
部分,cpu,intelcpu,简单,比较 · 浏览次数 : 512






从最开始学习研究 sysbench
到周五晚上开始学习 stress-ng

工具是上一个文章里面编译的. 这里主要是总结一下


stress-ng --cpu-method which
cpu-method must be one of: all ackermann bitops callfunc cdouble cfloat clongdouble 
correlate crc16 decimal32 decimal64 decimal128 dither djb2a double euler explog fft 
fibonacci float fnv1a gamma gcd gray hamming hanoi hyperbolic idct int128 int64 int32 
int16 int8 int128float int128double int128longdouble int128decimal32 int128decimal64 
int128decimal128 int64float int64double int64longdouble int32float int32double 
int32longdouble jenkin jmp ln2 longdouble loop matrixprod nsqrt omega parity phi pi 
pjw prime psi queens rand rand48 rgb sdbm sieve sqrt trig union zeta


# 单个CPU核心
for m in int8 int16 int32 int64 crc16 float longdouble ; do echo $m; \
 ./stress-ng-amd --cpu 1 --cpu-method $m -t 10s --metrics-brief; done
for m in int8 int16 int32 int64 crc16 float longdouble ; do echo $m; \
 ./stress-ng-arm --cpu 1 --cpu-method $m -t 10s --metrics-brief; done
# 全部CPU核心
for m in int8 int16 int32 int64 crc16 float longdouble ; do echo $m; \
 ./stress-ng-amd --cpu 0 --cpu-method $m -t 10s --metrics-brief; done
for m in int8 int16 int32 int64 crc16 float longdouble ; do echo $m; \
 ./stress-ng-arm --cpu 0 --cpu-method $m -t 10s --metrics-brief; done



CPU型号 int8 int16 int32 int64 crc16 float longdouble
飞腾2000+ 752.7 775.7 849.7 907.2 612.30 695.29 88.36
Golden6150 1798.49 1898.25 1831.47 1929.40 963.99 1604.85 1499.03
鲲鹏920虚拟机 1298.50 1287.70 1338.50 1358.90 724.15 823.39 149.95
飞腾2500 726.60 749.00 808.69 874.80 582.65 617.69 84.59
鲲鹏920物理机 1300.30 1289.60 1340.60 1361.20 725.96 822.29 150.55
Silver 4216 1422.40 1499.40 1438.00 1529.70 755.52 1345.99 1090.24
E5-2682 v4 1375.30 1427.80 1379.50 1481.10 806.92 1339.69 1297.20
海光7285 1076.39 1070.40 1076.70 1145.90 708.19 992.90 660.43

备注 :

6150 2.7Ghz   4216 2.1Ghz    E5-2682V4 2.5Ghz

飞腾2000+ 2.1GHZ 飞腾2500 2.1Ggz 鲲鹏920 2.6Ghz

海光  7285 2.5GHZ 32核心 64线程


CPU型号 核心数 int8 int16 int32 int64 crc16 float longdouble
飞腾2000+ 64 48218.01 46498.99 48781.99 53400.20 36122.65 39968.20 5158.69
Golden6150 72/144HT 150926.43 152270.88 140226.89 140380.04 112979.67 181171.93 124408.36
鲲鹏920虚拟机 8 10257.11 10115.81 10551.70 10733.00 5716.84 6494.56 1180.52
飞腾2500 128 89674.53 95949.70 103650.26 108989.33 72193.69 79242.50 10869.65
鲲鹏920物理机 128 163231.06 160767.45 168221.46 174053.41 92233.46 104964.82 19211.26
Silver 4216 32/64HT 57168.08 59957.15 53886.69 53707.51 40581.40 79803.02 48684.99
E5-2682 v4 8 6756.42 7330.22 6887.32 7248.12 5506.79 9203.08 6345.19
海光7285 64/128HT 97374.01 103356.23 101222.20 105232.52 79292.95 114943.13 65162.61


1. 六年前上市的Golden 6150 是我对比的各种CPU里面无可置疑的王者.
   怀疑因为有AVX512 longdouble等指令是十倍于信创CPU的存在.
2. 飞腾2500 单核性能竟然比飞腾2000有所衰退. 怀疑是增加多路互连导致.
   因为多了一倍的核心数. 飞腾2500的多核心性能基本上是飞腾2000+的两倍.
3. 飞腾2022年的CPU只有intel 2017年非最高端CPU单核性能的42%,这一点让人大跌眼镜.
   尤其是longdouble等指令的性能仅有二十分之一多一点的样子. (Intel的主频较高2.7Ghz)
4. 鲲鹏华为云的虚拟化优化的非常了得,单核新能仅有不到1%的损耗,相当厉害. 
5. 鲲鹏是最接近Intel的存在, 因为主频也比较高一些. 部分计算方法128核心要超过144线程的四路服务器
   但是longdouble等指令依旧输的比较惨. crc16等算法也是落后的. 
6. 国产化多核的算力可以跟五六年前的IntelCPU掰一掰手腕. 但是单核算力还是不足. 
7. Intel的超线程算进来可能也就带来20%的算力提升. 不开超线程是 1 开超线程也就1.2的样子.
8. 海光CPU的整数算力不如华为鲲鹏,但是海光的浮点和CRC比鲲鹏要好一点 
9. 海光的线程数虽然赶上了鲲鹏, 但是因为超线程最多相当于0.2个core的加成, 倒是多核心能力不如鲲鹏. 

核心观点: 跑分强性能不一定好, 还需要生产验证; 跑分差性能肯定好不到哪里去. 





stress-ng: info:  [1220937] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [1220937] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [1220937] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [1220937]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [1220937] cpu                7527     10.00      9.98      0.00       752.70         754.19
stress-ng: info:  [1220937] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [1222145] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [1222145] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [1222145] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [1222145]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [1222145] cpu                7757     10.00      9.99      0.00       775.70         776.60
stress-ng: info:  [1222145] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [1223495] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [1223495] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [1223495] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [1223495]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [1223495] cpu                8497     10.00      9.98      0.01       849.70         850.86
stress-ng: info:  [1223495] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [1224844] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [1224844] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [1224844] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [1224844]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [1224844] cpu                9072     10.00      9.99      0.00       907.20         908.20
stress-ng: info:  [1224844] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [1226046] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [1226046] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [1226046] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [1226046]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [1226046] cpu                6129     10.01     10.00      0.00       612.30         613.07
stress-ng: info:  [1226046] successful run completed in 10.01s
stress-ng: info:  [1227324] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [1227324] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [1227324] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [1227324]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [1227324] cpu                6953     10.00      9.98      0.00       695.29         696.68
stress-ng: info:  [1227324] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [1228565] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [1228565] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [1228565] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [1228565]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [1228565] cpu                 884     10.00      9.99      0.00        88.36          88.48
stress-ng: info:  [1228565] successful run completed in 10.01s

Golden 6150

stress-ng: info:  [137350] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [137350] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [137350] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [137350]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [137350] cpu               17984     10.00     10.00      0.00      1798.49        1798.35
stress-ng: info:  [137350] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [137578] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [137578] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [137578] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [137578]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [137578] cpu               18982     10.00     10.00      0.00      1898.25        1898.15
stress-ng: info:  [137578] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [137947] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [137947] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [137947] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [137947]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [137947] cpu               18314     10.00     10.00      0.00      1831.47        1831.33
stress-ng: info:  [137947] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [138152] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [138152] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [138152] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [138152]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [138152] cpu               19293     10.00     10.00      0.00      1929.40        1929.22
stress-ng: info:  [138152] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [138381] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [138381] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [138381] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [138381]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [138381] cpu                9640     10.00     10.00      0.00       963.99         963.92
stress-ng: info:  [138381] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [138736] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [138736] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [138736] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [138736]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [138736] cpu               16048     10.00     10.00      0.00      1604.85        1604.92
stress-ng: info:  [138736] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [138979] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [138979] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [138979] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [138979]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [138979] cpu               14990     10.00     10.00      0.00      1499.03        1499.07
stress-ng: info:  [138979] successful run completed in 10.00s


stress-ng: info:  [2757623] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [2757623] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [2757623] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [2757623]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [2757623] cpu               12985     10.00     10.00      0.00      1298.50        1299.01
stress-ng: info:  [2757623] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [2758451] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [2758451] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [2758451] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [2758451]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [2758451] cpu               12877     10.00     10.00      0.00      1287.70        1288.21
stress-ng: info:  [2758451] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [2759232] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [2759232] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [2759232] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [2759232]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [2759232] cpu               13385     10.00      9.99      0.00      1338.50        1339.17
stress-ng: info:  [2759232] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [2760180] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [2760180] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [2760180] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [2760180]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [2760180] cpu               13589     10.00     10.00      0.00      1358.90        1359.46
stress-ng: info:  [2760180] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [2761007] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [2761007] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [2761007] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [2761007]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [2761007] cpu                7246     10.01     10.00      0.00       724.15         724.43
stress-ng: info:  [2761007] successful run completed in 10.01s
stress-ng: info:  [2761836] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [2761836] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [2761836] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [2761836]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [2761836] cpu                8234     10.00     10.00      0.00       823.39         823.72
stress-ng: info:  [2761836] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [2762788] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [2762788] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [2762788] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [2762788]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [2762788] cpu                1500     10.00     10.00      0.00       149.95         150.01
stress-ng: info:  [2762788] successful run completed in 10.00s


stress-ng: info:  [902196] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [902196] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [902196] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [902196]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [902196] cpu                7266     10.00     10.00      0.00       726.60         726.59
stress-ng: info:  [902196] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [902856] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [902856] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [902856] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [902856]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [902856] cpu                7490     10.00     10.00      0.00       749.00         748.99
stress-ng: info:  [902856] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [903629] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [903629] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [903629] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [903629]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [903629] cpu                8087     10.00     10.00      0.00       808.69         808.69
stress-ng: info:  [903629] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [904380] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [904380] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [904380] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [904380]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [904380] cpu                8748     10.00     10.00      0.00       874.80         874.80
stress-ng: info:  [904380] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [905070] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [905070] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [905070] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [905070]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [905070] cpu                5832     10.01     10.01      0.00       582.65         582.65
stress-ng: info:  [905070] successful run completed in 10.01s
stress-ng: info:  [905951] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [905951] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [905951] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [905951]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [905951] cpu                6177     10.00     10.00      0.00       617.69         617.68
stress-ng: info:  [905951] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [906639] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [906639] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [906639] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [906639]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [906639] cpu                 846     10.00     10.00      0.00        84.59          84.58
stress-ng: info:  [906639] successful run completed in 10.00s


stress-ng: info:  [495243] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [495243] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [495243] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [495243]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [495243] cpu               13003     10.00     10.00      0.00      1300.30        1300.34
stress-ng: info:  [495243] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [495247] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [495247] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [495247] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [495247]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [495247] cpu               12896     10.00     10.00      0.00      1289.60        1289.64
stress-ng: info:  [495247] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [495251] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [495251] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [495251] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [495251]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [495251] cpu               13406     10.00     10.00      0.00      1340.60        1340.65
stress-ng: info:  [495251] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [495259] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [495259] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [495259] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [495259]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [495259] cpu               13612     10.00     10.00      0.00      1361.20        1361.24
stress-ng: info:  [495259] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [495263] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [495263] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [495263] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [495263]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [495263] cpu                7264     10.01     10.01      0.00       725.96         725.98
stress-ng: info:  [495263] successful run completed in 10.01s
stress-ng: info:  [495265] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [495265] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [495265] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [495265]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [495265] cpu                8223     10.00     10.00      0.00       822.29         822.32
stress-ng: info:  [495265] successful run completed in 10.00s
stress-ng: info:  [495270] setting to a 10 second run per stressor
stress-ng: info:  [495270] dispatching hogs: 1 cpu
stress-ng: info:  [495270] stressor       bogo ops real time  usr time  sys time   bogo ops/s     bogo ops/s
stress-ng: info:  [495270]                           (secs)    (secs)    (secs)   (real time) (usr+sys time)
stress-ng: info:  [495270] cpu                1506     10.00     10.00      0.00       150.55         150.56
stress-ng: info:  [495270] successful run completed in 10.00s



部分信创CPU算力与IntelCPU的简单比较 摘要 最近一直想查看一下国产和非国产的CPU的性能比较 从最开始学习研究 sysbench 到周五晚上开始学习 stress-ng 今天查看github上面stress-ng的官网时 发现有一个ubuntu的网页不错,感觉可以用来进行一些简单计算 我主

stress-NG 磁盘测试结果-全国产信创部分验证

# stress-NG 磁盘测试结果 ## 摘要 ``` 前几天分别还是用了redis-benchmark还有specjvm2008进行了多种系统的压测 得出了信创CPU的一些简单结论 但是一直还没有压测磁盘, 今天想着使用stress-NG压测一下不同架构的信创服务器的磁盘清空. 在网卡还没到打瓶


https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20220112A05MTF00 信创,即信息技术应用创新产业,涉及到的行业包括IT基础设施、基础软件、信息安全等,今天主要梳理基础设施。 信创产业链简图 第一部分,各细分行业相关公司梳理。 一、CPU。 1、飞腾,中国长城子公司,拥有ARM指令集


# kafka学习之三_信创CPU下单节点kafka性能测试验证 ## 背景 ``` 前面学习了 3controller+5broker 的集群部署模式. 晚上想着能够验证一下国产机器的性能. 但是国产机器上面的设备有限. 所以想着进行单节点的安装与测试. 并且记录一下简单结果 希望对以后的工作有指


第一部分 摘要 自从提出没有网络安全就没有国家安全之后 信创操作系统的发展进入了快车道. 流行的操作系统主要分为如下几个大方面: 1. 宣称二进制兼容CentOS的部分系列: Anolis 与 Rocky linux Oracle OEL比较类似. 2. 基于Linux Kernel+GNU的发行版

Inspur CS5280H BMC重装系统的过程

Inspur CS5280H BMC重装系统的过程 背景 公司里面一台信创海光的设备 默认安装了银河麒麟v10的操作系统 但是在进行瀚高数据库压测时 总会出现无缘无故的宕机的情况. 昨天还特别学习了下crash部分. 也没有定位到具体的问题原因 今天想着换一个系统, 进行验证. 客户倾向于采购 UO

【信创】 JED on 鲲鹏(ARM) 调优步骤与成果

基于国家对信创项目的大力推进,为了自主可控的技术发展,基础组件将逐步由国产组件替代,因此从数据库入手,将弹性库JED部署在 国产华为鲲鹏机器上(基于ARM架构)进行调优,与Intel (X86)进行性能对比。

FolkMQ 1.6.0(纯血国产,适合信创)



# 银河麒麟不同架构获取rpm包的方法 ## 背景 ``` 随着信创和网络安全越来越重要 现阶段国产化的软硬件部署越来越多. 很多时候现场有很多国产化的设备.不同架构.不同版本. 还不能上网, 无法获取对应的安装介质. 这个时候通过一台家里的机器, 下载不同版本,架构的rpm包就非常亟需 这里想通过

第141篇:微信小程序wx.request接口报错(errno: 600001, errMsg: "request:fail -2:net::ERR_FAILED")

好家伙, 来看看报错 报错如下: 请求发送部分,代码如下: uni.request({ url: self.serverUrl + "/getRealName", method: 'GET', data: { "code": self.info.code, }, header: { "Authori