
sar,一次,使用,案例 · 浏览次数 : 0


## Problem Analysis The provided text describes a machine experiencing stability issues due to high CPU usage. Here's a breakdown of the key points: **Symptoms:** * OS does not respond for some time. * Logs show various `perf: interrupt took too long` messages. * There are also multiple occurrences of `promiscuous mode` entries. **Possible Causes:** * The high CPU usage could be causing the OS to become unresponsive. * The `perf: interrupt took too long` messages suggest that perf is struggling to collect performance data. * The `promiscuous mode` entries could indicate that the machine is experiencing performance issues. **Further Investigation:** * Investigate the cause of high CPU usage. This could involve analyzing resource usage, running stress tests, and checking logs for any relevant errors. * Review the perf logs to see if there are any specific instances of high CPU usage. * Investigate the `promiscuous mode` entries to see if there are any related issues. * Check the system logs for any other error messages or warnings related to the machine. **Additional Information:** * The provided images are relevant but not directly related to the main text. **Recommendations:** * Monitor the machine's CPU usage and perf logs closely. * Investigate the root cause of high CPU usage. * Take appropriate actions to address the underlying issue. * If necessary, consider restarting the machine to resolve the stability problem.








    Oct 23 12:46:59 localhost kernel: device ens3f1 left promiscuous mode
    Oct 23 13:11:32 localhost rsyslogd: imjournal: journal reloaded... [v8.24.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/0 ]
    Oct 23 13:11:32 localhost rsyslogd: imjournal: journal reloaded... [v8.24.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/0 ]
    Oct 23 13:46:25 localhost kernel: device ens6f1 entered promiscuous mode
    Oct 23 13:46:28 localhost kernel: INFO: NMI handler (perf_event_nmi_handler) took too long to run: 907875.014 msecs
    Oct 23 13:46:28 localhost kernel: perf: interrupt took too long (120883 > 7575), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 1000
    Oct 23 13:46:31 localhost kernel: INFO: NMI handler (arch_trigger_all_cpu_backtrace_handler) took too long to run: 982076.016 msecs
    Oct 23 13:46:31 localhost kernel: INFO: NMI handler (arch_trigger_all_cpu_backtrace_handler) took too long to run: 982837.016 msecs
    Oct 23 13:46:37 localhost kernel: device ens6f1 left promiscuous mode
    Oct 23 13:46:38 localhost kernel: device ens3f1 entered promiscuous mode
    Oct 23 13:46:59 localhost kernel: device ens3f1 left promiscuous mode
    Oct 23 13:50:19 localhost kernel: perf: interrupt took too long (151272 > 151103), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 1000
    Oct 23 13:52:39 localhost start_filebeat.sh: /opt/pamon/filebeat-redis/start_filebeat.sh: line 14: 72199 Killed                  $filebeat_exe -c $filebeat_config
    Oct 23 13:55:26 localhost kernel: perf: interrupt took too long (189323 > 189090), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 1000
    Oct 23 14:17:02 localhost auditd[1623]: Audit daemon rotating log files
    Oct 23 14:30:17 localhost kernel: perf: interrupt took too long (237320 > 236653), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 1000
    Oct 23 14:37:39 localhost su: (to redis) padba on pts/0
    Oct 23 14:39:34 localhost su: (to redis) padba on pts/1
    Oct 23 14:51:17 localhost kernel: device ens6f1 entered promiscuous mode
    Oct 23 14:51:37 localhost kernel: device ens6f1 left promiscuous mode
    Oct 23 14:51:42 localhost kernel: device ens3f1 entered promiscuous mode
    Oct 23 14:51:59 localhost kernel: device ens3f1 left promiscuous mode
    Oct 23 15:09:42 localhost kernel: hrtimer: interrupt took 542805 ns
    Oct 23 15:53:37 localhost kernel: device ens6f1 entered promiscuous mode
    Oct 23 15:54:07 localhost kernel: device ens6f1 left promiscuous mode

--显然在该时间点OS没有发生重启,但发生了一些异常的log打印,如perf: interrupt took too long 、NMI handler 、promiscuous mode,对此分析如下:
1、 promiscuous mode,通常在用户有监控软件抓取流量时会触发,同时从日志中也可以看到不断有此现象,不过此现象通常伴随在抓包的过程中,为正常日志情况。 不过这个现象有些频繁,客户应该关注一点。
2、对于perf:interrupt took too long,通常这表示perf采集信息中断时间较长没有响应。
3、mi handler 类似。






然后通过sos report中的sar文件来观察CPU使用率,方式是将sar07/sar23/sar13中的cpu使用率,导入至excel表中然后将cpu使用率画成折线图,最后如下所示:









[root@localhost ~]# sar -n DEV 1



https://www.jianshu.com/p/b93342d43e13 问题现象 有一台机器,在某个时间点OS类似无响应,造成使用者感觉在该时间点机器应该发生重启,就此问题进行分析。 日志查看 --BMC日志确认机器在该时间点没有发生重启--OS日志在该时间点也没有记录到重启,但日志记录了一些

[转帖] Linux命令拾遗-使用blktrace分析io情况

https://www.cnblogs.com/codelogs/p/16060775.html 简介# 一般来说,想检查磁盘I/O情况,可以使用iostat、iotop、sar等,但这些命令只能做一个整体的了解,没法具体到某一次io的详细情况,而今天介绍的blktrace就可以深入到Linux I

[转帖] Linux命令拾遗-使用blktrace分析io情况

https://www.cnblogs.com/codelogs/p/16060775.html 简介# 一般来说,想检查磁盘I/O情况,可以使用iostat、iotop、sar等,但这些命令只能做一个整体的了解,没法具体到某一次io的详细情况,而今天介绍的blktrace就可以深入到Linux I


http://t.zoukankan.com/mikeguan-p-6371278.html sar 是属于sysstat包中的一个工具 安装sysstat包后,默认创建一个/etc/cron.d/sysstat文件,其默认内容为: # run system activity accounting

[转帖]sar -Linux 上全面的系统性能分析工具(1)

https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/554441955 一、sar简介 sar(System Activity Reporter 系统活动情况报告)是目前 Linux 上最为全面的系统性能分析工具之一,可以从多方面对系统的活动进行报告,包括:文件的读写情况、系统调用的使用情况、

[转帖] Linux命令拾遗-使用blktrace分析io情况

https://www.cnblogs.com/codelogs/p/16060775.html 原创:打码日记(微信公众号ID:codelogs),欢迎分享,转载请保留出处。 简介# 一般来说,想检查磁盘I/O情况,可以使用iostat、iotop、sar等,但这些命令只能做一个整体的了解,没法具

[转帖] Linux命令拾遗-使用blktrace分析io情况

https://www.cnblogs.com/codelogs/p/16060775.html 原创:打码日记(微信公众号ID:codelogs),欢迎分享,转载请保留出处。 简介# 一般来说,想检查磁盘I/O情况,可以使用iostat、iotop、sar等,但这些命令只能做一个整体的了解,没法具


https://juejin.cn/post/6947470401135968286 一、概述 sar(System Activity Reporter,系统活动情况报告)是Linux下系统运行状态统计工具,可从多方面对系统的活动进行报告,包括:文件的读写情况、系统调用的使用情况、磁盘I/O、CPU


https://www.cnblogs.com/ishmaelwanglin/p/16955227.html 背景 之前一直用CentOS系统,最近换到了ubuntu的,sar日志对分析系统状态和基本性能比较有帮助,发现在ubuntu上默认是不记录sar日志的 安装 apt-get install


https://www.cnblogs.com/ishmaelwanglin/p/16955227.html 背景 之前一直用CentOS系统,最近换到了ubuntu的,sar日志对分析系统状态和基本性能比较有帮助,发现在ubuntu上默认是不记录sar日志的 安装 apt-get install