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Sure, here is an outline of how to generate content when using the Java formatter service: **1. Define your formatter service:** * Create a `YourFormatterService` object. * Set the `init()` method to a `File` object containing the formatter service configuration. **2. Create a formatter for your desired format:** * Use the `format()` method to pass the `YourFormatterService` object and the format string. * This will return a `RedisStream` object containing the formatted data. **3. Apply the formatter to your Redis stream:** * Use the `applyString()` method to apply the formatter to the `RedisStream` object. * This will return the formatted data as a `RedisStream` object. **4. Use the formatter to generate your output:** * Set the `output` parameter to the desired output format (e.g., "csv"). * Use the `applyString()` method to apply the formatter to the `RedisStream` object. * This will generate the output data as a String. **5. Output the formatted data:** * Use the `getOutputStream()` method to output the formatted data. * This will write the formatted data to the specified output location. **Example:** ```java YourFormatterService formatterService = new YourFormatterService(); formatterService.init(new File("formatter.properties")); String output = formatterService.format("test", redisStream); System.out.println(output); ``` **Output:** ``` test ``` **Tips:** * Use the `toString()` method on the `RedisStream` object to get a detailed description of the formatted data. * Set the `output` parameter to the desired output format to generate the formatted data in a specific format. * Use the `applyString()` method to apply the formatter to multiple `RedisStream` objects to generate different outputs. * You can also customize the formatter by passing a `RedisStream` object and a `Format` object to the `format()` method.



Buy Me A Coffee

A tool that can parse, filter, split, merge rdb and analyze memory usage offline. It can also sync 2 redis data and allow user define there own sink service to migrate redis data to somewhere.

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Binary release

binary releases

Runtime requirement

jdk 1.8+


$ wget https://github.com/leonchen83/redis-rdb-cli/releases/download/${version}/redis-rdb-cli-release.zip
$ unzip redis-rdb-cli-release.zip
$ cd ./redis-rdb-cli/bin
$ ./rct -h

Compile requirement

jdk 1.8+


Compile & run

$ git clone https://github.com/leonchen83/redis-rdb-cli.git
$ cd redis-rdb-cli
$ mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
$ cd target/redis-rdb-cli-release/redis-rdb-cli/bin
$ ./rct -h 

Run in docker

# run with jvm
$ docker run -it --rm redisrdbcli/redis-rdb-cli:latest
$ rct -V

# run without jvm
$ docker run -it --rm redisrdbcli/redis-rdb-cli:latest-native
$ rct -V

Build native image via graalvm in docker

$ docker build -m 8g -f DockerfileNative -t redisrdbcli:redis-rdb-cli .
$ docker run -it redisrdbcli:redis-rdb-cli bash
$ bash-5.1# rct -V

Windows Environment Variables

Add /path/to/redis-rdb-cli/bin to Path environment variable


Redis mass insertion

$ rct -f dump -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/dump.aof -r
$ cat /path/to/dump.aof | /redis/src/redis-cli -p 6379 --pipe

Convert rdb to dump format

$ rct -f dump -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/dump.aof

Convert rdb to json format

$ rct -f json -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/dump.json

Numbers of key in rdb

$ rct -f count -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/dump.csv

Find top 50 largest keys

$ rct -f mem -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/dump.mem -l 50

Diff rdb

$ rct -f diff -s /path/to/dump1.rdb -o /path/to/dump1.diff
$ rct -f diff -s /path/to/dump2.rdb -o /path/to/dump2.diff
$ diff /path/to/dump1.diff /path/to/dump2.diff

Convert rdb to RESP

$ rct -f resp -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/appendonly.aof

Sync with 2 redis

$ rst -s redis:// -m redis:// -r

Sync single redis to redis cluster

$ rst -s redis:// -m redis:// -r -d 0

Handle infinite loop in rst command

# set client-output-buffer-limit in source redis
$ redis-cli config set client-output-buffer-limit "slave 0 0 0"
$ rst -s redis:// -m redis:// -r

Migrate rdb to remote redis

$ rmt -s /path/to/dump.rdb -m redis:// -r

Downgrade migration

# Migrate data from redis-7 to redis-6
# About dump_rdb_version please see comment in redis-rdb-cli.conf
$ sed -i 's/dump_rdb_version=-1/dump_rdb_version=9/g' /path/to/redis-rdb-cli/conf/redis-rdb-cli.conf
$ rmt -s redis://com.redis7:6379 -m redis://com.redis6:6379 -r

Handle big key in migration

# set proto-max-bulk-len in target redis
$ redis-cli -h ${host} -p 6380 -a ${pwd} config set proto-max-bulk-len 2048mb

# set Xms Xmx in redis-rdb-cli node
$ export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Xms8g -Xmx8g"

# execute migration
$ rmt -s redis:// -m redis:// -r

Migrate rdb to remote redis cluster

$ rmt -s /path/to/dump.rdb -c ./nodes-30001.conf -r

or simply use following cmd without nodes-30001.conf

$ rmt -s /path/to/dump.rdb -m redis:// -r

Backup remote rdb

$ rdt -b redis:// -o /path/to/dump.rdb

Backup remote rdb and convert db to dest db

$ rdt -b redis:// -o /path/to/dump.rdb --goal 3

Filter rdb

$ rdt -b /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/filtered-dump.rdb -d 0 -t string

Split rdb via cluster's nodes.conf

$ rdt -s ./dump.rdb -c ./nodes.conf -o /path/to/folder -d 0

Merge multi rdb to one

$ rdt -m ./dump1.rdb ./dump2.rdb -o ./dump.rdb -t hash

Cut aof-use-rdb-preamble file to rdb file and aof file

$ rcut -s ./aof-use-rdb-preamble.aof -r ./dump.rdb -a ./appendonly.aof

Other parameter

More configurable parameter can be modified in /path/to/redis-rdb-cli/conf/redis-rdb-cli.conf


  1. rctrdt and rmt these 3 commands support data filter by type,db and key RegEx(Java style).
  2. rst this command only support data filter by db.

For example:

$ rct -f dump -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/dump.aof -d 0
$ rct -f dump -s /path/to/dump.rdb -o /path/to/dump.aof -t string hash
$ rmt -s /path/to/dump.rdb -m redis:// -r -d 0 1 -t list
$ rst -s redis:// -m redis:// -d 0

Monitor redis server

# step1 
# open file `/path/to/redis-rdb-cli/conf/redis-rdb-cli.conf`
# change property `metric_gateway from `none` to `influxdb`
# step2
$ cd /path/to/redis-rdb-cli/dashboard
$ docker-compose up -d
# step3
$ rmonitor -s redis:// -n standalone
$ rmonitor -s redis:// -n cluster
$ rmonitor -s redis-sentinel://sntnl-usr:sntnl-pwd@ -n sentinel
# step4
# open url `http://localhost:3000/d/monitor/monitor`, login grafana use `admin`, `admin` and check monitor result.


Difference between rmt and rst

  1. When rmt started. source redis first do BGSAVE and generate a snapshot rdb file. rmt command migrate this snapshot file to target redis. after this process done, rmt terminated.
  2. rst not only migrate snapshot rdb file but also incremental data from source redis. so rst never terminated except type CTRL+Crst only support db filter more details please refer to Limitation of migration


Since v0.1.9, the rct -f mem support showing result in grafana dashboard like the following:

If you want to turn it on. you MUST install docker and docker-compose first, the installation please refer to docker
Then run the following command:

$ cd /path/to/redis-rdb-cli/dashboard

# start
$ docker-compose up -d

# stop
$ docker-compose down

cd /path/to/redis-rdb-cli/conf/redis-rdb-cli.conf
Then change parameter metric_gateway from none to influxdb.

Open http://localhost:3000 to check the rct -f mem's result.

If you deployed this tool in multi instance, you need to change parameter metric_instance to make sure unique between instances.

Redis 6

Redis 6 SSL

  1. use openssl to generate keystore
$ cd /path/to/redis-6.0-rc1
$ ./utils/gen-test-certs.sh
$ cd tests/tls
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -CAfile ca.crt -in redis.crt -inkey redis.key -out redis.p12
  1. If source redis and target redis use the same keystore. then config following parameters
    source_keystore_path and target_keystore_path to point to /path/to/redis-6.0-rc1/tests/tls/redis.p12
    set source_keystore_pass and target_keystore_pass

  2. after config ssl parameters use rediss://host:port in your command to open ssl, for example: rst -s rediss:// -m rediss:// -r -d 0

Redis 6 ACL

  1. use following URI to open redis ACL support
$ rst -s redis://user:pass@ -m redis://user:pass@ -r -d 0
  1. user MUST have +@all permission to handle commands

Hack rmt

Rmt threading model

The rmt command use the following 4 parameters(redis-rdb-cli.conf) to migrate data to remote.


The most important parameter is migrate_threads=4. this means we use the following threading model to migrate data.

single redis ----> single redis

+--------------+         +----------+     thread 1      +--------------+
|              |    +----| Endpoint |-------------------|              |
|              |    |    +----------+                   |              |
|              |    |                                   |              |
|              |    |    +----------+     thread 2      |              |
|              |    |----| Endpoint |-------------------|              |
|              |    |    +----------+                   |              |
| Source Redis |----|                                   | Target Redis |
|              |    |    +----------+     thread 3      |              |
|              |    |----| Endpoint |-------------------|              |
|              |    |    +----------+                   |              |
|              |    |                                   |              |
|              |    |    +----------+     thread 4      |              |
|              |    +----| Endpoint |-------------------|              |
+--------------+         +----------+                   +--------------+


single redis ----> redis cluster

+--------------+         +----------+     thread 1      +--------------+
|              |    +----| Endpoints|-------------------|              |
|              |    |    +----------+                   |              |
|              |    |                                   |              |
|              |    |    +----------+     thread 2      |              |
|              |    |----| Endpoints|-------------------|              |
|              |    |    +----------+                   |              |
| Source Redis |----|                                   | Redis cluster|
|              |    |    +----------+     thread 3      |              |
|              |    |----| Endpoints|-------------------|              |
|              |    |    +----------+                   |              |
|              |    |                                   |              |
|              |    |    +----------+     thread 4      |              |
|              |    +----| Endpoints|-------------------|              |
+--------------+         +----------+                   +--------------+


The difference between cluster migration and single migration is Endpoint and Endpoints. In cluster migration the Endpoints contains multi Endpoint to point to every master instance in cluster. For example:

3 masters 3 replicas redis cluster. if migrate_threads=4 then we have 3 * 4 = 12 connections that connected with master instance.

Migration performance

The following 3 parameters affect migration performance

  1. migrate_batch_size: By default we use redis pipeline to migrate data to remote. the migrate_batch_size is the pipeline batch size. if migrate_batch_size=1 then the pipeline devolved into 1 single command to sent and wait the response from remote.
  2. migrate_retries: The migrate_retries=1 means if socket error occurred. we recreate a new socket and retry to send that failed command to target redis with migrate_retries times.
  3. migrate_flush: The migrate_flush=yes means we write every 1 command to socket. then we invoke SocketOutputStream.flush() immediately. if migrate_flush=no we invoke SocketOutputStream.flush() when write to socket every 64KB. notice that this parameter also affect migrate_retries. the migrate_retries only take effect when migrate_flush=yes.

Migration principle

+---------------+             +-------------------+    restore      +---------------+ 
|               |             | redis dump format |---------------->|               |
|               |             |-------------------|    restore      |               |
|               |   convert   | redis dump format |---------------->|               |
|    Dump rdb   |------------>|-------------------|    restore      |  Targe Redis  |
|               |             | redis dump format |---------------->|               |
|               |             |-------------------|    restore      |               |
|               |             | redis dump format |---------------->|               |
+---------------+             +-------------------+                 +---------------+

Limitation of migration

  1. We use cluster's nodes.conf to migrate data to cluster. because of we didn't handle the MOVED ASK redirection. so limitation of cluster migration is that the cluster MUST in stable state during the migration. this means the cluster MUST have no migratingimporting slot and no switch slave to master.

Hack ret

What ret command do

  1. ret command that allow user define there own sink service like sink redis data to mysql or mongodb.
  2. ret command using Java SPI extension to do this job.

How to implement a sink service

User should follow the steps below to implement a sink service.

  1. create a java project using maven pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">

            <version>[3.6.4, )</version>
            other dependencies
  1. implement SinkService interface
public class YourSinkService implements SinkService {

    public String sink() {
        return "your-sink-service";

    public void init(File config) throws IOException {
        // parse your external sink config

    public void onEvent(Replicator replicator, Event event) {
        // your sink business
  1. register this service using Java SPI
# create com.moilioncircle.redis.rdb.cli.api.sink.SinkService file in src/main/resources/META-INF/services/

| |____resources
| | |____META-INF
| | | |____services
| | | | |____com.moilioncircle.redis.rdb.cli.api.sink.SinkService

# add following content in com.moilioncircle.redis.rdb.cli.api.sink.SinkService


  1. package and deploy
$ mvn clean install

$ cp ./target/your-sink-service-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar /path/to/redis-rdb-cli/lib
  1. run your sink service
$ ret -s redis:// -c config.conf -n your-sink-service
  1. debug your sink service
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Replicator replicator = new RedisReplicator("redis://");
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {
        replicator.addExceptionListener((rep, tx, e) -> {
            throw new RuntimeException(tx.getMessage(), tx);
        SinkService sink = new YourSinkService();
        sink.init(new File("/path/to/your-sink.conf"));
        replicator.addEventListener(new AsyncEventListener(sink, replicator, 4, Executors.defaultThreadFactory()));

How to implement a formatter service

  1. create YourFormatterService extend AbstractFormatterService
public class YourFormatterService extends AbstractFormatterService {

    public String format() {
        return "test";

    public Event applyString(Replicator replicator, RedisInputStream in, int version, byte[] key, int type, ContextKeyValuePair context) throws IOException {
        byte[] val = new DefaultRdbValueVisitor(replicator).applyString(in, version);
        getEscaper().encode(key, getOutputStream());
        getEscaper().encode(val, getOutputStream());
        return context;
  1. register this formatter using Java SPI
# create com.moilioncircle.redis.rdb.cli.api.format.FormatterService file in src/main/resources/META-INF/services/

| |____resources
| | |____META-INF
| | | |____services
| | | | |____com.moilioncircle.redis.rdb.cli.api.format.FormatterService

# add following content in com.moilioncircle.redis.rdb.cli.api.format.FormatterService


  1. package and deploy
$ mvn clean install

$ cp ./target/your-service-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar /path/to/redis-rdb-cli/lib
  1. run your formatter service
$ rct -f test -s redis:// -o ./out.csv -t string -d 0 -e json



Commercial support for redis-rdb-cli is available. The following services are currently available:

  • Onsite consulting. $10,000 per day
  • Onsite training. $10,000 per day

You may also contact Baoyi Chen directly, mail to chen.bao.yi@gmail.com.

Supported by 宁文君

27 January 2023, A sad day that I lost my mother 宁文君, She was encouraging and supporting me in developing this tool. Every time a company uses this tool, she got excited like a child and encouraged me to keep going. Without her I couldn't have maintained this tool for so many years. Even I didn't achieve much but she is still proud of me, R.I.P and hope God bless her.

Supported by IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is a Java integrated development environment (IDE) for developing computer software.
It is developed by JetBrains (formerly known as IntelliJ), and is available as an Apache 2 Licensed community edition,
and in a proprietary commercial edition. Both can be used for commercial development.



redis-rdb-cli A tool that can parse, filter, split, merge rdb and analyze memory usage offline. It can also sync 2 redis data and allow user define th


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