ThinkSystem SR系列 服务器配置RAID和BMC

thinksystem,sr,系列,服务器,配置,raid,bmc · 浏览次数 : 238


**Server Configuration Requirements:** 1. **Modify Notebook IP:** - Set the notebook's IP address to the same subnet as the server, with a different server IP address. - Ensure the server's default IP address is not the same as the notebook's IP. 2. **Remote Access Configuration:** - Open the web browser and navigate to the server's IP address. - Use the default username and password for the xcc admin platform. - Open the remote control panel and access the server. 3. **RAID Configuration:** - Navigate to the RAID configuration page. - Create a RAID1 volume. - Select the desired RAID level (RAID1 in this case). - Choose the disk to be used for the RAID volume. 4. **Initiating RAID1:** - In the main menu, select "Configuration Management" and then "Change Disk Mode". - Change the disk mode to "Make Unconfigured Good". - Create a virtual drive and assign it to the RAID volume. 5. **Verify RAID1 Creation:** - In the "Virtual Drive Management" page, check the details of the created RAID volume. - Ensure the RAID level is set to "RAID1". 6. **Create and Manage RAID Volume:** - In the "Drive Management" page, select "Create Virtual Drive". - Choose "RAID 1". - Select the desired drives and click "Save Changes". 7. **Configure Hot Spare Drive:** - Enter the drive operation interface. - Assign either a global or dedicated hot spare drive. - Ensure the status is set to "Unconfigured Good". 8. **Save and Apply Configuration Changes:** - Save the configuration changes. - Apply them to the virtual drive. 9. **View RAID and Hot Spare Information:** - Access the "Virtual Drive Management" page and view the created RAID and hot spare information.


ThinkSystem SR系列 服务器配置RAID和BMC

前提条件:准备一台笔记本,一根网线,直连服务器 imm 网卡。


2、浏览器输入  默认账号密码,登录 xcc 管理平台,然后打开远程控制台。


1、打开服务器电源,开机后按 F1 进入 bios 配置界面

2、选择 UEFI设置 > 系统设置 > 存储 > RAID卡 

3、RAID 配置界面如下图所示,RAID 的相关操作均在此界面完成

4、配置 RAID1

过程:主菜单,Main Menu  >>  配置管理,Configuration Management  >>  更改磁盘模式,Make Unconfigured Good  >>  创建虚拟驱动器,Create Virtual Drive

主菜单,Main Menu

配置管理,Configuration Management

更改磁盘模式,Make Unconfigured Good

check all >>  ok

创建虚拟驱动器,Create Virtual Drive

5、选择 RAID 级别(这里选择RAID1,其他RAID 5、6、10也是这些操作),选择驱动器(select  drives)

将光标定位在需要选择的硬盘上, 选择完成后,选择保存更改。

6、查看创建的虚拟卷 进入”Virtual Drive Management”页面显示已创建的所有阵列的信息(逻辑卷名称、RAID 类型、可用容量、状态),如下图:


进入到”Drive Management”页面,选择状态为 Unconfigured Good的硬盘,进入到硬盘操作界面,

在 Operation 选项中选择”AssignGlobal Hot Spare Drive”(分配全局热备盘驱动器)  或  “Assign Dedicated Hot Spare Drive ”(分配专用热备盘驱动器)选项,如下图:

查看磁盘状态,宜改为 Hot Spare




2、选择静态ip >> 填写准备好的ip和网关 >> 保存配置

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