
outofmemory,自动,重启,程序 · 浏览次数 : 0


## Alternative Solutions to Handle OutOfMemoryError **1. Implement a Graceful Shutdown Mechanism:** - Modify the `start.sh` script to exit gracefully upon encountering an OutOfMemoryError. - Use `System.exit(0)` or `System.exit(1)` to signal success or failure. - Append an `at` command to the end of the `start.sh` script with a `sleep` of 10 seconds to allow the process to exit gracefully. **2. Configure Memory Monitoring and Restart:** - Use the `-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError` flag with the `at` command. - Specify the path to the heap dump file as `/data/log/appOutOfMemory.hprof`. - Restart the service immediately upon reaching the OutOfMemoryError. **3. Use a Monitoring and Restart Tool:** - Install tools like `atop` or `vmstat` to monitor memory usage and process creation/termination. - Configure the service to restart automatically when memory usage reaches a set threshold. **4. Implement a Dedicated Monitoring Service:** - Create a separate service that continuously monitors memory usage and service health. - Send alerts or notifications when memory limits are reached. - Restart the service automatically upon reaching the memory limit. **5. Increase Memory Limit:** - If possible, increase the allocated memory for the service to accommodate larger memory requirements. - Remember that this option can have performance implications.





 -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="at -f /data/deploy/start.sh now +1 minutes;kill -9 %p;"


    yum -y install at
    systemctl restart atd

      注意直接执行restart.sh是行不通的,因为新启动的进程直接保留了原进程的端口引用,并且这个端口引用无法被kill,Spring boot在初始化完成以后就会发现端口已经被占用了就会停掉,如果使用随机端口的话则可以忽略这个问题。

       -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="at -f /data/deploy/restart.sh"


        停止进程可以用自带的参数: -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+CrashOnOutOfMemoryError
        思路一: 可以用监控脚本定时每隔10秒监控进程是否存在,如果不存在则启动程序
        思路二: 写一个专门启动服务的程序,XX:OnOutOfMemoryError发一条请求任务到这个启动服务的程序



        OutOfMemory以后程序已经假死,无法再提供服务,最好的做法是dump内存,发送警告,然后重启服务 我的方案:利用at命令延迟启动 但有一个问题,at最多支持分钟操作,也就是说要1分钟以后才能启动,我的业务允许接受1分钟的延迟,总比收到警告然后等到人工去启动要好一点。 -XX:OnOutOfM

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