[转帖]PostgreSQL 压测工具pgbench

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# 1.初始化 su - postgres # 使用postgres作为测试库pgbench -i -d postgres # 使用默认参数创造的测试表,各表的数据量:pgbench_accounts:100000pg_branches:1pg_tellers:10 # 2.压力测试 (1)测试一个客户端session(用户) # 时间20秒,显示每个命令的平均延迟 pgbench -c 1 -T 20 -r -d postgres # 3.自定义脚本压力测试 # 创建测试表 create table test(id int primary key, info text, crt_time timestamp); # 创建脚本 vi test.sql\\set id random(1,100000000)insert into test (id,info,crt_time) values (:id, md5(random()::text), now()) on conflict (id) do update set info=excluded.info, crt_time=excluded.crt_time; # 压力测试 pgbench -M prepared -r  -f ./test.sql -c 32 -j 32 -T 20 -d postgres # 4.自定义脚本压力测试 # 创建测试表 create table test(id int primary key, info text, crt_time timestamp); # 创建脚本 vi test.sql\\set id random(1,100000000)insert into test (id,info,crt_time) values (:id, md5(random()::text), now()) on conflict (id) do update set info=excluded.info, crt_time=excluded.crt_time; # 压力测试 pgbench -M prepared -r  -f ./test.sql -c 32 -j 32 -T 20 -d postgres # 5.自定义脚本压力测试 # 创建测试表 create table test(id int primary key, info text, crt_time timestamp); # 创建脚本 vi test.sql\\set id random(1,100000000)insert into test (id,info,crt_time) values (:id, md5(random()::text), now()) on conflict (id) do update set info=excluded.info, crt_time=excluded.crt_time; # 压力测试 pgbench -M prepared -r  -f ./test.sql -c 32 -j 32 -T 20 -d postgres # 6.归纳总结 以上内容,生成内容时需要带简单的排版



  1. pgbench --help
  2. pgbench is a benchmarking tool for PostgreSQL.
  3. Usage:
  4.   pgbench [OPTION]... [DBNAME]
  5. Initialization options:
  6.   -i, --initialize         invokes initialization mode 初始化模式
  7.   -F, --fillfactor=NUM     set fill factor
  8.   -n, --no-vacuum          do not run VACUUM after initialization
  9.   -q, --quiet              quiet logging (one message each 5 seconds)
  10.   -s, --scale=NUM          scaling factor
  11.   --foreign-keys           create foreign key constraints between tables    
  12.   --index-tablespace=TABLESPACE    
  13.                            create indexes in the specified tablespace    
  14.   --tablespace=TABLESPACE  create tables in the specified tablespace    
  15.   --unlogged-tables        create tables as unlogged tables    
  17. Options to select what to run:    
  18.   -b, --builtin=NAME[@W]   add builtin script NAME weighted at W (default: 1)    
  19.                            (use "-b list" to list available scripts)    
  20.   -f, --file=FILENAME[@W]  add script FILENAME weighted at W (default: 1)  测试脚本位置(可以自定义)    
  21.   -N, --skip-some-updates  skip updates of pgbench_tellers and pgbench_branches    
  22.                            (same as "-b simple-update")    
  23.   -S, --select-only        perform SELECT-only transactions    
  24.                            (same as "-b select-only")    
  26. Benchmarking options:    
  27.   -c, --client=NUM         number of concurrent database clients (default: 1)  模拟客户端个数,相当于并发量
  28.   -C, --connect            establish new connection for each transaction  设定为每一个事务建一个新连接   
  29.   -D, --define=VARNAME=VALUE    
  30.                            define variable for use by custom script    
  31.   -j, --jobs=NUM           number of threads (default: 1)    启动线程数
  32.   -l, --log                write transaction times to log file    
  33.   -L, --latency-limit=NUM  count transactions lasting more than NUM ms as late    
  34.   -M, --protocol=simple|extended|prepared    
  35.                            protocol for submitting queries (default: simple)    
  36.   -n, --no-vacuum          do not run VACUUM before tests    
  37.   -P, --progress=NUM       show thread progress report every NUM seconds    每隔数秒显示线程进度报告
  38.   -r, --report-latencies   report average latency per command    报告每个命令的平均延迟
  39.   -R, --rate=NUM           target rate in transactions per second    
  40.   -s, --scale=NUM          report this scale factor in output    
  41.   -t, --transactions=NUM   number of transactions each client runs (default: 10)    
  42.   -T, --time=NUM           duration of benchmark test in seconds   测试时间,单位:秒 
  43.   -v, --vacuum-all         vacuum all four standard tables before tests    
  44.   --aggregate-interval=NUM aggregate data over NUM seconds    
  45.   --progress-timestamp     use Unix epoch timestamps for progress    
  46.   --sampling-rate=NUM      fraction of transactions to log (e.g., 0.01 for 1%)    
  47. Common options:
  48.   -d, --debug              print debugging output    
  49.   -h, --host=HOSTNAME      database server host or socket directory    
  50.   -p, --port=PORT          database server port number    
  51.   -U, --username=USERNAME  connect as specified database user    
  52.   -V, --version            output version information, then exit
  53.   -?, --help               show this help, then exit


  1. su - postgres
  2. # 使用postgres作为测试库
  3. pgbench -i -d postgres
  4. # 使用默认参数创造的测试表,各表的数据量:
  5. pgbench_accounts:100000
  6. pg_branches:1
  7. pg_tellers:10
# 设置自定测试数据量,将测试数据扩大100倍,测试总数1000万,并且实时显示创建数据量
pgbench -i -F 100 -s 100 -d postgres



# 时间20秒,显示每个命令的平均延迟
pgbench -c 1 -T 20 -r -d postgres


pgbench -c 30 -T 20 -r -d postgres



# 创建测试表
create table test(id int primary key, info text, crt_time timestamp);
# 创建脚本
  1. vi test.sql
  2. \set id random(1,100000000)
  3. insert into test (id,info,crt_time) values (:id, md5(random()::text), now()) on conflict (id) do update set info=excluded.info, crt_time=excluded.crt_time;
# 压力测试
pgbench -M prepared --f ./test.sql -c 32 -j 32 -T 20 -d postgres
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