
spec2006,移入,docker,运行,问题 · 浏览次数 : 0


The error message indicates that the `runspec` command is not found in the specified directory. This is likely because the `runspec` binary is not installed in the Docker container. **Possible solutions:** 1. **Ensure that the `runspec` binary is installed in the Docker container.** * You can install it using the `apk` package manager: ```docker run -it --rm --cpuset-cpus=1 spec /bin/bash ``` * Alternatively, you can build the binary from source: ```docker build -t my-image . ``` 2. **Verify that the `shrc` file is located in the Docker container.** * Check if the file is present in the container's working directory. * If it's not there, you may need to copy it manually. 3. **Check the permissions of the `shrc` file.** * Ensure that the `shrc` file has proper permissions (readable and executable). 4. **Use the `RUN` command to copy the `shrc` file into the container.** ```docker run -it --rm --cpuset-cpus=1 spec \ COPY /path/to/shrc/runspec /root/runspec \ CMD ["runspec"] ``` 5. **Restart the container after making changes to the `shrc` file.** **Additional notes:** * The `docker build` command assumes that the Dockerfile is located in the same directory as the `RUN` command. * If the `shrc` file requires specific environment variables, you may need to set them manually before running the container. * Ensure that the `runspec` binary is compatible with the Docker version being used.





1 FROM cmbant/docker-gcc-build
2 MAINTAINER jsbyxyc@me.com
4 COPY cpu2006 /benchmarks/cpu2006
5 WORKDIR /benchmarks/cpu2006
6 CMD ['runspec']


docker build -t [image name] .


docker run -it --rm --cpuset-cpus=1 spec /bin/bash



source shrc
runspec --noreportable bzip2

出现错误 bad interpreter: No such file or directory


runspec.02 q. Why am I getting messages about specperl: bad interpreter? For example:

bash: /cpu2006newdir/bin/runspec: /cpu2006/bin/specperl: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

a. Did you move the directory where runspec was installed? If so, you can probably put everything to rights, just by going to the new top of the directory tree and typing "bin/relocate".

For example, the following unwise sequence of events is repaired after completion of the final line.

Top of SPEC benchmark tree is '/cpu2006'
Everything looks okay.  cd to /cpu2006,
source the shrc file and have at it!
$ cd /cpu2006
$ . ./shrc
$ cd ..
$ mv cpu2006 cpu2006newdir
$ runspec -h | head
bash: runspec: command not found
$ cd cpu2006newdir/
$ . ./shrc
$ runspec --help | head
bash: /cpu2006newdir/bin/runspec: /cpu2006/bin/specperl: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
$ bin/relocate




https://www.cnblogs.com/csxyc/p/7157890.html 实验需要给SPEC2006的benchmark绑定CPUID,于是想到用docker分配CPU资源,写一个简单的DOCKERFILE文件完成配置 1 FROM cmbant/docker-gcc-build 2


一、SPEC-cpu2006简介 SPEC CPU 2006 benchmark是SPEC新一代的行业标准化的CPU测试基准套件。重点测试系统的处理器,内存子系统和编译器。 说明:由于spec2006支持多种类型操作系统。以下安装、测试、移植等介绍均基于Unix 和其他的 Unix-like sys


安装步骤 # Ubuntu16.04 # 注意安装gFortran . ./install.sh . ./shrc 一般情况下经过以上步骤即可安装完毕,进行使用,注意需要执行shrc设置完环境变量以后才可正常执行后续的各种操作。 此外SPEC官方并不建议使用root权限,因为所有的测试集并不需要修改

[转帖]Silicon M1不讲武德?用SPEC2006和2017测试M1

https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20201119A0HPJE00 Silicon M1不讲武德?用SPEC2006和2017测试M1比武X86同样不落下风。 首先要申明的是,这项测试由评测机构anandtech进行,由于Apple Silicon搭配macOS系统与其它系统和硬件


https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/259824108 腾锐 D3000,采用14nm工艺,单核性能提高一倍。 由于飞腾官方从来没有给出过自家任何CPU的单核心跑分数据,那么就只能参考飞腾粉丝说的: FT-2000/4 @ 3.0GHz 的 Spec2006 int 单核成绩接


https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/259824108 腾锐 D3000,采用14nm工艺,单核性能提高一倍。 由于飞腾官方从来没有给出过自家任何CPU的单核心跑分数据,那么就只能参考飞腾粉丝说的: FT-2000/4 @ 3.0GHz 的 Spec2006 int 单核成绩接


https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/580008360 先读一下胡老师的大作 节取一些内容如下,下面有官方测试参数: 一通操作猛如虎,一看跑分不如知乎答主: 龙芯UnixBench分高,龙芯说了原因如下: 二进制翻译性如下(LATX就是翻译到X86): 胡老师说spec2000


Linux ubuntu20.04 网络配置(图文教程) 因为我是刚装好的最小系统,所以很多东西都没有,在开始配置之前需要做下准备 环境准备 系统:ubuntu20.04网卡:双网卡 网卡一:供连接互联网使用网卡二:供连接内网使用(看情况,如果一张网卡足够,没必要做第二张网卡) 工具: net-to


https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/2168105?areaSource=104001.13&traceId=zcVNsKTUApF9rNJSkcCbB 前言 Redis作为高性能的内存数据库,在大数据量的情况下也会遇到性能瓶颈,日常开发中只有时刻

[转帖]ISV 、OSV、 SIG 概念

ISV 、OSV、 SIG 概念 2022-10-14 12:29530原创大杂烩 本文链接:https://www.cndba.cn/dave/article/108699 1. ISV: Independent Software Vendors “独立软件开发商”,特指专门从事软件的开发、生产、