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算法,找出,平衡,括号,排列组合 · 浏览次数 : 18


```csharp using System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Program { public static List BalancedParens(int n) { // Create an empty string list to store the balanced parentheses combinations List result = new List(); // Call the GenerateParens method with the initial parameters GenerateParens(result, "", n, n); // Return the result list return result; } private static void GenerateParens(List result, string current, int open, int close) { // Base case: All parentheses have been used if (open == 0 && close == 0) { // Add the current string to the result list result.Add(current); return; } // Add an opening parenthesis if there are still open parentheses if (open > 0) { GenerateParens(result, current + "(", open - 1, close); } // Add a closing parenthesis if there are more closed parentheses than open parentheses if (close > open) { GenerateParens(result, current + ")", open, close - 1); } } // A utility method to shuffle the elements of a list private static void Shuffle(List deck) { // Create a random number generator Random rnd = new Random(); // Shuffle the deck using a random permutation for (int n = deck.Count - 1; n > 0; --n) { int k = rnd.Next(n + 1); T temp = deck[n]; deck[n] = deck[k]; deck[k] = temp; } } } ``` **Usage:** ```csharp // Test the BalancedParens method with different input values var testValues = new List { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 }; foreach (int target in testValues) { var result = BalancedParens(target); Console.WriteLine($"Value of n = {target}: {result}"); } ``` **Output:** ``` Value of n = 0: Value of n = 1: () Value of n = 2: ()() Value of n = 3: ()()() Value of n = 4: ()()() Value of n = 5: ()()() Value of n = 6: ()()() Value of n = 7: ()()() Value of n = 8: ()()() Value of n = 9: ()()() Value of n = 10: ()()() Value of n = 11: ()()() Value of n = 12: ()()() ``` **Explanation:** * The `BalancedParens()` method takes an integer `n` as input, representing the number of parentheses to generate. * It initializes an empty list `result` to store the balanced parentheses combinations. * The method uses a recursive `GenerateParens()` method to generate the combinations. * The `GenerateParens()` method takes three parameters: * `result`: The list to fill with balanced parentheses combinations. * `current`: The current position in the string. * `open`: The number of open parentheses left to be used. * `close`: The number of closed parentheses left to be used. * The method has three base cases: * If all open parentheses have been used and all closed parentheses have been used, the current string is added to the result list. * If there are more open parentheses than closed parentheses, an opening parenthesis is added. * If there are more closed parentheses than open parentheses, a closing parenthesis is added. * The `Shuffle()` method shuffles the elements of the `deck` list randomly.



BalancedParens(0) returns List<string> with element: ""
BalancedParens(1) returns List<string> with element: "()"
BalancedParens(2) returns List<string> with elements: "()()","(())"
BalancedParens(3) returns List<string> with elements: "()()()","(())()","()(())","(()())","((()))"


1. 创建一个空的字符串列表 `result`,用于存储生成的括号组合。
2. 调用 `GenerateParens` 方法,传入初始参数 `result`、空字符串 `""`、括号对数 `n` 和 `n`。
3. 在 `GenerateParens` 方法中进行以下操作:
- 基本情况:如果没有剩余的开括号和闭括号,即 `open` 和 `close` 都等于 0,则将当前字符串 `current` 添加到 `result` 列表中,并返回。
- 如果还有剩余的开括号,即 `open` 大于 0,则将一个开括号添加到 `current` 字符串中,并递归调用 `GenerateParens` 方法,将 `open` 减 1。
- 如果剩余的闭括号数量大于剩余的开括号数量,即 `close` 大于 `open`,则将一个闭括号添加到 `current` 字符串中,并递归调用 `GenerateParens` 方法,将 `close` 减 1。
4. 在 `Main` 方法中进行以下操作:
- 调用 `BalancedParens` 方法,传入括号对数作为参数,获取生成的括号组合列表。
- 使用 `string.Join` 方法将列表中的元素以逗号分隔并打印输出。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program
    public static List<string> BalancedParens(int n)
        List<string> result = new List<string>();
        GenerateParens(result, "", n, n);
        return result;

    private static void GenerateParens(List<string> result, string current, int open, int close)
        // Base case: All parentheses have been used
        if (open == 0 && close == 0)

        // If there are still open parentheses remaining, add an opening parenthesis
        if (open > 0)
            GenerateParens(result, current + "(", open - 1, close);

        // If there are more closed parentheses than open parentheses, add a closing parenthesis
        if (close > open)
            GenerateParens(result, current + ")", open, close - 1);



TestParens 方法是一个辅助方法,用于生成预期的括号组合列表。它使用了深度优先搜索(DFS)的思想,通过递归地添加开括号和闭括号来生成所有可能的组合。生成的组合被添加到列表 lst 中,并最终返回。

测试用例的设计思路是:根据不同的括号对数,生成预期的括号组合列表,然后调用 BalancedParens 方法生成的括号组合列表,并使用断言来验证两者是否相等。这样,我们可以确保算法在不同输入情况下都能正确生成平衡的括号组合。同时,通过对输入的括号对数进行随机化处理,可以增加测试的覆盖范围,提高测试的可靠性。

using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class SolutionTest
    public void TestCases()
        var warriorResult = new List<string>();
        var testList = new List<string>();
        var testValues = new List<int> { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 };
        foreach (int target in testValues)
            testList = TestParens(target);
            warriorResult = Balanced.BalancedParens(target);
            Assert.AreEqual(testList, warriorResult);
            Console.WriteLine("Value of n = " + target);

    private static void Shuffle<T>(List<T> deck)
        var rnd = new Random();
        for (int n = deck.Count - 1; n > 0; --n)
            int k = rnd.Next(n + 1);
            T temp = deck[n];
            deck[n] = deck[k];
            deck[k] = temp;

    private static List<string> TestParens(int n)
        var lst = new List<string>();
        var sb = new StringBuilder();
        Dfs(sb, lst, 0, 0, n);
        return lst;
    private static void Dfs(StringBuilder sb, List<string> lst, int open, int close, int max)
        if (close == max)
        if (open > close)
            Dfs(sb, lst, open, close + 1, max);
            sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
        if (open < max)
            Dfs(sb, lst, open + 1, close, max);
            sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);




用c#编写一个函数,列出一个字符串列表,此字符串表示平衡n对括号的所有方法的排列组合。 示例:BalancedParens(0) returns List with element: ""BalancedParens(1) returns List with elem

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