[转帖]Redhat 8 磁盘调度策略变化:NOOP改为NONE

redhat,磁盘,调度,策略,变化,noop,改为,none · 浏览次数 : 0


**Redhat 4/5/6/7 NOOP 调度策略** Redhat 4/5/6/7 中的 NOOP 调度策略从 8 开始更改为 `NONE`,官方解释为: * NOOP 策略使用 first-in first-out (FIFO) 的调度算法。 * 它通过一个简单的前驱缓存将请求合并到通用块层。 * mq-deadline 策略使用读取或写入批处理,并根据请求到达的顺序排序 I/O 请求。 * 在默认情况下,读取批优先于写入批,因为应用程序更 likely 阻塞在读取 I/O 操作上。 * mq-deadline 处理完批后,会检查写操作是否Nachdem处理器闲置,并根据需要调度下一个读取或写入批。 * 此策略适用于大多数场景,特别是那些涉及大量写入操作的任务,例如数据库操作。 **其他选项** * bfq 选项可以指定目标 latencies,以优化性能。 * kyber 选项允许设置针对 I/O 请求的 latencies。



redhat 4/5/6/7版本中的NOOP调度策略,从8开始修改为NONE,官方解释:

Implements a first-in first-out (FIFO) scheduling algorithm. It merges requests at the generic block layer through a simple last-hit cache.

Attempts to provide a guaranteed latency for requests from the point at which requests reach the scheduler.

The mq-deadline scheduler sorts queued I/O requests into a read or write batch and then schedules them for execution in increasing logical block addressing (LBA) order. By default, read batches take precedence over write batches, because applications are more likely to block on read I/O operations. After mq-deadline processes a batch, it checks how long write operations have been starved of processor time and schedules the next read or write batch as appropriate.

This scheduler is suitable for most use cases, but particularly those in which the write operations are mostly asynchronous.

Targets desktop systems and interactive tasks.

The bfq scheduler ensures that a single application is never using all of the bandwidth. In effect, the storage device is always as responsive as if it was idle. In its default configuration, bfq focuses on delivering the lowest latency rather than achieving the maximum throughput.

bfq is based on cfq code. It does not grant the disk to each process for a fixed time slice but assigns a budget measured in number of sectors to the process.

This scheduler is suitable while copying large files and the system does not become unresponsive in this case.

The scheduler tunes itself to achieve a latency goal by calculating the latencies of every I/O request submitted to the block I/O layer. You can configure the target latencies for read, in the case of cache-misses, and synchronous write requests.

This scheduler is suitable for fast devices, for example NVMe, SSD, or other low latency devices.

官方文档链接: 网址


  • 临时
$ echo 'none' > /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
$ cat           /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
[none] mq-deadline kyber bfq 
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 永久
	mkdir /etc/tuned/ssdlinux
	vi /etc/tuned/ssdlinux/tuned.conf
	tuned-adm profile ssdlinux
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8


devices_udev_regex=IDNAME=device system unique id
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3


Use caseDisk scheduler
Traditional HDD with a SCSI interfaceUse mq-deadline or bfq.
High-performance SSD or a CPU-bound system with fast storageUse none, especially when running enterprise applications. Alternatively, use kyber.
Desktop or interactive tasksUse bfq.
Virtual guestUse mq-deadline. With a host bus adapter (HBA) driver that is multi-queue capable, use none.
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