【Azure App Services】多次操作App Service伸缩实例遇见限制操作记录

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**问题描述:** { \"status\": \"Failed\", \"error\": { \"code\": \"Conflict\", \"message\": \"You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour(23 changes and limit is 20). Please retry later.\", \"details\": [ { \"message\": \"You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour(23 changes and limit is 20). Please retry later.\" }, { \"code\": \"Conflict\" } ] }} **解决方案:** * 不要在过去 1 小时内执行多个缩放操作。 * 每当释放实例时,请确保实例重新启动。 * 当执行多条缩放操作时,请注意实例重启之间的性能影响。



多次操作App Services,进行实例数的变化。达到限制后遇见报错:


   "status": "Failed",
   "error": {
       "code": "Conflict",
       "message": "You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour(23 changes and limit is 20). Please retry later.",
       "details": [
               "message": "You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour(23 changes and limit is 20). Please retry later."
               "code": "Conflict"



根据提示信息,“过去一小时内,您已超出Scale变化最大数量(23 次更改,限制为 20),请稍后重试。” 这个限制的目的是防止短时间内过度更改。


若要避免此问题,请不要执行在一小时内释放超过 XX 个实例的缩放操作。 每次在纵向缩减操作期间释放实例时,该实例都会重新启动,以确保下一个App 服务计划可以获得干净的实例。 连续快速执行过多的缩放操作时,实例重启可能会导致其他应用服务出现性能问题。 因此,我们特意为缩放设置一种限制机制,以防止你快速连续执行超过可接受的限制的缩放操作。

I'm unable to scale up/scale down the App Service Plan due to the "You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour (XX changes and limit is XX)" error. What should I do?

To avoid this issue, don't perform scaling operations that release more than XX instances in an hour. Every time you release an instance during a scale-down operation, the instance is rebooted to ensure the next App Service Plan can get a clean instance. When you perform too many scaling operations in quick succession, instance reboots can cause performance issues for other App Services. Therefore we intentionally put a throttling mechanism for scaling that prevents you from executing scaling operations more than the acceptable limit in quick succession.




FAQs about scaling web apps in Azure App Service : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/azure/app-service/scaling-web-app-faq


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【Azure App Services】多次操作App Service伸缩实例遇见限制操作记录

"message": "You have exceeded the maximum amount of scale changes within the past hour(23 changes and limit is 20). Please retry later."

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