[转帖]linux 磁盘队列深度nr_requests 和 queue_depth

linux,磁盘,队列,深度,nr,requests,queue,depth · 浏览次数 : 0


**nr_requests** * 限制了每个I/O设备的最大请求数量。 * 默认值为128,意味着128个读请求和128个写请求可以同时排队。 * 降低nr_requests的值可以降低命令队列深度,防止写请求阻塞读请求。 **queue_depth** * 限制了每个I/O设备的最大队列深度。 * 默认值为642,意味着每个设备可以同时处理的最大I/O操作数为nr_requests * 2。 * 降低queue_depth的值可以降低命令队列深度,但可能会降低性能。 **iostat 的 avgqu-sz** * 指的是I/O调度器中请求和队列的最大数量。 * 等于nr_requests * 2 + queue_depth。 **iostatnr_requests 和 queue_depth 的区别** * **nr_requests**:用于限制每个I/O设备的最大请求数量。 * **queue_depth**:用于限制每个I/O设备的最大队列深度。 * **iostatnr_requests**:仅适用于I/O调度器中的请求。 * **queue_depth**:适用于I/O调度器中的请求和队列。 **iostat 的 avgqu-sz 的计算公式** ``` avgqu-sz = nr_requests * 2 + queue_depth ``` **注意** * iostats 参数通常用于性能测试和监控。 * 降低nr_requests或queue_depth的值可能会降低性能,但可以改善系统的吞吐量。 * 在禁用iostats参数之前,请确保设备的性能正常。


linux 磁盘队列深度nr_requests 和 queue_depth

  • nr_requests 和 queue_depth
  • 修改配置值
  • nr_requests 和 queue_depth 区别
  • iostat 的avgqu-sz
  • lsscsi -l 的队列大小
  • iostat
  • nr_requests 和 queue_depth

    本文主要介绍Linux 操作系统中 nr_requests 和 queue_depth的参数意义和工作原理。以及结合iostat 的avgqu-sz 之间关系分析。

    1.nr_requests 和 queue_depth

    比如: 文件系统、sheduler类型、io的特点。
    命令: echo xxx > /sys/block//queue/nr_requests,nr_requests的大小设置至少是/sys/block//device/queue_depth的两倍,所以,修改nr_requtests的时候要注意。

    [root@node-1 ~]# cat /sys/block/sdj/queue/nr_requests 
    [root@node-1 ~]# cat /sys/block/sdj/device/queue_depth 


      $ echo “512” > /sys/block/sda/queue/nr_requests     IO调度队列大小
      $ echo “512” > /sys/block/sda/device/queue_depth    磁盘队列深度

        3.nr_requests 和 queue_depth 区别

        • nr_requests:请求的IO调度队列大小
        • queue_depth:请求在磁盘设备上的队列深度
        • I/O调度器中的最大I/O操作数是nr_requests * 2。读和写是分开的。
        • 已经分配到底层设备的I/O操作是queue_depth。
        • 一个磁盘设备的I/O操作的最大未完成限制为(nr_requests * 2)+(queue_depth) 。对应iostat 的avgqu-sz。



        Specifies the maximum number of read and write requests that can be queued at one time. 
        The default value is 128, which means that 128 read requests and 128 write requests can be queued before the next process to request a read or write is put to sleep.

        For latency-sensitive applications, lower the value of this parameter and limit the command queue depth on the storage so that write-back I/O cannot fill the device queue with write requests.
        When the device queue fills, other processes attempting to perform I/O operations are put to sleep until queue space becomes available.
        Requests are then allocated in a round-robin manner, which prevents one process from continuously consuming all spots in the queue.

        The maximum number of I/O operations within the I/O scheduler is nr_requests*2.
        As stated, nr_requests is applied separately for reads and writes.
        Note that nr_requests only applies to the I/O operations within the I/O scheduler and not to I/O operations already dispatched to the underlying device.

        Therefore, the maximum outstanding limit of I/O operations against a device is (nr_requests*2)+(queue_depth) where queue_depth is /sys/block/sdN/device/queue_depth, sometimes also referred to as the LUN queue depth.
        You can see this total outstanding number of I/O operations in, for example, the output of iostat in the avgqu-sz column.





          4.iostat 的avgqu-sz


          5.lsscsi -l 的队列大小

          Lun queue depth值来自 /sys/block/sdj/device/queue_depth

          [root@node-1 ~]# echo "128" >/sys/block/sdj/device/queue_depth
          [root@node-1 ~]# lsscsi -l | grep -A 1 sdj
          [0:0:16:0]   disk    SEAGATE  ST1000NX0453     NS02  /dev/sdj 
            state=running queue_depth=128 scsi_level=7 type=0 device_blocked=0 timeout=90
          [root@node-1 ~]# echo "256" >/sys/block/sdj/device/queue_depth 
          [root@node-1 ~]# lsscsi -l | grep -A 1 sdj
          [0:0:16:0]   disk    SEAGATE  ST1000NX0453     NS02  /dev/sdj 
            state=running queue_depth=256 scsi_level=7 type=0 device_blocked=0 timeout=90


            The default value is 1 (enabled). 
            Setting iostats to 0 disables the gathering of I/O statistics for the device, which removes a small amount of overhead with the I/O path. 
            Setting iostats to 0 might slightly improve performance for very high performance devices, such as certain NVMe solid-state storage devices.
            It is recommended to leave iostats enabled unless otherwise specified for the given storage model by the vendor.

            If you disable iostats, the I/O statistics for the device are no longer present within the /proc/diskstats file.
            The content of /sys/diskstats is the source of I/O information for monitoring I/O tools, such as sar or iostats.
            Therefore, if you disable the iostats parameter for a device, the device is no longer present in the output of I/O monitoring tools.


              与[转帖]linux 磁盘队列深度nr_requests 和 queue_depth相似的内容:

              [转帖]linux 磁盘队列深度nr_requests 和 queue_depth

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