知识图谱(Knowledge Graph)- Neo4j 5.10.0 CentOS 安装

知识,图谱,knowledge,graph,neo4j,centos,安装 · 浏览次数 : 57


**JDK参数** * G1GC一般 strikes a good balance between throughput and tail latency, without too much tuning.server.jvm.additional=-XX:+UseG1GC# * Common exceptions keep producing stack traces, so they can be debugged regardless of how often logs are rotated.server.jvm.additional=-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow# * Max 4096 open files allowed, minimum of 40000 recommended. See the Neo4j manual.Started neo4j (pid:2055). It is available at **其他配置** * firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=7687/tcp --permanentsuccess * firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=7474/tcp --permanentsuccess * ./neo4j statusNeo4j is running at pid 2055 。归纳总结以上内容,生成内容时需要带简单的排版


知识图谱(Knowledge Graph)- Neo4j 5.10.0 Docker 安装
知识图谱(Knowledge Graph)- Neo4j 5.10.0 CentOS 安装



版本 JDK CPU 内存 硬盘
Neo4j 5.x 17 Intel x86-x64 Core i3 minimum,Core i7 recommended.
AMD x86-x64, Mac ARM.
最低 2GB,推荐 16GB + 10G +
Neo4j 5.x 11
Neo4j 5.x 8

JDK 17 下载:https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#java17

基于 jar 的安装


#load csv时l路径,在前面加个#,可从任意路径读取文件
#去掉#,允许从远程url来load csv
[root@localhost src]# wget https://download.oracle.com/java/17/latest/jdk-17_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
--2023-02-26 22:09:59--  https://download.oracle.com/java/17/latest/jdk-17_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
Resolving download.oracle.com (download.oracle.com)...
Connecting to download.oracle.com (download.oracle.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 181577323 (173M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘jdk-17_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz.1’

100%[========================================================================>] 181,577,323 1.00MB/s   in 7m 43s

2023-02-26 22:17:48 (383 KB/s) - ‘jdk-17_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz’ saved [181577323/181577323]
[root@localhost src]# tar -zxvf jdk-17_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz

[root@localhost /]# vim /etc/profile
# jdk环境变量
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/src/jdk-17.0.6
export JRE_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}/jre
export CLASSPATH=.:${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${JRE_HOME}/lib
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATH
# jdk环境变量

[root@localhost /]# source /etc/profile
[root@localhost /]# java -version
java version "17.0.6" 2023-01-17 LTS
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 17.0.6+9-LTS-190)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.6+9-LTS-190, mixed mode, sharing)

[root@localhost src]# ls
ifreedo_server  ifreedo_server.tar  neo4j-community-5.10.0-unix.tar.gz
[root@localhost src]# tar -axvf neo4j-community-5.10.0-unix.tar.gz
[root@localhost src]# ls
ifreedo_server  ifreedo_server.tar  neo4j-community-5.10.0  neo4j-community-5.10.0-unix.tar.gz
[root@localhost src]# cd neo4j-community-5.10.0
[root@localhost neo4j-community-5.10.0]# ls
bin           conf  import  lib       LICENSES.txt  logs        packaging_info  README.txt  UPGRADE.txt
certificates  data  labs    licenses  LICENSE.txt   NOTICE.txt  plugins         run
[root@localhost neo4j-community-5.10.0]# cd conf/
[root@localhost conf]# ls
neo4j-admin.conf  neo4j.conf  server-logs.xml  user-logs.xml
[root@localhost conf]# vim neo4j.conf
# Neo4j configuration
# For more details and a complete list of settings, please see
# https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/reference/configuration-settings/

# The name of the default database

# Paths of directories in the installation.

# This setting constrains all `LOAD CSV` import files to be under the `import` directory. Remove or comment it out to
# allow files to be loaded from anywhere in the filesystem; this introduces possible security problems. See the
# `LOAD CSV` section of the manual for details.

# Whether requests to Neo4j are authenticated.
# To disable authentication, uncomment this line

# Memory Settings
# Memory settings are specified kilobytes with the 'k' suffix, megabytes with
# 'm' and gigabytes with 'g'.
# If Neo4j is running on a dedicated server, then it is generally recommended
# to leave about 2-4 gigabytes for the operating system, give the JVM enough
# heap to hold all your transaction state and query context, and then leave the
# rest for the page cache.

# Java Heap Size: by default the Java heap size is dynamically calculated based
# on available system resources. Uncomment these lines to set specific initial
# and maximum heap size.

# The amount of memory to use for mapping the store files.
# The default page cache memory assumes the machine is dedicated to running
# Neo4j, and is heuristically set to 50% of RAM minus the Java heap size.

# Limit the amount of memory that all of the running transaction can consume.
# The default value is 70% of the heap size limit.

# Limit the amount of memory that a single transaction can consume.
# By default there is no limit.

# Transaction state location. It is recommended to use ON_HEAP.
# db.tx_state.memory_allocation=ON_HEAP

# Network connector configuration

# With default configuration Neo4j only accepts local connections.
# To accept non-local connections, uncomment this line:

# You can also choose a specific network interface, and configure a non-default
# port for each connector, by setting their individual listen_address.

# The address at which this server can be reached by its clients. This may be the server's IP address or DNS name, or
# it may be the address of a reverse proxy which sits in front of the server. This setting may be overridden for
# individual connectors below.

# You can also choose a specific advertised hostname or IP address, and
# configure an advertised port for each connector, by setting their
# individual advertised_address.

# By default, encryption is turned off.
# To turn on encryption, an ssl policy for the connector needs to be configured
# Read more in SSL policy section in this file for how to define a SSL policy.

# Bolt connector

# HTTP Connector. There can be zero or one HTTP connectors.

# HTTPS Connector. There can be zero or one HTTPS connectors.

# Number of Neo4j worker threads.

# SSL policy configuration
# Bolt SSL configuration

# Https SSL configuration

# Cluster SSL configuration

# Backup SSL configuration

# Logging configuration

# To enable HTTP logging, uncomment this line

# To enable GC Logging, uncomment this line

# GC Logging Options
# see https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/tools/java.html#GUID-BE93ABDC-999C-4CB5-A88B-1994AAAC74D5

# Number of GC logs to keep.

# Size of each GC log that is kept.

# Miscellaneous configuration

# Determines if Cypher will allow using file URLs when loading data using
# `LOAD CSV`. Setting this value to `false` will cause Neo4j to fail `LOAD CSV`
# clauses that load data from the file system.
# Value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header sent over any HTTP or HTTPS
# connector. This defaults to '*', which allows broadest compatibility. Note
# that any URI provided here limits HTTP/HTTPS access to that URI only.

# Value of the HTTP Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) response header. This header
# tells browsers that a webpage should only be accessed using HTTPS instead of HTTP.
# It is attached to every HTTPS response. Setting is not set by default so
# 'Strict-Transport-Security' header is not sent. Value is expected to contain
# directives like 'max-age', 'includeSubDomains' and 'preload'.

# Retention policy for transaction logs needed to perform recovery and backups.
#db.tx_log.rotation.retention_policy=2 days

# Whether or not any database on this instance are read_only by default.
# If false, individual databases may be marked as read_only using dbms.database.read_only.
# If true, individual databases may be marked as writable using dbms.databases.writable.

# Comma separated list of JAX-RS packages containing JAX-RS resources, one
# package name for each mountpoint. The listed package names will be loaded
# under the mountpoints specified. Uncomment this line to mount the
# org.neo4j.examples.server.unmanaged.HelloWorldResource.java from
# neo4j-server-examples under /examples/unmanaged, resulting in a final URL of
# http://localhost:7474/examples/unmanaged/helloworld/{nodeId}

# A comma separated list of procedures and user defined functions that are allowed
# full access to the database through unsupported/insecure internal APIs.

# A comma separated list of procedures to be loaded by default.
# Leaving this unconfigured will load all procedures found.

# JVM Parameters

# G1GC generally strikes a good balance between throughput and tail
# latency, without too much tuning.

# Have common exceptions keep producing stack traces, so they can be
# debugged regardless of how often logs are rotated.

# Make sure that `initmemory` is not only allocated, but committed to
# the process, before starting the database. This reduces memory
# fragmentation, increasing the effectiveness of transparent huge
# pages. It also reduces the possibility of seeing performance drop
# due to heap-growing GC events, where a decrease in available page
# cache leads to an increase in mean IO response time.

[root@localhost conf]# cd ..
[root@localhost neo4j-community-5.10.0]# ls
bin           conf  import  lib       LICENSES.txt  logs        packaging_info  README.txt  UPGRADE.txt
certificates  data  labs    licenses  LICENSE.txt   NOTICE.txt  plugins         run
[root@localhost neo4j-community-5.10.0]# cd bin/
[root@localhost bin]# ls
completion  cypher-shell  neo4j  neo4j-admin
[root@localhost bin]# ./neo4j start

[root@localhost bin]# ./neo4j start
Directories in use:
home:         /usr/local/src/neo4j-community-5.10.0
config:       /usr/local/src/neo4j-community-5.10.0/conf
logs:         /usr/local/src/neo4j-community-5.10.0/logs
plugins:      /usr/local/src/neo4j-community-5.10.0/plugins
import:       /usr/local/src/neo4j-community-5.10.0/import
data:         /usr/local/src/neo4j-community-5.10.0/data
certificates: /usr/local/src/neo4j-community-5.10.0/certificates
licenses:     /usr/local/src/neo4j-community-5.10.0/licenses
run:          /usr/local/src/neo4j-community-5.10.0/run
Starting Neo4j.
WARNING: Max 4096 open files allowed, minimum of 40000 recommended. See the Neo4j manual.
Started neo4j (pid:2055). It is available at
There may be a short delay until the server is ready.

[root@localhost bin]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=7687/tcp --permanent
[root@localhost bin]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=7474/tcp --permanent
[root@localhost bin]# ./neo4j status
Neo4j is running at pid 2055 

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知识图谱(Knowledge Graph)根本概念

[TOC] 2012年5月17日,Google 正式提出了知识图谱(Knowledge Graph)的概念,其初衷是为了优化搜索引擎返回的结果,增强用户搜索质量及体验。 假设我们想知道 “王健林的儿子” 是谁,百度或谷歌一下,搜索引擎会准确返回王思聪的信息,说明搜索引擎理解了用户的意图,知道我们要找



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