一、 FIO简介
FIO 是一个多线程IO生成工具,可以生成多种IO模式(随机、顺序、读、写四大类),用来测试磁盘设备的性能。GFIO是FIO的图形监测工具,它提供了图形界面的参数配置,和性能监测图像。
在github上的链接为 https://github.com/axboe/fio
二、 FIO安装
1. yum安装
yum -y install fio.x86_64
2. 源码安装
- Best Open Source Mac Software Development Software 2023 下载FIO安装包 fio-2.1.10.tar.gz
- 安装libaio-devel依赖包(如果是先编译了fioz,发现报错才装libaio-devel的,需要先用make clean清理编译文件后再重新编译安装FIO )
yum -y install libaio* gcc wget make
- 安装gfio:基于gdk实现,是其图形界面版(可选)
yum -y install libgtk2.0-dev
- 解压FIO压缩包,进入FIO目录编译安装
- ./configure --enable-gfio #如果希望不支持gfio,只需去掉后面的--enable-gfio参数
- make
- make install
- 设置环境变量
- vi .bash_profile
- PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin
- source .bash_profile
三、 常用参数
- filename=/dev/emcpowerb 支持文件系统或者裸设备,-filename=/dev/sda2或-filename=/dev/sdb
- direct=1 测试过程绕过机器自带的buffer,使测试结果更真实
- rw=randwread 测试随机读的I/O
- rw=randwrite 测试随机写的I/O
- rw=randrw 测试随机混合写和读的I/O
- rw=read 测试顺序读的I/O
- rw=write 测试顺序写的I/O
- rw=rw 测试顺序混合写和读的I/O
- bs=4k 单次io的块文件大小为4k
- bsrange=512-2048 同上,提定数据块的大小范围
- size=5g 本次的测试文件大小为5g,以每次4k的io进行测试
- numjobs=30 本次的测试线程为30
- runtime=1000 测试时间为1000秒,如果不写则一直将5g文件分4k每次写完为止
- ioengine=psync io引擎使用pync方式,如果要使用libaio引擎,需要yum install libaio-devel包
- rwmixwrite=30 在混合读写的模式下,写占30%
- group_reporting 关于显示结果的,汇总每个进程的信息
- 此外
- lockmem=1g 只使用1g内存进行测试
- zero_buffers 用0初始化系统buffer
- nrfiles=8 每个进程生成文件的数量
四、 常用测试场景
1. 命令行测试
- 100%随机,100%读,4K
fio -filename=/dev/emcpowerb -direct=1 -iodepth 1 -thread -rw=randread -ioengine=psync -bs=4k -size=1000G -numjobs=50 -runtime=180 -group_reporting -name=rand_100read_4k
- 100%随机,100%写,4K
fio -filename=/dev/emcpowerb -direct=1 -iodepth 1 -thread -rw=randwrite -ioengine=psync -bs=4k -size=1000G -numjobs=50 -runtime=180 -group_reporting -name=rand_100write_4k
- 100%顺序,100%读,4K
fio -filename=/dev/emcpowerb -direct=1 -iodepth 1 -thread -rw=read -ioengine=psync -bs=4k -size=1000G -numjobs=50 -runtime=180 -group_reporting -name=sqe_100read_4k
- 100%顺序,100%写,4K
fio -filename=/dev/emcpowerb -direct=1 -iodepth 1 -thread -rw=write -ioengine=psync -bs=4k -size=1000G -numjobs=50 -runtime=180 -group_reporting -name=sqe_100write_4k
- 100%随机,70%读,30%写 4K
fio -filename=/dev/emcpowerb -direct=1 -iodepth 1 -thread -rw=randrw -rwmixread=70 -ioengine=psync -bs=4k -size=1000G -numjobs=50 -runtime=180 -group_reporting -name=randrw_70read_4k
2. 参数文件测试
fio examples/ssd-test.fio
- # Do some important numbers on SSD drives, to gauge what kind of
- # performance you might get out of them.
- #
- # Sequential read and write speeds are tested, these are expected to be
- # high. Random reads should also be fast, random writes are where crap
- # drives are usually separated from the good drives.
- #
- # This uses a queue depth of 4. New SATA SSD's will support up to 32
- # in flight commands, so it may also be interesting to increase the queue
- # depth and compare. Note that most real-life usage will not see that
- # large of a queue depth, so 4 is more representative of normal use.
- #
- [global]
- bs=4k
- ioengine=libaio
- iodepth=4
- size=10g
- direct=1
- runtime=60
- directory=/mount-point-of-ssd
- filename=ssd.test.file
- [seq-read]
- rw=read
- stonewall
- [rand-read]
- rw=randread
- stonewall
- [seq-write]
- rw=write
- stonewall
- [rand-write]
- rw=randwrite
- stonewall
- # QPS: 40000(10 cores)
- # Dataset: 200G
- # R/W: 8/2
- # ThreadPool Num: 64
- # IO ThreadNum: 32
- [global]
- runtime=86400
- time_based
- group_reporting
- directory=/your_dir
- ioscheduler=deadline
- refill_buffers
- [mysql-binlog]
- filename=test-mysql-bin.log
- bsrange=512-1024
- ioengine=sync
- rw=write
- size=24G
- sync=1
- rw=write
- overwrite=1
- fsync=100
- rate_iops=64
- invalidate=1
- numjobs=64
- [innodb-data]
- filename=test-innodb.dat
- bs=16K
- ioengine=psync
- rw=randrw
- size=200G
- direct=1
- rwmixread=80
- numjobs=32
- thinktime=600
- thinktime_spin=200
- thinktime_blocks=2
- [innodb-trxlog]
- filename=test-innodb.log
- bsrange=512-2048
- ioengine=sync
- rw=write
- size=2G
- fsync=1
- overwrite=1
- rate_iops=64
- invalidate=1
- numjobs=64
五、 测试结果解读
- fio -ioengine=libaio -bs=4k -direct=1 -thread -rw=read -filename=/dev/sda -name="BS 4KB read test" -iodepth=16 -runtime=60
- #输出
- BS 4KB read test: (g=0): rw=write, bs=1M-1M/1M-1M/1M-1M, ioengine=libaio, iodepth=16
- fio-2.8
- Starting 1 process
- Jobs: 1 (f=1): [W(1)] [100.0% done] [0KB/68198KB/0KB /s] [0/66/0 iops] [eta 00m:00s]
- test: (groupid=0, jobs=1): err= 0: pid=4676: Thu Apr 7 17:22:37 2016
- write: io=20075MB, bw=68464KB/s, iops=66, runt=300255msec #执行多少IO,平均带宽,线程运行时间
- slat (usec): min=51, max=5732, avg=291.11, stdev=262.47 #提交延迟
- clat (usec): min=1, max=2235.8K, avg=239043.28, stdev=153384.41 #完成延迟
- lat (usec): min=367, max=2235.9K, avg=239337.72, stdev=153389.57 #响应时间
- clat percentiles (usec):
- | 1.00th=[ 221], 5.00th=[ 442], 10.00th=[ 1004], 20.00th=[108032],
- | 30.00th=[228352], 40.00th=[248832], 50.00th=[257024], 60.00th=[268288],
- | 70.00th=[280576], 80.00th=[301056], 90.00th=[342016], 95.00th=[477184],
- | 99.00th=[806912], 99.50th=[864256], 99.90th=[1122304], 99.95th=[1171456],
- | 99.99th=[1646592]
- bw (KB/s): min= 170, max=204800, per=100.00%, avg=68755.07, stdev=27034.84
- lat (usec) : 2=0.01%, 4=0.13%, 50=0.06%, 100=0.26%, 250=1.04%
- lat (usec) : 500=4.53%, 750=2.61%, 1000=1.33%
- lat (msec) : 2=1.18%, 4=0.15%, 10=0.77%, 20=0.77%, 50=1.50%
- lat (msec) : 100=4.43%, 250=23.48%, 500=53.23%, 750=3.09%, 1000=1.30%
- lat (msec) : 2000=0.19%, >=2000=0.01%
- cpu : usr=0.03%, sys=2.11%, ctx=19066, majf=0, minf=7
- IO depths : 1=0.1%, 2=0.1%, 4=0.1%, 8=0.1%, 16=103.8%, 32=0.0%, >=64=0.0% #io队列
- submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0% #单个IO提交要提交的IO数
- complete : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.1%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0%
- issued : total=r=0/w=20060/d=0, short=r=0/w=0/d=0, drop=r=0/w=0/d=0
- latency : target=0, window=0, percentile=100.00%, depth=16 #IO完延迟的分布
- Run status group 0 (all jobs):
- WRITE: io=20075MB, aggrb=68464KB/s(group总带宽), minb=68464KB/s(最小平均带宽), maxb=68464KB/s(最大平均带宽), mint=300255msec(group中线程的最短运行时间), maxt=300255msec(group中线程的最长运行时间)
- Disk stats (read/write):
- sda: ios=23/41769(所有group总共执行的IO数), merge=0/149(总共发生的IO合并数), ticks=706/9102766(Number of ticks we kept the disk busy), in_queue=9105836(花费在队列上的总共时间), util=100.00%(磁盘利用率)
输出参数介绍(详情参考 Fio Output Explained)
- io=执行了多少M的IO
- bw=平均IO带宽(吞吐量)
- iops=IOPS
- runt=线程运行时间
- slat=提交延迟,提交该IO请求到kernel所花的时间(不包括kernel处理的时间)
- clat=完成延迟, 提交该IO请求到kernel后,处理所花的时间
- lat=响应时间
- bw=带宽
- cpu=利用率
- IO depths=io队列
- IO submit=单个IO提交要提交的IO数
- IO complete=Like the above submit number, but for completions instead.
- IO issued=The number of read/write requests issued, and how many of them were short.
- IO latencies=IO完延迟的分布
- io=总共执行了多少size的IO
- aggrb=group总带宽
- minb=最小平均带宽
- maxb=最大平均带宽
- mint=group中线程的最短运行时间
- maxt=group中线程的最长运行时间
- ios=所有group总共执行的IO数
- merge=总共发生的IO合并数
- ticks=Number of ticks we kept the disk busy
- io_queue=花费在队列上的总共时间
- util=磁盘利用率
六、 测试建议
- 使用顺序IO和较大的blocksize测试吞吐量和延迟
- 使用随机IO和较小的blocksize测试IOPS和延迟
- 在配置numjobs和iodeph前,建议深入了解应用采用的是同步IO还是异步IO(是多进程并发IO还是一次提交一批IO请求)
- 磁盘的 IOPS,也就是在一秒内,磁盘进行多少次 I/O 读写。
- 磁盘的吞吐量,也就是每秒磁盘 I/O 的流量,即磁盘写入加上读出的数据的大小。
- 每秒 I/O 吞吐量= IOPS* 平均 I/O SIZE。
七、 简单自动压测脚本
- #!/bin/sh
- # fiotest.sh
- # bs=4k,1M size=100M,1G type=read,randread,write,randrw,rw 各压测三次,取平均值
- bs_list=(4k 1M)
- size_list=(100M 1G)
- type_list=(read randread write randrw rw)
- for v_bs in {0..1} #bs_list
- do
- for v_size in {0..1} #size_list
- do
- for v_type in {0..4} #type_list
- do
- for v_runtime in {0..2} #runtime
- do
- logfile=fio_${bs_list[$v_bs]}_${size_list[$v_size]}_${type_list[$v_type]}_$v_runtime.txt
- echo -e "test $v_runtime started\n" > $logfile
- echo -e "started time `date`\n" >> $logfile
- fio --filename=/data/testfile1 --direct=1 --bs=${bs_list[$v_bs]} --size=${size_list[$v_size]} --rw=${type_list[$v_type]} --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=128 --numjobs=1 --time_based --group_reporting --runtime=60 --name=$logfile >> $logfile
- echo -e "\nfinished time `date`" >> $logfile
- echo -e "\ntest $v_runtime finished" >> $logfile
- sleep 5
- done #runtime
- sleep 60
- done #type_list
- done #size_list
- done #bs_list
八、 输出结果解析命令
cat fio_* |grep -A 3 read |grep clat > read.tmp
cat fio_* |grep -A 3 write |grep clat > write.tmp
cat fio_* |grep bw|grep iops|grep read > r_iops.tmp
cat fio_* |grep bw|grep iops|grep write > w_iops.tmp
cat -n fio_* | grep 'lat (' | grep -v min > histos.tmp
FIO使用说明_半遮雨的博客-CSDN博客_fio util结果100%