[转帖]MySQL: Convert decimal to binary

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**Conversion from Decimal to Binary** This article explains how to convert decimal numbers to binary format using various methods. **Key Concepts:** * **Precision** and **Scale:** These values determine the number of digits to retain in the binary representation. * **Memory Representation:** The binary representation is stored in a specific format, depending on the precision and scale. **Method 1: `decimal2bin()` Function** The `decimal2bin()` function takes a decimal number and converts it to a binary string. * It assumes that the input is a string in the format "value.scale". * The function uses string manipulation techniques to extract the precision and scale values. * It then uses bitwise operations to construct the binary representation. **Method 2: Conversion from Decimal to Binary Representation** * The article explains three methods for converting decimal numbers to binary: * Splitting the number into integer and fractional parts. * Storing the integer part in 4 bytes and the fractional part in the remaining space. * Inverting the highest bit for negative numbers. **Method 3: Memory Representation of Binary Numbers** * The binary representation is stored in a variable-length format. * The length of the representation depends on the precision and scale. * The binary representation is reversed for negative numbers. **Example:** | **Decimal Number** | **Binary Representation** | |---|---| | 1234567890.1234 | 0d-fb-38-d2 07-5a-ef-40 | **Note:** * The precision and scale values are typically passed as arguments to the function. * This method is suitable for converting decimal numbers to binary for both storage and transmission.



Last Update:2018-12-05 Source: Internet 
Author: User
Tags decimal to binary mysql code

Conversion from MySQL code Note: decimal. c

Bytes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Convert decimal to its binary fixed-length Representation
Two representations of the same length can be compared with memcmp
With the correct-1/0/+ 1 Result

Decimal2bin ()
From-value to convert
To-points to buffer Where string representation shoshould be stored
Precision/scale-see decimal_bin_size () below

The buffer is assumed to be of the size decimal_bin_size (precision, scale)

Return Value
E_dec_ OK/e_dec_truncated/e_dec_overflow

For storage decimal numbers are converted to the "binary" format.

This format has the following properties:
1. Length of the binary representation depends on the {precision, scale}
As provided by the caller and not on the intg/frac of the decimal
2. Binary representations of the same {precision, scale} can be compared
With memcmp-with the same result as decimal_cmp () of the original
Decimals (not taking into account possible precision loss
Conversion ).

This binary format is as follows:
1. First the number is converted to have a requested precision and scale.
2. Every full dig_per_dec1 digits of intg part are stored in 4 bytes
As is
3. The first intg % dig_per_dec1 digits are stored in the specified CED
Number of bytes (enough bytes to store this number of digits-
See dig2bytes)
4. Same for frac-full decimal_digit_t's are stored as is,
The last frac % dig_per_dec1 digits-in the specified ced number of bytes.
5. If the number is negative-every byte is inversed.
5. The very first bit of the resulting byte array is inverted (because
Memcmp compares unsigned bytes, see property 2 above)



Internally is represented as 3 decimal_digit_t's

1 234567890 123400000

(Assuming we want a binary representation with precision = 14, scale = 4)
In hex it's

00-00-00-01 0d-fb-38-d2 07-5a-ef-40

Now, middle decimal_digit_t is full-It stores 9 decimal digits. It goes
Into binary representation as is:

...... 0d-fb-38-d2 ............

First decimal_digit_t has only one decimal digit. We can store one digit in
One byte, no need to waste four:

01 0d-fb-38-d2 ............

Now, last digit. It's 123400000. We can store 1234 in two bytes:

01 0d-fb-38-d2 04-d2

So, we 've packed 12 bytes number in 7 bytes.
And now we invert the highest bit to get the final result:

81 0d FB 38 D2 04 D2

And for-1234567890.1234 it wocould be

7E F2 04 37 2D FB 2D

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[转帖]MySQL: Convert decimal to binary

Last Update:2018-12-05 Source: Internet Author: User Tags decimal to binary mysql code Developer on Alibaba Coud: Build your first app with APIs, SDKs

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