Blazor HyBrid在香橙派(Ubuntu Arm)运行的效果

blazor,hybrid,香橙,ubuntu,arm,运行,效果 · 浏览次数 : 685


## Building a .NET application for ARM using Blazor HyBrid on Ubuntu Arm This guide demonstrates how to build and run a .NET application for ARM on the Ubuntu Arm platform using the Blazor HyBrid framework. **Prerequisites:** * **NET Core SDK for .NET 7:** Download the appropriate SDK for your system and architecture: `dotnet-sdk-linux-arm.tar.gz`. * **Masa Linux Desktop:** Download the latest release from the official website: `MasaLinuxDesktop.git`. * **Visual Studio Code:** Install the .NET SDK extension for Visual Studio Code. **Steps:** 1. **Create a new folder for the project:** ```bash mkdir -p /usr/local/dotnet cd /usr/local/dotnet ``` 2. **Extract the SDK and create a soft link:** ```bash sudo tar zxf dotnet-sdk-linux-arm.tar.gz -C /usr/local/dotnet sudo ln -s /usr/local/dotnet/dotnet /usr/local/bin ``` 3. **Check the DotNet version:** ```bash dotnet --version ``` 4. **Run the application:** ```bash dotnet run ``` **Output:** You should see the following output: ``` .NET Core SDK for .NET 7.0.302 Copyright (C) 2021 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Using NuGet. dotnet: 7.0.302 5. **Connect to the ARM device:** * Follow the on-screen instructions to connect your Ubuntu Arm device. * You should be prompted to grant the required permissions. 6. **Start the application:** ```bash dotnet run ``` **Congratulations! You have successfully created an ARM-based desktop application with Blazor HyBrid.** **Note:** * This guide provides a basic framework for getting started. You can extend it with additional configurations and features. * For further development, refer to the official documentation of Blazor HyBrid and .NET Core. * The provided address `239573049/MasaLinuxDesktop.git` contains the source code for the application.


Blazor HyBrid在香橙派(Ubuntu Arm)运行的效果

  1. 准备香橙派一块!当前教程使用的是香橙派5 4G开发板

  2. 准备.NET环境

    安装.NET Core依赖

    sudo apt install -y libunwind8 libunwind8-dev gettext libicu-dev liblttng-ust-dev libcurl4 libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev uuid-dev unzip libgdiplus libc6-dev libkrb5-3

    下载.NET 7 SDK

    wget -O dotnet-sdk-linux-arm.tar.gz --no-check-certificate


    sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/dotnet && sudo tar zxf dotnet-sdk-linux-arm.tar.gz -C /usr/local/dotnet


    sudo ln -s /usr/local/dotnet/dotnet /usr/local/bin


    dotnet --version


sudo dotnet dev-certs https


一下是一个Masa Blazor可以用于在Arm设备运行的程序


239573049/MasaLinuxDesktop (


git clone


cd MasaLinuxDesktop/LinuxDesktop/


dotnet run 


就这样非常简单的创建了ARM设备下的桌面应用!并且它也可以操作串口等上位机的操作,然后配合Blazor HyBrid简单的写好看的界面,后期token对于Arm是博客也会大量投入时间研究,还有winform+Blazor HyBrid也会花大量时间研究并且写博客分享经验!也非常欢迎大佬们一块对于Blazor投入研究和时间使用,对于Blazor它的能力是为了统一.NET生态的界面方式,并且从.NET8看到的新功能微软对于Blazor的投入也是巨大的;而且目前Blazor的生态也是非常的好了!据我所知的Blazor组件库不下10个。后面我会使用Blazor HyBridArm设备进行业务尝试,目前打算考虑的是写一个简单的监控设备!



Blazor 技术交流:452761192

好用的组件库:Masa Blazor

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