core # full color palette $ ./dump2png -p hues core # RGB hues only (zoom friendly) $ ./dump2png -z 32 core # Zoom out by 32x (32 bytes averaged as 1 pixel) $ ./dump2png -k 10 core # Include one horiz line out of 10 (skip 9) You can always open the images up in an image editor (eg, gimp) and apply more effects.



https://github.com/brendangregg/Dump2PNG Visualize file data as a png. Intended for memory or core dumps. This tool is an experiment, intended to char


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