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**repotrack Manual Page** **Synopsis:** repotrack is a program for keeping track of a particular package and its dependencies and downloading them. It allows you to specify the package and its dependencies, and it will download them and all dependencies from the specified repositories. **Options:** * `-h, --help`: Display a help message and then quit. * `-c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG`: Config file to use (defaults to /etc/yum.conf). * `-a ARCH, --arch=ARCH`: Act as if running the specified arch (default: current arch). * `-r REPOID, --repoid=REPOID`: Specify repo ids to query, can be specified multiple times. * `--repofrompath=<repoid>,<path/url>`: Specify repoid & paths of additional repositories - unique and complete path required, can be specified multiple times. * `-t, --tempcache`: Use a temp dir for storing/accessing yum-cache. * `-p DESTDIR, --download_path=DESTDIR`: Path to download packages to. * `-u, --urls`: Instead of downloading RPMs, list the URLs that would be downloaded. * `-n, --newest`: Toggle downloading only the newest packages (defaults to newest-only). * `-q, --quiet`: Output as little information as possible. **SEE ALSO:** * `yum.conf(5)` * `http://yum.baseurl.org/AUTHORS` **Authors:** The program is part of the Yum Package Manager utilities project. **COLOPHON:** This page is part of the yum-utils project and was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository on 2022-12-17. If you discover any rendering problems or believe there is a better source for the page, please send a mail to man-pages@man7.org.


repotrack(1) — Linux manual page


repotrack(1)                                                repotrack(1)

NAME         top

       repotrack - track a package and its dependencies and download

SYNOPSIS         top

       repotrack [options] package1 [package2...]

DESCRIPTION         top

       repotrack is a program for keeping track of a particular package
       and its dependencies. It will download one or more packages and
       all dependencies.

OPTIONS         top

       -h, --help
              Display a help message, and then quit.

       -c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
              Config file to use (defaults to /etc/yum.conf).

       -a ARCH, --arch=ARCH
              Act as if running the specified arch (default: current

       -r REPOID, --repoid=REPOID
              Specify repo ids to query, can be specified multiple times
              (default is all enabled).

              Specify repoid & paths of additional repositories - unique
              repoid and complete path required, can be specified
              multiple times.  Example:

       -t, --tempcache
              Use a temp dir for storing/accessing yum-cache.

       -p DESTDIR, --download_path=DESTDIR
              Path to download packages to.

       -u, --urls
              Instead of downloading RPMs, list the URLs that would be

       -n, --newest
              Toggle downloading only the newest packages (defaults to

       -q, --quiet
              Output as little information as possible.

SEE ALSO         top


AUTHORS         top

       See the Authors file included with this program.

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the yum-utils (Yum Package Manager
       utilities) project.  Information about the project can be found
       at ⟨https://github.com/rpm-software-management/yum⟩.  It is not
       known how to report bugs for this man page; if you know, please
       send a mail to man-pages@man7.org.  This page was obtained from
       the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨https://github.com/rpm-software-management/yum-utils.git⟩ on
       2022-12-17.  (At that time, the date of the most recent commit
       that was found in the repository was 2020-03-11.)  If you
       discover any rendering problems in this HTML version of the page,
       or you believe there is a better or more up-to-date source for
       the page, or you have corrections or improvements to the
       information in this COLOPHON (which is not part of the original
       manual page), send a mail to man-pages@man7.org



repotrack(1) — Linux manual page NAME | SYNOPSIS | DESCRIPTION | OPTIONS | SEE ALSO | AUTHORS | COLOPHON repotrack(1) repotrack(1) NAME top repotrack


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