Using the redis-benchmark utility on a Redis server
Redis includes the redis-benchmark
utility that simulates running commands done by N clients while at the same time sending M total queries. The utility provides a default set of tests, or you can supply a custom set of tests.
The following options are supported:
Usage: redis-benchmark [-h <host>] [-p <port>] [-c <clients>] [-n <requests]> [-k <boolean>]
-h <hostname> Server hostname (default
-p <port> Server port (default 6379)
-s <socket> Server socket (overrides host and port)
-a <password> Password for Redis Auth
-c <clients> Number of parallel connections (default 50)
-n <requests> Total number of requests (default 100000)
-d <size> Data size of SET/GET value in bytes (default 3)
--dbnum <db> SELECT the specified db number (default 0)
-k <boolean> 1=keep alive 0=reconnect (default 1)
-r <keyspacelen> Use random keys for SET/GET/INCR, random values for SADD
Using this option the benchmark will expand the string __rand_int__
inside an argument with a 12 digits number in the specified range
from 0 to keyspacelen-1. The substitution changes every time a command
is executed. Default tests use this to hit random keys in the
specified range.
-P <numreq> Pipeline <numreq> requests. Default 1 (no pipeline).
-q Quiet. Just show query/sec values
--csv Output in CSV format
-l Loop. Run the tests forever
-t <tests> Only run the comma separated list of tests. The test
names are the same as the ones produced as output.
-I Idle mode. Just open N idle connections and wait.
You need to have a running Redis instance before launching the benchmark. You can run the benchmarking utility like so:
redis-benchmark -q -n 100000
You don't need to run all the default tests every time you execute redis-benchmark
. For example, to select only a subset of tests, use the -t
option as in the following example:
$ redis-benchmark -t set,lpush -n 100000 -q
SET: 74239.05 requests per second
LPUSH: 79239.30 requests per second
This example runs the tests for the SET
commands and uses quiet mode (see the -q
You can even benchmark a specific command:
$ redis-benchmark -n 100000 -q script load "'set','foo','bar')"
script load'set','foo','bar'): 69881.20 requests per second
By default, the benchmark runs against a single key. In Redis the difference between such a synthetic benchmark and a real one is not huge since it is an in-memory system, however it is possible to stress cache misses and in general to simulate a more real-world work load by using a large key space.
This is obtained by using the -r
switch. For instance if I want to run one million SET operations, using a random key for every operation out of 100k possible keys, I'll use the following command line:
$ redis-cli flushall
$ redis-benchmark -t set -r 100000 -n 1000000
====== SET ======
1000000 requests completed in 13.86 seconds
50 parallel clients
3 bytes payload
keep alive: 1
99.76% `<=` 1 milliseconds
99.98% `<=` 2 milliseconds
100.00% `<=` 3 milliseconds
100.00% `<=` 3 milliseconds
72144.87 requests per second
$ redis-cli dbsize
(integer) 99993
By default every client (the benchmark simulates 50 clients if not otherwise specified with -c
) sends the next command only when the reply of the previous command is received, this means that the server will likely need a read call in order to read each command from every client. Also RTT is paid as well.
Redis supports pipelining, so it is possible to send multiple commands at once, a feature often exploited by real world applications. Redis pipelining is able to dramatically improve the number of operations per second a server is able do deliver.
Consider this example of running the benchmark using a pipelining of 16 commands:
$ redis-benchmark -n 1000000 -t set,get -P 16 -q
SET: 403063.28 requests per second
GET: 508388.41 requests per second
Using pipelining results in a significant increase in performance.
The first point is obvious: the golden rule of a useful benchmark is to only compare apples and apples. You can compare different versions of Redis on the same workload or the same version of Redis, but with different options. If you plan to compare Redis to something else, then it is important to evaluate the functional and technical differences, and take them in account.
The redis-benchmark
program is a quick and useful way to get some figures and evaluate the performance of a Redis instance on a given hardware. However, by default, it does not represent the maximum throughput a Redis instance can sustain. Actually, by using pipelining and a fast client (hiredis), it is fairly easy to write a program generating more throughput than redis-benchmark. The default behavior of redis-benchmark is to achieve throughput by exploiting concurrency only (i.e. it creates several connections to the server). It does not use pipelining or any parallelism at all (one pending query per connection at most, and no multi-threading), if not explicitly enabled via the -P
parameter. So in some way using redis-benchmark
and, triggering, for example, a BGSAVE
operation in the background at the same time, will provide the user with numbers more near to the worst case than to the best case.
To run a benchmark using pipelining mode (and achieve higher throughput), you need to explicitly use the -P option. Please note that it is still a realistic behavior since a lot of Redis based applications actively use pipelining to improve performance. However you should use a pipeline size that is more or less the average pipeline length you'll be able to use in your application in order to get realistic numbers.
The benchmark should apply the same operations, and work in the same way with the multiple data stores you want to compare. It is absolutely pointless to compare the result of redis-benchmark to the result of another benchmark program and extrapolate.
For instance, Redis and memcached in single-threaded mode can be compared on GET/SET operations. Both are in-memory data stores, working mostly in the same way at the protocol level. Provided their respective benchmark application is aggregating queries in the same way (pipelining) and use a similar number of connections, the comparison is actually meaningful.
When you're benchmarking a high-performance, in-memory database like Redis, it may be difficult to saturate the server. Sometimes, the performance bottleneck is on the client side, and not the server-side. In that case, the client (i.e., the benchmarking program itself) must be fixed, or perhaps scaled out, to reach the maximum throughput.
There are multiple factors having direct consequences on Redis performance. We mention them here, since they can alter the result of any benchmarks. Please note however, that a typical Redis instance running on a low end, untuned box usually provides good enough performance for most applications.
syscall implementation.mem_allocator
field. Please note most benchmarks do not run long enough to generate significant external fragmentation (contrary to production Redis instances).One important goal of any benchmark is to get reproducible results, so they can be compared to the results of other tests.
parameter correctly. Please note 32 and 64 bit Redis instances do not have the same memory footprint.There are several third-party tools that can be used for benchmarking Redis. Refer to each tool's documentation for more information about its goals and capabilities.