Solution -「HDU」Ridiculous Netizens

solution,hdu,ridiculous,netizens · 浏览次数 : 9


**Description:** The code calculates the number of connected components and the maximum product of a subarray for a given tree with N nodes. **Algorithm:** **1. Point-set partition:** - Recursively traverse the tree and assign a size of 1 to each node. - Maintain a set of visited nodes to track the current component. **2. Root-node division:** - Calculate the maximum product for all leaf nodes in the subtree rooted at u. - Use a dynamic programming array `g` to store the maximum product for different subproblems. **3. DFS traversal:** - For each node in the subtree rooted at u, recursively explore its child nodes. - Maintain a `rev` array to keep track of the current node's position in the subtree. - For each node in the subtree, add its subproduct to the `f` array and its reciprocal to the `g` array. **4. Subarray addition and removal:** - For each node in the subtree of u, add its subproduct to `f[Time][j]` and its reciprocal to `g[i][j/w]`. - Remove the node from the subtree by setting `vis[v]` to true and adjusting the `sz` and `f` arrays accordingly. **5. Result computation:** - For each node in the entire tree, add the products of its subtrees to `res`. - Add the products of all leaf nodes to `res`. **6. Output:** - Print the count of connected components and the maximum product of a subarray. **Constants:** - `MN`: Maximum number of nodes (2e3). - `B`: Size of a subarray. - `Time`: Variable for timekeeping. **Output:** The code outputs the count of connected components and the maximum product of a subarray.



  给定一棵 \(N\) 个节点无根树,找出满足以下条件的集合 \(S\) 的数量:

  • \(S \subseteq \{1,\dots,n\}\)
  • \(S\) 的导出子图联通;
  • \(\displaystyle\prod_{v \in S} a_v \leqslant M\)


  点分治,统计包括当前分治中心的集合数量,如果从子树的角度入手会发现并不好做——合并这一步就卡死了。考虑以 DFN 为状态,设 \(f(i,j)\) 表示在子树中 DFN 序排后 \(i\) 个节点中选出了乘积为 \(j\) 的集合。这个状态实际上是很浪费空间的,那么使用根号分治,另令 \(g(i, j)\) 表示乘积 \(\frac{M}{j}\) 时的方案数,这样就开得下了。

const int MN = 2e3, B = 1e3;
int n, m, a[MN + 100], f[MN + 100][B + 100], g[MN + 100][B + 100];
int sz[MN + 100], res, rev[MN + 100], Time, mxsb[MN + 100], rt;
bool vis[MN + 100];
vvi grp;
void getsz(int u, int Fu) {
    sz[u] = 1; for (int v : grp[u]) if (v != Fu && !vis[v]) getsz(v, u), sz[u] += sz[v];
void getrt(int u, int Fu, int all) {
    mxsb[u] = all-sz[u];
    for (int v : grp[u]) if (v != Fu && !vis[v]) {
        getrt(v, u, all); chkmax(mxsb[u], sz[v]);
    if (rt == 0 || mxsb[u] < mxsb[rt]) rt = u;
void dfs(int u, int Fu) {
    rev[Time++] = u;
    for (int v : grp[u]) if (v != Fu && !vis[v]) dfs(v, u);
void solve(int u) {
    rt = 0; getsz(u, n); getrt(u, n, sz[u]); vis[rt] = 1; Time = 0; dfs(rt, n); getsz(rt, n);
    rep(Time+1) {
        memset(f[i], 0, sizeof f[i]);
        memset(g[i], 0, sizeof g[i]);
    f[Time][1] = 1;
    drep(i,Time-1,0) {
        int w = a[rev[i]];
        // Putting @i into the component.
        rep(j,1,B+1) {
            if (j <= B / w) add_eq(f[i][j * w], f[i+1][j]);
            else if ((m / j) / w > 0) add_eq(g[i][(m / j) / w], f[i+1][j]);
        rep(j,w,B+1) add_eq(g[i][j/w], g[i+1][j]);
        // Putting @i out of the component, skipping its subtree.
        rep(j,1,B+1) {
            add_eq(f[i][j], f[i+sz[rev[i]]][j]);
            add_eq(g[i][j], g[i+sz[rev[i]]][j]);
    rep(i,1,min(B, m)+1) add_eq(res, add(f[0][i], g[0][i]));
    rep(i,min(B, m),B+1) add_eq(res, g[0][i]);
    sub_eq(res, 1);
    for (int v : grp[rt]) if (!vis[v]) solve(v);
int main()
    cin >> n >> m;
    grp = vvi(n);
    rep(n) cin >> a[i];
    rep(n-1) {int u,v; cin >> u >> v; u--; v--; grp[u].pb(v); grp[v].pb(u);}
    solve(0); cout << res << "\n";

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