[转帖]ASH REPORT SHOWS “** Row Source Not Available **”

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## Summary of the ASH report issue: **Issue:** * In the ASH report, there's a section called "Top SQL with Top Row Sources" that displays the SQL IDs of rows where the row source is not available. * This means that data for these rows could not be collected during the sampling process. **Reason:** * This issue is likely due to a cursor that was not closed properly during the sample collection phase. * This caused a granular level of data to be missed between snapshots. **Additional points:** * The reason for the cursor not being closed is not specified in the context. * This issue may be related to a larger data collection problem with the ASH system.




Whenever in ASH report, there is a section called Top SQL with Top Row Sources

There is a column “Row Source” and under that there are sql_id’s for which no data for row source available.


After research, it is due to cursor which executed the SQL is not being closed during the collection of samples into ASH and a granular level data is not captured between the snapshots.

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