
一个,用于,辅助,分析,java,内存,泄露,工具 · 浏览次数 : 0


**Histo Analysis Tool Configuration** * **fgc_pre_histo_log.properties**: Specifies the path to the Histo analysis tool configuration file for the pre-gc run. * **fgc_post_histo_log.properties**: Specifies the path to the Histo analysis tool configuration file for the post-gc run. * **diff_biz_class_name.properties**: Specifies the class name to compare for business class objects. * **diff_third_class_name.properties**: Specifies the class name to compare for third-party class objects. * **diff_all_class_names.properties**: Specifies the class names to compare for all object types. * **diff_interval**: Specifies the number of days to compare for. * **diff_ratio_threshold**: Specifies the percentage difference in object count between pre- and post-gc snapshots to consider a significant change. **Usage** 1. Set up the configuration files and ensure they are located in the project's `src/main/resources` directory. 2. Run the application with the `-D` flag to specify the path to the configuration files. 3. The tool will generate three files: * `diff_biz_objects.log` for business class objects. * `diff_third_objects.log` for third-party class objects. * `diff_all_objects.log` for all object types. **Note** * The default read path for the Histo analysis files is `src/main/resources/config.properties`. * The `diff_ratio_threshold` value is set to 10%. This means that only objects that have changed by more than 10% will be considered significant. * The tool uses the `jmap` tool to generate the object instance distribution graphs. * The tool generates the files in the `gen` directory.





  1. 这是一个用于辅助分析‘Java内存泄露’的小工具
  2. 源码地址


  1. 分析fgc前后的类实例对象分布变化来辅助判断
  2. 如果多次fgc后,一个类的对象实例没有发生变化或者越来越多,则需要重点排查


  1. jmap -histo pid >> preGCHisto.log
    • 打印gc之前的内存对象实例分布
  2. jmap -histo:live pid >> postGCHisto.log
    • 打印gc之后的内存对象实例分布
  3. 使用HistoAnalysisTool
    • config.properties分别指定fgc前后的histo日志,关注的业务类包名等
  4. 工具生成三个文件,按照gc回收的百分比排序,越靠前越需要注意
    • diff_all,所有的类对象对比
    • diff_biz,主要是业务的类对象对比(传入过滤的类名即可)
    • diff_third,主要是三方的类对象对比
  5. 可打印多天的histo,用来做对比分析
    • 如果每天某个对象的实例数目都一直在增加,则内存泄露几率较高


  1. 目前histo的默认读取路径是src/main/resources
  2. 默认的config.properties的读取路径也是在src/main/resources
  3. 生成的diff文件是在gen目录
  4. 目前工具是需要将源代码导入IDE执行
  5. 目前工程中的histo可直接使用测试,是线上achilles项目backend的histo


  • 2018.1.16 增加阈值过滤,重点关注如对象实例比较大的,如超过10k的对象实例



https://www.jianshu.com/p/658cb6cbfe61 histo对比工具 这是一个用于辅助分析‘Java内存泄露’的小工具 源码地址 实现原理 分析fgc前后的类实例对象分布变化来辅助判断 如果多次fgc后,一个类的对象实例没有发生变化或者越来越多,则需要重点排查 操作步骤

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