[转帖]打包rpm包报错contains an invalid rpath

打包,rpm,报错,contains,an,invalid,rpath · 浏览次数 : 0


The error message indicates an invalid rpath in the binary file `/opt/leptonica/prog/.libs/binmorph5_reg`. The rpath contains a relative path `/usr/local/lib`, which is not recognized by the binary. **Solution:** 1. Verify the contents of the `/opt/leptonica/prog/.libs/binmorph5_reg` file. 2. Check if the file is intended to use a relative path or an absolute path. 3. If the file is intended to use an absolute path, ensure that the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable is set correctly. **Example:** To use an absolute path, modify the rpath to the binary: ```bash /usr/local/binmorph5_reg ``` **Additional Notes:** * The `QA_CHECK_RPATHS` variable controls the behavior of the `check-rpaths` and `check-buildroot` scripts. * Setting `QA_CHECK_RPATHS=1` will force the scripts to ignore invalid rpaths. * The `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` variable is a path where the binary will search for libraries. * If you are using a virtual environment, ensure that the required libraries are installed in the appropriate location.



file '/opt/leptonica/prog/.libs/binmorph5_reg' contains an invalid rpath '/usr/local/lib' in [/usr/local/lib]


vim ~/.rpmmacros


%__arch_install_post \
    [ "%{buildarch}" = "noarch" ] || QA_CHECK_RPATHS=1 ; \
    case "${QA_CHECK_RPATHS:-}" in [1yY]*) /usr/lib/rpm/check-rpaths ;; esac \

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[转帖]打包rpm包报错contains an invalid rpath

#报错 file '/opt/leptonica/prog/.libs/binmorph5_reg' contains an invalid rpath '/usr/local/lib' in [/usr/local/lib] #解决 vim ~/.rpmmacros #注释 %__arch_ins


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