Springboot简单功能示例-3 实现基本登录验证

springboot,简单,功能,示例,实现,基本,登录,验证 · 浏览次数 : 21


## Spring Boot Sample Introduction This Spring Boot sample demonstrates simple Spring Boot application for exploring and interacting with Spring Boot's infrastructure and features. **Key Takeaways:** * The application serves as a base for exploring the Spring Boot infrastructure and features. * It showcases various functionalities like JWT authentication, key management, error handling, and internationalization. * The sample provides an example of using Spring Boot tools like `springboothutool-all` for comprehensive configuration and deployment. **Components:** * **`boot-starter-security-oauth2`**: This module provides essential security features like OAuth2 authentication, key generation, and access control. * **`springboothutool-all`**: This tool simplifies configuration and provides functionalities like key generation, encryption/decryption, and internationalization. **Key Functionality:** 1. **Basic Login and JWT Token Generation**: Users can log in and receive a JWT token for accessing protected resources. 2. **Key Management**: The application manages keys for various purposes like encryption and authentication. 3. **Global Error Handling**: It provides a central point for handling exceptions and displaying appropriate messages. 4. **Internationalization**: The sample demonstrates handling different locales for user interface and messages. **Benefits of using Spring Boot tools:** * **Simplified configuration**: `springboothutool-all` provides pre-configured options for various functionalities. * **Comprehensive features**: It integrates various tools for key management, authentication, and error handling. * **Enhanced developer experience**: It provides tools and utilities for efficient development and maintenance. **Getting Started:** 1. Clone the project from the Git repository: `git clone --branch 3.basic-login-validation git@gitee.com:simen_net/springboot-sample.git` 2. Build and run the application: `docker run -p 8080:8080 -e BOOTSTRAP_SERVE_HOST=localhost springboot:2.1.10` **Additional Resources:** * Spring Boot Security Documentation: `spring.io/projects/spring-boot/docs/2.1.x/reference/htmlsingle/#security * Spring Boot Toolkits: `spring.io/projects/spring-boot/docs/2.1.x/reference/htmlsingle/#boot-tools * Spring Boot Security Guide: `spring.io/projects/spring-boot/docs/2.1.x/reference/htmlsingle/#security-guide




springboot简单示例 跳转到发行版 查看发行版说明


  1. springboot
  2. hutool-all 非常好的常用java工具库 官网 maven
  3. bcprov-jdk18on 一些加密算法的实现 官网 maven


git clone --branch 3.基本登录验证 git@gitee.com:simen_net/springboot-sample.git


  1. 完成基本WEB服务 跳转到发行版
  2. 完成了KEY初始化功能和全局错误处理 跳转到发行版
  3. 完成了基本登录验证 跳转到发行版 查看发行版说明

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作者:李岩科 1 背景 SpringBoot 是一个框架,一种全新的编程规范,他的产生简化了框架的使用,同时也提供了很多便捷的功能,比如内置 tomcat 就是其中一项,他让我们省去了搭建 tomcat 容器,生成 war,部署,启动 tomcat。因为内置了启动容器,应用程序可以直接通过 Mave


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