【转帖】What are segfault rip/rsp numbers and how to use them

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**Segfault at 0000000000000180 Rip 00000000004450c0 RSP 00007fff4d508178 error 4** This error indicates a segmentation fault, which is caused when a program tries to access memory outside of its allocated heap space. The rip and rsp addresses in the error message point to the instruction that caused the crash and the current stack pointer, respectively. **How to use them to pinpoint the problem:** 1. **Examine the map file:** The map file contains a list of functions and their starting addresses. You can find this file in the program's build directory. 2. **Search for the function address in the map file:** Use the rip address to find the function that caused the crash. 3. **Inspect the function's code:** The function's code will tell you what it does and where it is called from. 4. **Identify the issue:** By analyzing the function's code and the call stack, you should be able to identify the issue that caused the segmentation fault. **Usefulness of the rip and rsp addresses:** The rip and rsp addresses can be useful in debugging because they provide information about the memory location of the instruction that caused the crash. This information can help you to understand the program's memory layout and to identify the source of the error. **Additional notes:** - If you get a crash with stripped symbols, the rip and rsp addresses may not be meaningful. - The address in the "rsp" field may be different from the address in the "rip" field, as they represent different memory ranges. - The error message may provide additional information, such as the program's version and build settings.





When my linux application crashes, it produces a line in the logs something like:

segfault at 0000000 rip 00003f32a823 rsp 000123ade323 error 4

What are those rip and rsp addresses? How do I use them to pinpoint the problem? Do they correspond to something in the objdump or readelf outputs? Are they useful if my program gets its symbols stripped out (to a separate file, which can be used using gdb)?

2 Answers


Well the rip pointer tells you the instruction that caused the crash. You need to look it up in a map file.

In the map file you will have a list of functions and their starting address. When you load the application it is loaded to a base address. The rip pointer - the base address gives you the map file address. If you then search through the map file for a function that starts at an address slightly lower than your rip pointer and is followed, in the list, by a function with a higher address you have located the function that crashed.

From there you need to try and identify what went wrong in your code. Its not much fun but it, at least, gives you a starting point.

Edit: The "segfault at" bit is telling you, i'd wager, that you have dereferenced a NULL pointer. The rsp is the current stack pointer. Alas its probably not all that useful. With a memory dump you "may" be able to figure out more accurately where you'd got to in the function but it can be really hard to work out, exactly, where you are in an optimised build


I got the error, too. When I saw:

probe.out[28503]: segfault at 0000000000000180 rip 00000000004450c0 rsp 00007fff4d508178 error 4

probe.out is an app which using libavformat (ffmpeg). I disassembled it.

objdump -d probe.out

The rip is where the instruction will run:

00000000004450c0 <ff_rtp_queued_packet_time>:
  4450c0:       48 8b 97 80 01 00 00    mov    0x180(%rdi),%rdx
  44d25d:       e8 5e 7e ff ff          callq  4450c0 <ff_rtp_queued_packet_time>

finally, I found the app crashed in the function ff_rtp_queued_packet_time.

PS. sometimes the address doesn't exactly match, but it is almost there.

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