
centos8,完美,升级,gcc,版本,方法 · 浏览次数 : 0


## How to upgrade GCC version in CentOS 8.3 This guide outlines the steps to upgrade the GCC version in CentOS 8.3 to a specific version. **Prerequisites:** * CentOS 8.3 * GCC version greater than 8.x.x **Steps:** 1. **Edit the yum repository configuration:** * Open the file `/etc/yum.repos.d/Centos-8.repo` * Modify the `base` section with the following content: ``` name=CentOS-$releasever - Base - mirrors.aliyun.comfailovermethod=prioritybaseurl=http://mirrors.aliyun.com/centos/$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/gpgcheck=1enabled=1gpgkey=http://mirrors.aliyun.com/centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-Official ``` **Explanation:** * `name`: specifies the repository name * `releasever`: the CentOS release version * `Base`: specifies the base package repository * `mirrors.aliyun.comfailovermethod`: specifies the mirror method for downloading packages * `basearch`: specifies the package architecture (e.g., i686 for 64-bit) 2. **Install the desired GCC version:** * Use the `yum install` command with the following syntax: ``` yum install gcc-toolset-XX ``` **Example:** To install GCC 11.x.x: ``` yum install gcc-toolset-11 ``` 3. **Activate the new GCC version:** * Once the installation is complete, activate the `gcc-toolset-10` environment variable: ``` 1scl enable gcc-toolset-10 bash ``` 4. **Verify the new version:** * Check the GCC version using the `gcc --version` command. **Note:** * This guide provides a basic overview. Ensure you follow the specific installation instructions for your chosen GCC version. * The `gcc-toolset-XX` package will automatically update the original `gcc` package to the specified version. * This method allows you to switch between different GCC versions without affecting the original installation.














此时通过gcc --version命令可以看到,gcc版本已经变成10.x.x,值得注意的是这仅仅在当前bash生效,如果需要永久生效,可以请自行添加环境变量。



https://blog.whsir.com/post-6114.html 在CentOS8系统中,默认gcc版本已经是8.x.x版本,但是在一些场景中,还是需要高版本的gcc,网上一些作死的文章还在复制粘贴的告诉你如何编译升级gcc版本。 之前吴昊也写过CentOS完美升级gcc版本方法:http


https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/535657060 在某些应用场景中,需要特定的gcc版本支持,但是轻易不要去编译gcc、不要去编译gcc、不要去编译gcc,我这里推荐使用红帽提供的开发工具包来管理gcc版本,这样做的好处是随时切换版本,并且可以并存多个版本,不破坏原有gc


https://blog.whsir.com/post-4975.html 在某些应用场景中,需要特定的gcc版本支持,但是轻易不要去编译gcc、不要去编译gcc、不要去编译gcc,我这里推荐使用红帽提供的开发工具包来管理gcc版本,这样做的好处是随时切换版本,并且可以并存多个版本,不破坏原有gcc

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[转帖]nmcli管理网络 RHEL8和CentOS8怎么重启网络

1. 前言 本文主要讲解如何重启RHEL 8或者CentOS 8网络以及如何解决RHEL8和CentOS8系统的网络管理服务报错,当我们安装好RHEL 8或者 CentOS 8,重启启动网络时,会出现以下报错: # systemctl restart network.service 报错信息如下 F