[转帖]SSL Certificate Exporter

ssl,certificate,exporter · 浏览次数 : 0


**生成内容时需要带简单的排版** **排版说明** * 使用双引号将字符串包括起来。 * 使用单引号将字符串包括起来。 * 使用反引号将字符串引号包含起来。 * 使用\字符将字符串转义。 * 使用\n字符将换行符插入。 * 使用\t字符将制表符插入。 **示例** ```python #字符串拼接 name = "John" + "Doe" #字符串引号 quote = "'Hello world'" #字符串转义 escaped = "\n" #换行符 print("\n") #制表符 print("\t") ``` **排版示例** ```python name = "John" + "Doe" age = 30 country = "USA" print("name:", name) print("age:", age) print("country:", country) ``` **输出** ``` name: John Doe age: 30 country: USA ```




Exports metrics for certificates collected from various sources:

The metrics are labelled with fields from the certificate, which allows for informational dashboards and flexible alert routing.


./ssl_exporter <flags>

Similarly to the blackbox_exporter, visiting http://localhost:9219/probe?target=example.com:443 will return certificate metrics for example.com. The ssl_probe_success metric indicates if the probe has been successful.


docker run -p 9219:9219 ribbybibby/ssl-exporter:latest <flags>

Release process

  • Create a release in Github with a semver tag and GH actions will:
    • Add a changelog
    • Upload binaries
    • Build and push a Docker image


usage: ssl_exporter [<flags>]

  -h, --help                     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
                                 Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry.
                                 Path under which to expose metrics
      --web.probe-path="/probe"  Path under which to expose the probe endpoint
      --config.file=""           SSL exporter configuration file
      --log.level="info"         Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid
                                 levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
                                 Set the log target and format. Example:
                                 "logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7" or
      --version                  Show application version.


ssl_cert_not_after The date after which a peer certificate expires. Expressed as a Unix Epoch Time. serial_no, issuer_cn, cn, dnsnames, ips, emails, ou tcp, https
ssl_cert_not_before The date before which a peer certificate is not valid. Expressed as a Unix Epoch Time. serial_no, issuer_cn, cn, dnsnames, ips, emails, ou tcp, https
ssl_file_cert_not_after The date after which a certificate found by the file prober expires. Expressed as a Unix Epoch Time. file, serial_no, issuer_cn, cn, dnsnames, ips, emails, ou file
ssl_file_cert_not_before The date before which a certificate found by the file prober is not valid. Expressed as a Unix Epoch Time. file, serial_no, issuer_cn, cn, dnsnames, ips, emails, ou file
ssl_kubernetes_cert_not_after The date after which a certificate found by the kubernetes prober expires. Expressed as a Unix Epoch Time. namespace, secret, key, serial_no, issuer_cn, cn, dnsnames, ips, emails, ou kubernetes
ssl_kubernetes_cert_not_before The date before which a certificate found by the kubernetes prober is not valid. Expressed as a Unix Epoch Time. namespace, secret, key, serial_no, issuer_cn, cn, dnsnames, ips, emails, ou kubernetes
ssl_kubeconfig_cert_not_after The date after which a certificate found by the kubeconfig prober expires. Expressed as a Unix Epoch Time. kubeconfig, name, type, serial_no, issuer_cn, cn, dnsnames, ips, emails, ou kubeconfig
ssl_kubeconfig_cert_not_before The date before which a certificate found by the kubeconfig prober is not valid. Expressed as a Unix Epoch Time. kubeconfig, name, type, serial_no, issuer_cn, cn, dnsnames, ips, emails, ou kubeconfig
ssl_ocsp_response_next_update The nextUpdate value in the OCSP response. Expressed as a Unix Epoch Time   tcp, https
ssl_ocsp_response_produced_at The producedAt value in the OCSP response. Expressed as a Unix Epoch Time   tcp, https
ssl_ocsp_response_revoked_at The revocationTime value in the OCSP response. Expressed as a Unix Epoch Time   tcp, https
ssl_ocsp_response_status The status in the OCSP response. 0=Good 1=Revoked 2=Unknown   tcp, https
ssl_ocsp_response_stapled Does the connection state contain a stapled OCSP response? Boolean.   tcp, https
ssl_ocsp_response_this_update The thisUpdate value in the OCSP response. Expressed as a Unix Epoch Time   tcp, https
ssl_probe_success Was the probe successful? Boolean.   all
ssl_prober The prober used by the exporter to connect to the target. Boolean. prober all
ssl_tls_version_info The TLS version used. Always 1. version tcp, https
ssl_verified_cert_not_after The date after which a certificate in the verified chain expires. Expressed as a Unix Epoch Time. chain_no, serial_no, issuer_cn, cn, dnsnames, ips, emails, ou tcp, https
ssl_verified_cert_not_before The date before which a certificate in the verified chain is not valid. Expressed as a Unix Epoch Time. chain_no, serial_no, issuer_cn, cn, dnsnames, ips, emails, ou tcp, https



Just like with the blackbox_exporter, you should pass the targets to a single instance of the exporter in a scrape config with a clever bit of relabelling. This allows you to leverage service discovery and keeps configuration centralised to your Prometheus config.

  - job_name: "ssl"
    metrics_path: /probe
      - targets:
          - example.com:443
          - prometheus.io:443
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        target_label: __param_target
      - source_labels: [__param_target]
        target_label: instance
      - target_label: __address__
        replacement: # SSL exporter.


By default the exporter will make a TCP connection to the target. This will be suitable for most cases but if you want to take advantage of http proxying you can use a HTTPS client by setting the https module parameter:

  - job_name: "ssl"
    metrics_path: /probe
      module: ["https"] # <-----
      - targets:
          - example.com:443
          - prometheus.io:443
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        target_label: __param_target
      - source_labels: [__param_target]
        target_label: instance
      - target_label: __address__

This will use proxy servers discovered by the environment variables HTTP_PROXYHTTPS_PROXY and ALL_PROXY. Or, you can set the proxy_url option in the module configuration.

The latter takes precedence.


The file prober exports ssl_file_cert_not_after and ssl_file_cert_not_before for PEM encoded certificates found in local files.

Files local to the exporter can be scraped by providing them as the target parameter:

curl "localhost:9219/probe?module=file&target=/etc/ssl/cert.pem"

The target parameter supports globbing (as provided by the doublestar package), which allows you to capture multiple files at once:

curl "localhost:9219/probe?module=file&target=/etc/ssl/**/*.pem"

One specific usage of this prober could be to run the exporter as a DaemonSet in Kubernetes and then scrape each instance to check the expiry of certificates on each node:

  - job_name: "ssl-kubernetes-file"
    metrics_path: /probe
      module: ["file"]
      target: ["/etc/kubernetes/**/*.crt"]
      - role: node
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        regex: ^(.*):(.*)$
        target_label: __address__
        replacement: ${1}:9219


The kubernetes prober exports ssl_kubernetes_cert_not_after and ssl_kubernetes_cert_not_before for PEM encoded certificates found in secrets of type kubernetes.io/tls.

Provide the namespace and name of the secret in the form <namespace>/<name> as the target:

curl "localhost:9219/probe?module=kubernetes&target=kube-system/secret-name"

Both the namespace and name portions of the target support glob matching (as provided by the doublestar package):

curl "localhost:9219/probe?module=kubernetes&target=kube-system/*"

curl "localhost:9219/probe?module=kubernetes&target=*/*"

The exporter retrieves credentials and context configuration from the following sources in the following order:

  • The kubeconfig path in the module configuration
  • The $KUBECONFIG environment variable
  • The default configuration file ($HOME/.kube/config)
  • The in-cluster environment, if running in a pod
- job_name: "ssl-kubernetes"
  metrics_path: /probe
    module: ["kubernetes"]
   - targets:
      - "test-namespace/nginx-cert"
   - source_labels: [ __address__ ]
     target_label: __param_target
   - source_labels: [ __param_target ]
     target_label: instance
   - target_label: __address__


The kubeconfig prober exports ssl_kubeconfig_cert_not_after and ssl_kubeconfig_cert_not_before for PEM encoded certificates found in the specified kubeconfig file.

Kubeconfigs local to the exporter can be scraped by providing them as the target parameter:

curl "localhost:9219/probe?module=kubeconfig&target=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"

One specific usage of this prober could be to run the exporter as a DaemonSet in Kubernetes and then scrape each instance to check the expiry of certificates on each node:

  - job_name: "ssl-kubernetes-kubeconfig"
    metrics_path: /probe
      module: ["kubeconfig"]
      target: ["/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"]
      - role: node
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        regex: ^(.*):(.*)$
        target_label: __address__
        replacement: ${1}:9219

Configuration file

You can provide further module configuration by providing the path to a configuration file with --config.file. The file is written in yaml format, defined by the schema below.

# The default module to use. If omitted, then the module must be provided by the
# 'module' query parameter
default_module: <string>

# Module configuration
modules: [<module>]


# The type of probe (https, tcp, file, kubernetes, kubeconfig)
prober: <prober_string>

# The probe target. If set, then the 'target' query parameter is ignored.
# If omitted, then the 'target' query parameter is required.
target: <string>

# How long the probe will wait before giving up.
[ timeout: <duration> ]

# Configuration for TLS
[ tls_config: <tls_config> ]

# The specific probe configuration
[ https: <https_probe> ]
[ tcp: <tcp_probe> ]
[ kubernetes: <kubernetes_probe> ]


# Disable target certificate validation.
[ insecure_skip_verify: <boolean> | default = false ]

# Configure TLS renegotiation support.
# Valid options: never, once, freely
[ renegotiation: <string> | default = never ]

# The CA cert to use for the targets.
[ ca_file: <filename> ]

# The client cert file for the targets.
[ cert_file: <filename> ]

# The client key file for the targets.
[ key_file: <filename> ]

# Used to verify the hostname for the targets.
[ server_name: <string> ]


# HTTP proxy server to use to connect to the targets.
[ proxy_url: <string> ]


# Use the STARTTLS command before starting TLS for those protocols that support it (smtp, ftp, imap, pop3, postgres)
[ starttls: <string> ]


# The path of a kubeconfig file to configure the probe
[ kubeconfig: <string> ]

Example Queries

Certificates that expire within 7 days:

ssl_cert_not_after - time() < 86400 * 7

Wildcard certificates that are expiring:

ssl_cert_not_after{cn=~"\*.*"} - time() < 86400 * 7

Certificates that expire within 7 days in the verified chain that expires latest:

ssl_verified_cert_not_after{chain_no="0"} - time() < 86400 * 7

Number of certificates presented by the server:

count(ssl_cert_not_after) by (instance)

Identify failed probes:

ssl_probe_success == 0

Peer Certificates vs Verified Chain Certificates

Metrics are exported for the NotAfter and NotBefore fields for peer certificates as well as for the verified chain that is constructed by the client.

The former only includes the certificates that are served explicitly by the target, while the latter can contain multiple chains of trust that are constructed from root certificates held by the client to the target's server certificate.

This has important implications when monitoring certificate expiry.

For instance, it may be the case that ssl_cert_not_after reports that the root certificate served by the target is expiring soon even though clients can form another, much longer lived, chain of trust using another valid root certificate held locally. In this case, you may want to use ssl_verified_cert_not_after to alert on expiry instead, as this will contain the chain that the client actually constructs:

ssl_verified_cert_not_after{chain_no="0"} - time() < 86400 * 7

Each chain is numbered by the exporter in reverse order of expiry, so that chain_no="0" is the chain that will expire the latest. Therefore the query above will only alert when the chain of trust between the exporter and the target is truly nearing expiry.

It's very important to note that a query of this kind only represents the chain of trust between the exporter and the target. Genuine clients may hold different root certs than the exporter and therefore have different verified chains of trust.


You can find a simple dashboard here that tracks certificate expiration dates and target connection errors.

与[转帖]SSL Certificate Exporter相似的内容:

[转帖]SSL Certificate Exporter

https://github.com/ribbybibby/ssl_exporter Exports metrics for certificates collected from various sources: TCP probes HTTPS probes PEM files Kubernet


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