
ssh,输入,yes · 浏览次数 : 0


Sure, here's a summary of the content you provided: ``` vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config 60行新添加 StrictHostKeyChecking no ``` **Explanation:** * `vim`: This is the name of the `vim` text editor. * `/etc/ssh/ssh_config`: This is the file where SSH configuration is defined. * `60行`: This indicates that the new setting should be added 60 lines from the top of the file. * `StrictHostKeyChecking no`: This setting disables StrictHostKeyChecking, which is a security measure that should be enabled by default for enhanced security. **Effect:** When this setting is enabled, SSH connections will no longer be verified using host keys. This means that any client attempting to connect to a server will be rejected, regardless of whether the server's host key matches the client's. **Note:** The `StrictHostKeyChecking` option is a security measure that should be used in production environments. However, for testing purposes, it can be disabled for development and testing.


vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config


StrictHostKeyChecking no



    vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config 60行新添加 StrictHostKeyChecking no

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